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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. We have just started using a secular middle school curriculum called Plethora. Its pretty new and based on the CK-12 textbooks (which are free).It's $50 for the year which gives you online access to a schedule, printables/worksheets, quizzes, experiment suggestions, book recs, video links, etc. So, it really expands on what are essentially just the basics in the CK12 book. We have found it straightforward and easy to use. My kids are really enjoying it. Finally. I can't even tell you how long I have been searching for a good, secular science program. They are going to be releasing a few more classes in the Spring....middle school life science and high school biology, I think. You can google plethora homeschool and it should come up:)

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  2. Hi all! My kids and I came across a sweet, white, odd eyed stray at the gas station last week. They said she had been there a while do we brought her home. We have 2 other (fixed!) cats and were just going to add her to the bunch. Well, 2 days ago she wandered up with a sac hanging out. I had no idea she was pregnant.... She is tiny and looks young. So, the sac was out for about 12 hours. I checked on her and it was gone. Took her to vet a few hours later and he said it didn't break, but went back in?! And that she is not dialated. I'm totally inexperienced here....he didn't seem concerned, but it's been another 24 hours and nothing! She doesn't look to be contracting or in pain. I can see and feel the babies moving. How long would you wait to take her back to vet? Am I over reacting? Aahhhh....this is why we never have pets that aren't spayed or neutered....I feel so clueless!

  3. I have no negativity. People are reading too much into the "begging for candy".

    I always participate and give it out, and have a good time doing it (except for this year, per my previous post). It sort of appears as "begging for candy" at 16 to me, but....whatever. Lighten up a little!


    I didn't mean that to sound offensive! The irony is that my point was that people (not you, just in general) should lighten up:) I just think there are more things to worry about with a teen than whether or not they go trick or treating. Let her enjoy the night! You mentioned Aspergers....my 15 yo dd (high functioning Autism) will be trick or treating with us tonight. My dd has a hard time making friends and wasn't invited to any parties. So, going with the family is sort of how she HAS to celebrate. It would be sad to me if she went with the younger two and came back with nothing. I just don't think it's a battle worth fighting.

  4. There are far worse things teens could be doing! As long as they're dressed up, I will happily give them candy. I went as a teen and it was always such a fun night with my friends. I can't imagine being irritated. As for the "begging" for candy? I don't get this mindset. No one is begging....turn off your lights if you can't be bothered shelling out a few bucks for candy. It's all good fun...I don't get the negativity (unless it's fir religious reasons, I can respect that).

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