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Posts posted by PiCO

  1. "God caused this to happen so that He could do a work in the heart of Stephen Curtis Chapman and his family."



    I heard this comment more than once when my dh was dying of cancer. I'm an atheist, so I took it with a grain of salt- I do believe the people who said these things were trying to make me feel better- but I don't get it.


    If I did believe in a god, I can only imagine being very emotionally distressed that he or she would want such a wonderful person to be gone from my family, leaving two daughters to grow up fatherless. What good will come from that?


    I did notice that no one who had actually gone through a similar personal tradgedy said anything like this. Vague comments like "God must have a purpose" and such don't worry me as much, but I am appalled at comments stating that there is a reason for death from disease and natural disaster.

  2. I don't think of it (a Christian forum) as an *exclusive* place - just a place where folks would be more like-minded and feel free to say things such as those I've already mentioned without hurting anyone's feelings. I guess it would just be a place where it would be automatically understood that the folks there have a basic premise in common. Others would be welcome but would be forewarned by the nature of the forum that there would be a lot Christian type responses to questions and such. That way they could avoid those types of responses if they get irked by them.



    Thank you, Kathleen- that makes perfect sense.


    I tend to agree with Kelli in TN, though- there are plenty of Christian (and non-Christian) forums elsewhere on the net, I don't think it's necessary to have either one here also. I would personally like to see the forums here stay mixed.

  3. Is there one on this site? Wouldn't it be great to have this forum!! Sheryl <><


    I'm curious- why do you want to have a forum here that excludes people who are not Christian? If you don't want the opinions of non-Christians on a specific issue, you can title your post accordingly.


    I am also a member of various atheist groups, but I come here to get viewpoints that are different than mine. I am curious as to why you think excluding non-Christians from a forum on this site would be "great."


    (I really am curious, not trying to be catty or anything.)

  4. I know a family who got a HH home. This family of 4 had been living in a 2-bedroom apartment. They had lost their home and all their savings when the husband became ill- doctors took a year to figure out what was wrong while he withered away to nothing. They finally figured it out, and cured him... but he was left with absolutely enormous medical bills, no job, no home, and no money.


    They are extremely hard working, upstanding citizens. They had to put in hundreds of hours building their new home, much of time getting babysitters for their girls (I babysat a couple times.) They do not complain about anything.


    I would love to have these people for neighbors. I agree with others- HH homes are a different animal than HUD or projects.

  5. What specific questions do you ask before letting your dc play at another child's house?


    I need to have met any parent that will be home when dd is at the friend's house. I like to just go over and have coffee, or have them over to my place. It's going to get harder next year when older dd is in high school, but I think I'll still need to know that a parent is home and I'll need to know the parent.


    I don't have a list of specific questions, I just talk about general stuff- what do you do, where did you go to school, etc. I think you can get a good feel for someone this way. If I get any weird vibes, I ask more questions related to that area. If my weird vibes don't go away, dds don't go there for play dates.

  6. I think it is kind of like having Cristmas with no Jesus


    Well... I do celebrate "Cristmas" without Jesus. :)


    I say the pledge as it was originally written, without the "under God" part that was added during the cold war (as if to prove we're not evil atheistic commies.)


    However- I think people should have the option of whether or not to say the pledge, whatever their reason.

  7. But I agree with all you've said. Dropping the class would be the most cautious course of action. I just have to weigh all the factors and see if it truly is necessary to take that course at this time.




    Wow, you are between a rock and a hard place.


    I think this guy is unprofessional at best (playing favorites,) but probably worse. If you do decide to stay in for the last two classes, I would talk to the teacher before class and ask him to stop giving your dd extra attention- it's making you uncomfortable. Look him in the eye and see how he reacts. You should have a good idea, and he will know you're on to him and probably start looking for another victim. Also set up a private meeting with the owner and explain what has been going on. Recommend the owner read The Gift of Fear. Ask about background checks... but there's always a first time and many of these people will "gym-hop" so they don't get caught.


    If the guy is still there in the fall, don't go back.


    BTW, I think just dropping the class and not explaining yourself would be a disservice to the community (not that you would do that, I'm just throwing it out there...)

  8. Forrest and Robert.


    I really enjoyed all the pretty old names on the grandmother's thread. Are our grandfather's names as interesting?



    Ignatz, who came to the country with the identity of his deceased fellow pacifist-conspirator Nicolai, and lived under that name the rest of his life . . . and then Thomas whose name was changed to Raymond by his foster parents, Peter, and Anthony who was named after Antonio a generation or two up.


