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Posts posted by PiCO

  1. Seriously, Mother Jones attacking Bob Jones? Aside from the name issues, these are organizations on completely opposite ends of any spectrum you might find out there. Surprise! They hate each other!


    And talk about an agenda- the paragraph title says "Mark Twain and Emily Dickinson were a couple of hacks: " but the quotes from Abeka and Bob Jones just talk about how Twain and Dickinson were not saved, or doubted the bible, or had a "veiled disrespect for authority..." None of these quotes indicate to me that the aforementioned authors were "hacks." (Going to hell, sure- but not hacks.)


    And I love this- first they accuse these textbooks of saying 5. Slave masters were nice guys and then 8. SCOTUS enslaved fetuses. Wait, I thought slave masters were nice? Maybe enslaving fetuses isn't so bad after all.



    I'm an atheist and definitely on board with the separation of church and state, but I do support vouchers. I think parents should be allowed to choose a religious education for their child (any religion,) and I should be able to choose to educate my child in a classical manner and not fill her full of leftist goo. However, being a fiscally conservative atheist puts me on the outside of pretty much any group, so take my opinion with a grain of salt!

  2. Say you had a fairly good friend and after a while they stopped returning your phone calls and they were brushing you off so that you stopped seeing/ talking to each other. You know that there were no circumstances in their life like illness or something that would cause them not to call you back and you hear that they are keeping in touch with other friends so you feel hurt. Then a year or so later you bumped into each other and they were very friendly and wanted to know all the details of your life but did not mention not returning your phone calls.


    This happened to me. I ran in to her in the grocery store when she was blowing me off, I was really excited to see her- I hadn't talked to her in months. I said, "Hi! how've you been? I haven't seen you in so long!" She gave me her excited-to-see-you face, said "So great to see you!" and then walked by, totally blowing me off. I totally felt like crap.


    Two years later, we ran into each other at the same store. I casually waved hi, she wanted to stop and talk, and chat me up. I did stop to talk, because I didn't want to make her feel how she had made me feel, but I drew the line at getting together to "do lunch". I'm not going to set myself up for heart ache.

  3. I have to say, I was extremely proud of how the American gymnasts handled themselves. They are all 16-17 years old, with TONS of pressure on them to perform. (Have you seen Marta Karoli?) Their whole life has been focused on these moments. For some of them, their family's financial future relies on their success in this meet. And they are out there making a point to look pleasant on the floor and give each other hugs in the moment, while still trying to maintain focus for their next event. It's more that some other teams did.


    Everyone handles competition differently. Nastia went into her own little world, had her game face on, and did the job... but when you see her in interviews now she's happy and genuine.


    Now they're in the limelight... and people are criticizing Gabby's hair (not "African American" enough,) and Aly's musculature (hello!? did you see her tumble?) I even saw a comment that the 37-yr old German woman in vault finals needs a "man test." Seriously? That woman moved to Germany so her son could get better treatment for his Leukemia! Some things really should be said in the privacy of your own living room.


    Public persona does not always match private persona. In my experience, a 16-yr old girl is not going to act the same way when she's on the Olympic podium than when she's at school with her friends.


    (Part of me did enjoy the "Mean Girls" thing, I just want to make sure people are taking it as a witty little joke, and not making harsh judgements against these young ladies.)


    Rant over.

  4. You and me both, honey.


    I don't mind a few misused apostrophes or grammatical errors in, say, a forum post... but newsletters and advertisements should be proof-read. If you're not up on your grammar and usage, have someone check it over before you send it out.


    A local charter school (whose tagline is "Results Matter") had this line at the bottom of their advertisement in the newspaper- "It's not to late to join"


    Really? You can't even use to, too, two correctly and you want to teach my child? LOL! I hope heads are rolling over that one.


    My dd goes to a different charter school, and last spring they had a new person doing their newsletters. Started being riddled with apostrophe issues. I brought it to their attention and it was fixed... I don't mind so much when people admit it is important, but I hate it when teachers act like saying "good" when you mean "well" doesn't matter.

