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Posts posted by MrsBasil

  1. I have a cable package through Comcast.  Online I can watch every event live or later.  I actually use the app for Roku.  It has a category for every sport and lists the times each event will be on.  It streams every event live or can be watched at a later time.


    I can also watch the coverage from NBC, USA, Bravo, and MSNBC but those channels are included in our cable package.

  2. He's 7 now, but things he would do include Legos, drawing, Etch A Sketch, games on the iPad, whining, practicing magic tricks, Snap Circuits, arguing, offers to clean if I just "let him out early", looking through books with lots of pictures of dinosaurs, bugs, or sharks, playing Castle Logix or Clicko and practicing how well he could sneak out of his room. 

    • Like 4
  3. Your mom is always going to be your first and best friend.


    Babies always sleep, if she's not sleeping then you're doing something wrong.


    If you would just co-sleep, she'll sleep.


    Breastfeeding is easy and so worth it.


    Children won't starve themselves.  If you wait long enough, they'll eat anything you offer.


    He's too young to have Alzheimer's.


    She's going to be so grateful for all you're doing for them.



  4. Of all the places we've lived, Fort Collins CO is still my favorite. With the possible exception of Colorado Springs, I would think any medium-sized or larger city in CO would not have problems with homophobia. My husband's grad degree at CSU was fully funded, so I don't really know about college costs.


    I was going to suggest looking at Ft. Collins if you wanted a city-ish place while still being somewhat less expensive than Denver for now.  For colleges you'd have Colorado State University and near enough University of Northern Colorado

  5. I'm going to defer to Joanne on this.  My suggestion to obtain POA was based on my experiences with a family member who expected that I would handle all of their affairs anyway, has willingly set up a durable POA and signs HIPPA waivers at all medical offices prior to the addiction issues that came up.  This person expects that I'll manage their finances and give them an allowance of their own money until their death. 


    POA did make things easier in obtaining medical information, but it wasn't done with a young adult and I was not in a parent position with my family member.  If that's potentially damaging I would listen to Joanne and not me.  Sounds like we have vastly different situations.



  6. Oh, PS.  Everything the ER told us about the facilities my family member went to was wrong.  I would try to speak with an admin in the inpatient facility.  Leave messages.  I think it took us 4 days to get an initial call back.


    IME, my family member was told at every step they were there voluntarily and could leave at anytime.  Which meant that they could check themselves out as long they weren't considered in danger or dangerous to others.  The bar for that seems to be pretty low.  Again, only my experience. 

  7. For my state, in the situation I was in with an adult who was not my child.  HIPAA waivers can be revoked by the patient at any time.  You may also need to get a separate waiver through the insurance company to get detailed billing or claims information or find out specifics of coverage. Mental health(and addiction issues which is what I was dealing with) is information that is heavily protected.  Even with a Durable POA getting information on claims paid was next to impossible because it would be admitting what care had been provided.


    You have to get a HIPAA waiver for every place they may go, so hospital, respite, halfway house, actual inpatient.  Most places seem to encourage and expect the information to go from the patient to the family, even with waivers you get the basics. 


    If at all possible, I would suggest a Medical POA and a regular POA if the patient is agreeable.  I realize my situation was different than what yours sounds like, but it was explained to me that mental health information is even more heavily protected than regular health information.  I would do I could to get reliable and true information from providers if at all possible.



  8. I think in many places around the country(US) a person could order a drink or two during a meal and still be under the legal alcohol limits.  I also don't know how they would enforce that since the restaurant would have no way of knowing who was driving, if people were walking, if they were getting in a car right after dinner. etc.  It seems like that would be a bigger headache for the restaurant than they would want.

    • Like 1
  9. My parents have been married for 35 years, my maternal grandparents were divorced and my paternal grandparents were married 60+ years before my Grandpa passed away last year.  My in laws have been married 36 years, my husband's maternal grandparents were married 60+ years and his paternal grandparents were divorced. 


    Actually neither my maternal grandparents or his paternal grandparents were legally divorced.  Both families were Catholic, so the men just abandoned their families and left their wife to raise 6 and 12 kids respectively.  Alcoholism, mental illness, and extreme poverty were factors on both sides. 

  10. 14-15 years ago, I learned to cook using the first edition of How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman.  I would use something by him again.  I haven't personally used The Basics, but I don't know how you can wrong with Bittman for a beginning cook.


    Bittman's books were helpful for technique, since many recipes listed variations in flavor that allowed repetition in practice while trying new flavors.  I also liked that, compared to Betty Crocker, he called for mostly fresh foods.   The only downside to Bittman was his reliance on fresh herbs, like basil, which was out of my budget as a 19 year old. 

    • Like 1
  11. Yes, it's true some folks are more likely to have their rights violated by police.



    Those folks are still more likely to be injured in a car wreck than they are to be injured by a cop.


    Why are you minimizing it?  Who cares if people are more likely to be in a car wreck than injured by a cop?  Why can't the fact that some people are wrongly injured or killed by police stand on its own?  It doesn't need a hundred disclaimers of "well most cops are good people", "if only they had done XYZ they would be alive/healthy today"? 


    Do you understand how that sounds like you are minimizing the fact that it did happen and has changed the course of many, many people's lives.


    I don't care if most police are "good apples", as soon as those good apples start handing out excuse after excuse for the brain damage of a 17 year old boy, the death of a 11 year old, or what have you they don't sound like good apples. 

    • Like 9
  12. Yes, I tried with my dd about 2 years ago. She is neuro-typical as far as I know.