    Maybe it's because all of my uncles and boy cousins and my own sons carry these names, but they just don't seem as interesting as the girl names in the grandmothers thread.


    How bout yours?

  9. Hold on to your seats folks! This guy has some serious issues!




    I'm not sure if you mean the guy from World Net Daily has some serious issues, or the guy from Voluntary Human Extintion Movement has some serious issues. (I have that opinion of WND.)



    If you go to the VHEMT (pronounced vehement... get it?) website, you will notice that it's meant to be amusing. Here's a quote from their question/answer section:



    Q: Are you really serious?

    We're really vehement.

    Many see humor in The Movement and think we can't be serious about voluntary human extinction, but in spite of the seriousness of both situation and movement, there's room for humor. In fact, without humor, Earth's condition gets unbearably depressing -- a little levity eases the gravity.

    True, wildlife rapidly going extinct and 40,000 children dying each day are not laughing matters, but neither laughing nor bemoaning will change what's happening. We may as well have some fun as we work and play toward a better world.

    Besides, returning Earth to its natural splendor and ending needless suffering of humanity are happy thoughts -- no sense moping around in gloom and doom.


    Personally, I like to read opinions by people with a sense of humor, even if I don't necessarily agree with them. ;)

  10. This will be a somewhat traumatic event for her if we decided to do this. I wish I had a guarantee that cutting her hair very short will make it nicer! Has anyone tried this and did it work?


    There is no guarantee- don't traumatize the poor child.;)


    If you can talk to her about trimming it to chin-length, try to do that. Her hair will be so much easier to take care of. The shorter you can get her hair (without trauma,) the easier the hair will be to take care of.

  11. Remember when I said we never do anything for mother's day? I never really want gifts? Well, this afternoon older dd asked if I wanted anything, and I said,"Yes! A clean house would be great, thanks." Hahaha- I am not a good housekeeper, and I've had a busy couple of weeks. So it was a real mess!


    Anyway, I left older dd to babysit younger dd, and went to dinner in Denver, and to see A Chorus Line in the theater with a group of friends. I just got home, and the little darlings cleaned the house! They have NEVER cleaned the house before without a lot of prompting from me.


    This is the best Mother's Day ever!

  12. You need to stop being nice. (I love the etymology of that word.)


    I agree with Amy and Crissy- tell her yourself. It's very difficult to do, especially the first time, but you will gain so much self-confidence. Taking care of this yourself will really help you to avoid getting into a similar situation in the future (I know from experience.)


    Good luck!

  13. I'm not one for manufactured holidays (mother's day, father's day, grandparents' day, teacher appreciation week, secretaries' day, blah blah blah...)


    When the kids were younger, we never even told them those days existed, but I took a day all to myself on Mother's Day. That way dh could say he got me something. Dh didn't want a day off, so he never got a father's day present.

  14. Is it quickly followed by the "I don't want to do it" phase or is there some pleasant time inbetween these stages?


    Any suggestions? Does indulging the "I do it phase" create a monster?





    I guess I son't understand here- how does letting a toddler do it himself create a monster? I would hope to keep this phase going for the rest of his life.


    I do use my judgement- obviously kids can't do everything themselves- but I definitely encourage the "I do it!" phase to continue indefinitely. ;)

  15. This is for your 9 year old?


    When dd got her first "hardware", at 9, the orthodontist told me to brush and floss, that she was too young to do a good enough job with the expander/braces. He also gave us the pointy brush, floss threader, someothre floss gidget and told us to buy a waterpik and electric toothbrush. Then the dentist gave us toothpaste with extra fluoride (well water).


    Ds was a little older and we let him do his own, which we'll probably regret forever. Now that his braces are off, he has marks around where they were that are not going away.


    BTW, dd did pull a bracket off a tooth FLOSSING. They aren't held on nearly as well as when we were kids. The orthodontist couldn't even complain:001_smile:.


    Yeah, I flossed her teeth last night. It was hard for *me*. I used threader floss- floss that has a thin hard end like a threader. I had a really hard time threading it through the back teeth, because of the angle.


    I guess I just need to keep practicing! The orthodontist gave us an electric toothbrush, and maybe I'll invest in a waterpick as well.


    Thanks for the ideas, everyone!

  16. I just got a sample pack of G-U-M brand "Go Betweens" at my dental appointment the other day. They look like tiny bottle brushes and you can use them to clean between teeth instead of floss. The package says that they can be used with braces, but I'd check with the ortho. first just to make sure.


    Dd got a sample of these also. I'll have her try these, but I think her teeth are too close together.

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