  5. I need fat. Lots of fat.


    Me too, and I love it. My body can take in a LOT more calories and maintain weight when I eat lots of fat (and pretty much no carbs except green veggies.)


    I think each person has to find what works for them- you have a lot of ideas here! And good for you checking your blood sugar. I figured out that eating high fat works for me by checking my blood sugar regularly.

  6. We go over our budget... we could drive a better car and buy a nice couch if the girls didn;t dance or do Karate. But we'd have nowhere to drive that nice car to and we'd wear out that couch from staying home and sitting on it. :glare:


    but we pay all of our bills and aren't on any assistance programs, so we do OK- what suffers is savings. But we're OK with that for now.


    To me, that's not going over your budget. That's re-allocating your budget. You're not going into debt for it.

  7. I just saw a report of the financial woes of the Olympic athletes families (a couple of them - Gabby and Lochte ??) and i wondered how far would you go to see your child to the Olympic Gold?


    The two mentioned above, their parents are in bankruptcy. I just can't fathom that. Yes, I would support my child in their passion but if it meant not paying the bills or losing the family home to keep the child in training.......... I don't think I could go that far. I believe I would have to draw the line in the sand. What says the hive?


    I would not go bankrupt. I was an elite level gymnast who did not make the Olympics. Of course, the year that I would have had an outside chance was 1980, and the US didn't send a team- so I'm kind of glad I quit before that. One of the girls I know who made the team let that ruin a good part of her life.


    I have a dd who is very good at gymnastics. (She's 13 and a level 10.) People are always asking me if she's going to test elite... I've always said I would never want a dd of mine to go elite, and I'm happy to say that she does not want to.


    Would I support her if that's the route she wanted to take? Probably. But I would not let her life revolve around only gymnastics.


    I heard a story a few Olympics ago, where a figure skater had moved to Colorado Springs with her father. Her bedroom was literally a closet. All the family's money was spent on lessons (and figure skating makes gymnastics look cheap.) She didn't make the team, and I never heard of her again. You can't even get a college scholarship for figure skating.


    I wonder how many families loose everything on an Olympic Dream. I tell people on a regular basis they are better off putting the money in a college savings account. If you can afford it, great- sports can be a fantastic experience. But you don't need to train at the Olympic level to gain the benefits of sport.

  8. Most decisions like this in the teen years are impulse decisions. The best thing my mom did for me growing up was rather than say NO to everything, she said WAIT.


    If I had wanted to chop off all my hair (and I did) she would say, "OK. Wait one month and we will revisit the topic."


    LOVE this! I'm going to use it.


    As for the hair, it is just hair- but you're her mom and you should advise her and tell her your experience. (I assume you've already done that...)


    Yes, the hair will grow back, and if your daughter's hair is thick it should grow back quickly. My older dd cut her hair really short in 8th grade. It never grew that long again, due to continual chlorine damage. Younger dd got sick of her long hair (it was getting stuck in her sweaty armpits when she worked out- gross!) She chopped it all off and it grew back in a year to being too long for her again.


    But I don't think too much should be made of a 15-yr old's beauty or lack there of. Beauty's nice, but it can be gone in a day, or 30 years... but external beauty won't last forever. Develop other attributes.

  9. I try to shop in a manner that keeps the most money as close to home as possible. So I try to buy and eat at locally owned stores. Here's my preference list:


    1. Locally owned store selling a lot of local merchandise

    2. Locally owned store selling items made in Colorado/USA

    3. Colorado owned store (same ranking as above)

    4. Franchise (a lot of money still stays local)

    5. Chain (most money goes to where the chain is headquartered)


    However, I do take value into consideration also- sometimes I need some cheap clothing. That's usually made over seas.


    As far as political ideas go, I'm a fiscal conservative but a social liberal... so I can't get on board with most people's over all agenda. In homeschooling circles, I generally get along better with the structured conservative Christians than the un-schooling liberals. (Until they find our I'm an atheist, then all hell breaks loose. LOL!)

