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Posts posted by PiCO

  1. Too funny! Bet the coach was speechless :)


    DDs (both gymnasts) did same thing on diving board first time. Only alternative to cheerleading is diving for gymnast.



    There's a lot more out there for gymnasts than diving and cheering! :)


    I know a competitive gymnast who is going to college on a pole-vaulting scholarship. She always thought of track as her "fun" sport, but it's the one that's paying off for her.


    All the high school coaches here love competitive gymnasts, because they're strong, flexible, and not afraid of hard work.

  2. Yes sorry, it was a typo. My Chinese friend wants to say " I will go to your house on Tuesday" and I thought she should say "I will come to your house on Tuesday. Sorry!


    I think it depends where you are. If you are not at your house, I would say,"I will go to your house on Tuesday." If you are at your house say,"I will come to your house (again) on Tuesday."

  3. It's true! Water rights and all.

    (I thought people who don't live in a desert would be amused by that factoid.)


    I was reading about using collected rainwater to water the garden, and I like the idea but am not sure how to go about it. We don't have gutters/downspout (very old house), and if I just set out a big bucket or something it will be a mosquito breeding ground. Maybe a screen on top?


    I'm also considering composting, but don't have $200 to purchase the cool spinny composter machine. Would a big barrel work and maybe we can roll it around the yard?



  4. To me it is like many of our other terms - booKs, bean dip, MFS's M&M moments - which don't mean what they seem to mean... they are the shared language of an intimate group, and have resonance separate from or above and beyond their literal meaning...


    And, Susan, I think it is sweet that you guys took one of those shared terms and used it to name the boards!


    I know, in one discussion some years ago, you took exception to applying the word 'community' to the boards, but I think you *have* created a community here with its own culture, ethos, and terminology.


    Well said, Eliana. I, too, feel part of a community here (even if I don't wanna bee a bee.)

  5. I thought green was good and red was bad. I got some blue rep. Is that negative? If so, I don't understand why I got negative rep and they didn't leave a comment. Seems kind of pointless to give negative rep and not let the person know why you thought their post was rude.


    Just curious! I think the rep thing is generally a good thing, but it doesn't really affect my posts.

  6. It seems she takes issue with the "hive" references, and feels that none of us choose to think for ourselves.


    From reading the link below, I agree that she takes issue with the "hive" references but I'm not sure why you draw the conclusion that she thinks "none of us choose to think for ourselves." I did not see where MFS passed judgement on the people in this "hive," as far as I can see she dislikes the "hive" concept.


    Most of the blog post is a quote from a 2006 Newsweek article which refers to Jaron Lanier's "Digital Maoism." This is not specifically refering to this "Hive," but is mainly a rant about the new online collectivism, using Wikipedia as an example.


    I agree completely with the Newsweek article quoted in MFS's blog post. I almost didn't come back here in large part due to the name ot the forum. I do think the majority of people here think for themselves, I just don't want to be a bee! In the end, I missed the people here too much, so I decided to overlook the name and hive references.

  7. Has anyone else heard of this "trend?"



    I have not heard of this being a trend. I know of some families of the groom who have stepped up to the plate in smaller weddings, as a gift to the couple who would have had to pay themselves.


    I think couples should pay for their own wedding, especially if they are older that say 25. We paid for our own wedding- I didn't feel comfortable making my dad pay when I was 29 and had been living on my own for 8 years. Didn't seem like my father was responsible for me anymore. The only things we actually paid for though was the Justice of the Peace and the caterer. Oh, and our wedding clothes which were bike shorts and shirts (we made the wedding party as it were ride their bikes up a mountain so I wouldn't have to wear a wedding dress.)


    So- obviously I don't get the fairy tale wedding thing.

  8. I borrowed the Michel Thomas CDs from the Library, and then purchased a set- that man is brilliant. He really makes it easy to learn.


    And I already have Mont St Michel on my must-do list. Just looking through a book on Normandy I knew I had to see that.



    Get the Michel Thomas 2 hr French course. It will give you a great confidence boost when you try out your French there. You learn a good bit easily and quickly.