      She was a late walker and went from crawling to running in a matter of days.  She was so fast and it seemed like her main goal in life was to get away from me or get herself killed.  She also didn't sleep so I was navigating this while operating on 2-3 hours of sleep a night.  She stayed up screaming instead.  Anyway, she ran fast, loved to climb(she could climb and climbed our safety gates before she walked), and figured out how to unbuckle her stroller harness early on.  She then climbed out of her stroller while I was pushing it.  She tried to stand in her stroller.  She continued this, so I stopped using the stroller.   Maybe walking would tire her out more and we'd sleep. 


    Well I had to keep a death grip on her at all times to keep her from running away from me.  She'd bolt towards traffic, strangers, strangers with dogs, bodies of water, things she could but should not climb...anything that looked like it might end up with her needing an ambulance called was irresistible to her.


    I tried the leash.  She would either scream and scream and scream that I was hurting her, go limp and refuse to move at all, or run around me and try to wrap the leash around my legs until I fell.  Mostly she screamed and people looked at me like I was a monster.  At that point I just stopped trying to go anywhere. 


    I'm all for leashes.  I wish they worked for me.

    • Like 2
  13. Oh god no!  Not even a little bit for me.  I also don't want to the work required to get a money saving garden or devote the necessary space.   It's basically a fun thing for my kids.  They enjoy digging, planting, weeding, playing in the dirt, and they love to eat the results.  They usually eat whatever they can find before I have a chance to bring it in and wash it.  :huh:   I stick to things like tomatoes and peas, which grow fine here.  The kids love them and it's basically a snack for them.  I don't think I'd spend the time or money if they didn't enjoy it, but they do so I do. 


    I'm trying to convince the kids that pumpkins or gourds might be fun next year.   

    • Like 1
  14. Just like toddlers.  Except they cost WAY more, and have the ability to leave the house without you.



    That part seems okay to me!  Also the part where, in theory, teens can stay home alone?   That sounds good.  I'm trying to imagine sitting down to a meal with my husband and no one narrating an entire episode of River Monsters or making jokes about their butts. 


    I'm just going to pretend that the cost of teens will leave me with some money to eat out.....  Yep.  It's gonna happen.



    Wendy's is still eating out. 

    • Like 4
  15. Those scammers who convince the doctor to provide notes calling their pets emotional support animals are a large reason rents are rising. Just saying.



    I believe you. I managed my parent's rental property after my father's Alzheimer's diagnosis. I did it for six months and we sold the place. I was done.

  16. You know, I'm not a big "ack, we're doomed!" sort of person, but reading this thread really makes me wonder about where our (US? North American? Western? Not sure) culture/society is going, when people will fake having a service animal so they can... what? What is the big attraction of having the dog or other pet come into an inappropriate place? Emotional therapy? Service snake in a restaurant?


    It just seems that more and more people need to have something special or different about them. Is that what it is?

    You should see the advice people get on my local FB pages every time they have to move or find a new place that does not allow pets. "Just tell your doctor you need an animal for emotional support and have them write a note. Then the landlord can't deny you or kick you out if they find you have an animal living with you."


    We take our dog on rides once in awhile,she loves the car, but never into a restaurant or grocery store. Gross!

    • Like 1
  17. When DH and I met I worked at a discount theater that gave employees free tickets and popcorn.  I asked him out and we saw The Matrix.  The first time he asked me out we saw Phantom Menace. Poor guy was so excited to introduce me to Star Wars.  It took me YEARS before I'd finally sit down and watch the original trilogy due to that movie.  :)

  18. I didn't expect you to believe me, Scarlett.  But for anyone else reading this, please know that I spent 17 years in that religion, I'm intimately familiar with the teachings, practices, publications, etc., I have had close family and friends who were disfellowshipped, and my father used to be an elder (pastor).  I'm not making this stuff up.  Honestly, I'm nowhere near creative enough to make this stuff up.  


    I believe you.  You aren't the first person who I've met who has said exactly what you said.

    • Like 3
  19. My husband works 12-15 hour shifts, so I pack his breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  He likes the diet friendly snacks that make the tray of cookies or whatever look less attractive.


    Dates, right now we mostly do stuff with the kids right now and watch movies or a show we both like in the evenings.  Our parents have been our baby sitters since the kids were born and they are all having long term health issues.  I need to find a new baby sitter!


    My husband feels the most loved having his food prepared, dinner ready when he comes home, and clean home when he walks in.  He would not feel loved if I put time into buying him underwear.  I would suggest talking to him.  We took a 5 Love Languages quiz that was really helpful for me.

    • Like 3
  20. I have looked to hire a male teen to play with things like soccer, catch, running games, and the like with kids.  They need a lot of activity. I am doing part time care giving for my father, I would love to pay someone to do that for me.


    My son cleans up dog poop a few times a week for a few families and gets paid to do that.  Start up was low and I've had several people ask about him.  :)


    Another girl I know makes easy to do craft kits aimed at preschool age kids.  Her hook is that these are easy to put together little things that can be done while a parent is making dinner or helping an older kid with homework.


    On our local FB pages, I see kids or parents of those kids advertising baby sitting or lawn services.

    • Like 2
  21. I see them more and more, but I'm in my mid 30's and I in my circcle a lot of it is done by women who want to make some extra money.  Not an extra salary, but enough to help pay for kid activities, a gym membership, or save for a vacation. Or by moms who really do not want to go back to work but need to bring in money and think an MLM is the way to go. 


    It makes sense that we see and hear about them more now than we did 10-15 years ago because of the daily use of Facebook and other social media.  The ability to host online parties, shill every day to a large audience, and create groups for people who are actually interested have probably helped. 


    I do like Pampered Chef and 31 and I'm, ugh, participating in a Beach Body challenge, but I tend to ignore anyone who is too pushy, sells Thrive, oils, or other BS(except for Beachbody apparently), or only want to buddy up for a sale. 

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