  10. Didn't Chick-fil-a back down? Here's the statement on their facebook page (quoted in Huffington Post):


    "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. We will continue this tradition in the over 1,600 Restaurants run by independent Owner/Operators. Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena. Chick-fil-A is a family-owned and family-led company serving the communities in which it operates. From the day Truett Cathy started the company, he began applying biblically-based principles to managing his business. For example, we believe that closing on Sundays, operating debt-free and devoting a percentage of our profits back to our communities are what make us a stronger company and Chick-fil-A family.

    Our mission is simple: to serve great food, provide genuine hospitality and have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."


    The way I see it, the old man was being interviewed by a Christian magazine, and felt he could say what he really thinks. That blew up in his face, and the rest of the officers in the company came to the rescue and told the old man to put a cork in it.


    I have a company, and I definitely try to "leave the policy debate over (anything political or religious) to the government and political arena." Most people I disagree with wouldn't know it from talking to me. I don't lie about my beliefs, but it's really none of their business.


    I do feel sorry for any franchise owners that might not be so convinced that homosexuality is a choice, but I'm sure none of them were surprised by the CEO's opinion.

  11. My dh died of cancer when my dds were 6 and 11 (in September.) I was homeschooling both of them at the time. I sent dd 6 to school right away, because I felt that was in her best interest. With dd 11, I just focused on the basics that first year, and enrolled her in school the next fall.


    I had a family business to run, and I could not (can not) do a good job with both the business and the girls' school.


    Your sister should get to the SS office, just to see what her daughters can get. There is also a one-time death benefit (which is very small.)


    :grouphug: to your sister, my heart goes out to her. Make sure she gets continued support over the next 4 years, at least. I found that help tapered off after 3 months, and after a year people expect you to just be "over it". Well, you never really get over it- and I was not anything resembling healed emotionally for 4 years. But everyone grieves differently- I hope you sister heals faster than I did.

  12. Eventually, I would like to get my motorcycle license. But, for now I think I would like to get a scooter. Just a two stroke 50cc one, that goes about 45 mph max.

    If you own one, or ever did. Did you like it? Did you ride it in the road, or did you ride it on the side? Pros/cons?(other then the obvious. Rain, cold, etc)


    I have a little Honda scooter, that goes about 40 mph. I LOVE it, it's great. I try to ride mainly on roads where the speed limit is 40 or less, so I am riding with the flow of traffic. I ride in the road (in the part of the lane where car tires go.)


    Gas mileage is great, I park right in front of stores near the bike rack, as long as I'm not in the way. I have a basket on the back to put purchases in.


    The only thing to be careful of (besides the obvious...) is that the small wheels make it feel kind of squirrelly until you get used to it.


    I tell people I'll get a Harley when I grow up.

  13. Today was my first day on Atkins. I was just wondering if anyone here has had success with the program. I like how easy it seems.


    I eat low carb high fat, which is basically Atkins. I'll have been LCHF for one year next Wednesday. I lost about 40 lbs in the first 6 months, and I feel fantastic.


    My hunger has completely changed. Eating like a normal person, I felt like I was starving 99% of the time... including when I was stuffed full after Thanksgiving dinner. Now sometimes I feel like I should eat, but I rarely feel like I need to. I eat 2-3 meals per day, sometimes a snack. Oh, I was also diagnosed as diabetic last summer. I found this way of eating by checking my blood sugar often, and changing my diet to only foods that don't make my blood sugar spike. I am no longer diabetic, according to my doctor.


    I find a lot of recipes online by googling Paleo + whatever I want to cook. Just did paleo chicken liver recipe yesterday, and I made some pâté. It was amazing!


    Good luck!

  14. In your 4th paragraph, you say your dd absolutely doesn't want to be a teacher, and later in the paragraph you say your plan for her would be to teach online or at a private school. Maybe you should re-think that.


    I think it's a good idea for a woman to have a job she can do from home, or on a flexible schedule. But I think she should also enjoy what she's doing, if at all possible. A teacher who does not want to be teaching will be miserable, just as a nurse who hates her job will not be good at it.

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