    Have a lot of fun!

    Here is a link to my blog when we visited Mont St Michel in Normandy. Don't miss that. You will all love it.

    Not very French, but Disney Paris is a great day out too.

  9. I bought a "whole chicken" the other day, and there weren't any parts inside! Not even a neck! What's up with that? I had plans for the neck, liver, and heart! Now I have nothing.


    It seems like more and more there are fewer giblets. One time I got two livers, though- that was exciting.


    (Yes, I know how to cut up and cook a whole chicken. But I don't think most people know how to.)

  10. 3 boxes to feed my family. Is there a way to make a big batch of this mixture? How? Where do I get the rice and other stuff?




    I'm not familiar with the Uncle Ben's mixture, but you can get a really yummy Lundburg blend with Wild Rice, black japonica rice, brown rice and a few other kinds of rice at a health-food store.


    If you want to re-create Uncle Ben's, read the box and see what's in it. I do that kind of thing a lot, and usually come up with something better than the original.

  11. Good for her. It's about time someone had the guts to break out of the mold and not conform to anyone's standards but what she believers. I'm so not an Oprah fan, but I happen to agree with her, so there. ;)


    And yeah, like J. I found that video hilarious. Very much "jumping to conclusions" and very reactionary. It doesn't make me a fan of hers (nothing will) but good for her for not being afraid to speak.


    I completely agree with you, on all points above.


    I agree with Oprah that it doesn't make sense that there is only one way... to anything. However, I think her new-age beliefs are goofy also. But I think most humans need to believe in something.

  12. I see no need for texting at all.


    I love texting because I don't like to talk on the phone! It's so easy to have dd text me when she's ready to be picked up somewhere, and it doesn't interrupt my work or conversations.


    As for texting ruining how kids write, I don't think it needs to. I think it's kind of fun for kids to write in code, so they use it in e-mails, etc. It's just another etiquette issue.

  13. (First of all, please note that I fully support the library's right to ban guns if they so desire.)


    People have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a concealed carry permit (at least here in Colorado.) It's not like a driver's license where pretty much anyone can apply and get one. You have to take safety courses and demonstrate that you know how to properly handle a gun.


    I don't think someone's concealed gun is going to "fall out on the library floor" where a child will then be able to pick it up. But- I also think someone wanting to do a "shoot-em-up" type shooting spree is extremely unlikely to pick a library to shoot up, when there are shopping malls and such available.


    Now, if a shopping mall had a "no guns allowed" sign- I'm not sure I would support that. Someone planning to commit a crime would be more likely to go to the mall where law-abiding citizens would not be able to defend themselves. (I'm not talking about someone stealing the tip jar at starbucks, I'm talking about a shooting spree.) I'm sure glad that security guard at the church in Colorado Springs was armed, but I am more comfortable with citizens with concealed carry permits at malls than I would be with "Mall Security" being armed. I've worked in a mall.

  14. My cell phone company upgraded my phone, and let us keep the extra phone and phone number for no charge. She likes to text, so she has 300 a month for $5. Only one of her friends has a phone.


    I think there are some legitimate reasons for 9-yos to have a cell phones. The technology is available, why not use it if it makes life more safe or convenient?




    I don't get what kids have cell phones. (And my kids don't get why I won't let them have cell phones! Duh. Cause you're always with me!)

    Am I really that old? I don't get the texting thing either. Why are cell phones allowed in classrooms?

    Don't get me wrong. I have had a cell phone since 1992. And I feel naked without it when I leave home. But I am an adult!!! I can understand the need for a driving teenager to have one. (But not to use it while driving!) But grade school kids??????? Why???

  15. My 14 yo dd has had great luck finding modest clothing. Target has long tank tops that she wears under other tops that are getting too short. She's not alone in this- most of her friends go for more of a cute look (not their word!), and they think a lot of girls need to wear more clothing.


    I think dd will stay far away from "Pure Fashion" though- I get the feeling there's a lot of pink involved.

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