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Posts posted by MrsBasil

  1. I would be so excited! That's probably a strange reaction, but we are morning people. Like wake up at 5:30 AM when we don't have to morning people. Until recently we got up at 4:30 AM. We decided to start sleeping in so we could stay up a little later and visit with neighbors/friends now that the weather is so nice.


    If it was acceptable in our neighborhood to start the lawn mower at 6:00 instead of 8:00 I would be happy.


    If it bothers you, you could talk to your neighbors but realize they may not have lots of time to mow and are doing things in a way that works best for them and if they aren't breaking any noise ordinances then there's not much you can make them do.


    On the whole, I can't say I'd want to make them change their schedule to accommodate me though.

  2. HSLDA benefits from keeping us fearful. No fear, no need of their services.





    That's interesting and making me think I need to some web searches about them. That's where I got most of my information about homeschooling laws and virtual schools. They were recommended to me by a friend on another board when I mentioned we were thinking about homeschooling.


    FWIW, I'm not opposed to any and all schooling options. The more, the better.


    My husband became more receptive to the idea of "home schooling" when he found out about the one day a week enrichment academies here. He is for peer interaction, learning from adults who aren't Mom or Dad, working towards set standards, and learning how to behave in a classroom setting.


    So, I wouldn't be a real home schooler either. Only part time since the he would be at a school one day a week.

  3. To clarify--there is no such thing as "home schooling" in CO, it is called home-based education. I think that's where some of the confusion arises. People call themselves home schoolers when they are in a ps charter situation. There are two other ways that are often considered homeschooling: having your child enrolled in a private satellite school (often called an umbrella school)--CHEC, among others, offers one. The upside to that is that if your private school does not offer a sport, you can do it at the ps. And the final way, is to have a CO licensed tutor. You might contract with the lady down the road or you might be that CO licensed teacher yourself. If that case, you neither notify the district, nor test. Again, you have access to ps sports and other extra-curr activities.


    Thank you for the clarification.

  4. I'm in Colorado and there seems to be a few different options for homeschooling. I've only been researching for the past couple of months, so I'm hoping I have this right.


    There's actual homeschooling where the parent teaches and funds the curriculum. There are options to participate in an umbrella school or co-op that's privately run, but your child is still considered homeschooled. The PS doesn't come into play here.


    There's a virtual charter that uses the K12 curriculum. You use the entire curriculum and your child is legally considered a public school student in a charter school. This is free.


    The other option in my area is an enrichment academy run by a public school district or a charter school. Your child goes to the school one day a week and participates in classes like music, drama, art, spanish, math games or whatever is available. Your child is considered a part time student of the school or district that is running the program and a part time home schooler. They have no say in what curriculum you choose or how you school your kids. One of the 2 options in my area has a lending library of curricula that you can borrow for a year. There's no obligation to use it.



    For legal purposes I do think there's a legitimate concern about school administrators wanting more oversight over independent homeschoolers and I understand wanting clear cut legal definitions.


    In every day conversation, it's less important to me.

  5. I was just reading about Sandra Bullock getting divorced but at the same time she will be adopting. How is that possible? How is that in the best interest for the child?

    Would we, (the non-famous) be able to do that??:confused:


    According to People magazine she and her husband started the adoption process 4 years ago and brought the baby home in January. They didn't start divorce proceedings until well after that.


    I think it would be in the best interest of the child to remain in the home he has known for most of his short life. He wasn't just placed in the middle of what could be a stressful situation for his adoptive parents. He's been there awhile. :)



  6. I have never used this, but the person who created it has another blog where, among other things, she talks about pre school Montessori and that's how I cam across it.




    The author describes it like this:


    Welcome to Fieldwork, my site for hands-on, textbook free, out of the box homeschool science! Our first course is high school level Marine Biology and Oceanography.


    It's free....

  7. My son is still very young, so we're still in the someday we want to homeschool phase.


    I spent time telling him great things I'd read about homeschooling and some of the not so great things I'd read and heard about our school system.


    This will make us sound horrible, but one of the things that got him on board was when our school district decided to cut recess to one 15 minute per day session. We really thought kids under 12 needed more play time. :tongue_smilie:


    Then the schools cut art, music, and science to basically nothing and began requiring all classes in all schools throughout the district to be on the same lesson/same page each day. There was no room for a class to be behind or ahead. :confused: Teachers were reprimanded if their class read a book faster or slower than the schedule called for!


    He has worked jobs with non traditional hours and I pointed out how nice it would be that his seeing the kid wouldn't be dependent on the school schedule, but ours.


    We both have reservations. Friends, high school, and he worries that I'll need more of a break. We're convinced we can do it, but we're still having discussions about what the best options are.

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