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Posts posted by Sugarfoot

  1. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and I would feel almost identical to what you described after working like that for 7 hours. I'm in pretty good shape, too.


    My DD 14 has a low-level auto-immune "something" that is so far un-labeled, but definitely "there."


    It's hard, because I'd love to have the endurance that I used to have and be able to just do what I want/need to get done.


    I try to keep my diet "clean," take good vitamins, exercise, drink lots of water, stay away from caffeine, sleep enough, rest when I need to.


    Lately, what's helped me most is working with a personal trainer. I've gotten quite a bit stronger, and that's helped in so many ways. I have less achy-ness, my joints hurt less, it takes more for me to breathe heavy, etc.


    :grouphug: Hope you figure it out.

  2. This is us, too, (well, me and the big kids ;)) and I refuse to see it as a flaw. :D


    My DH is definitely a morning person, which works out perfectly for him, but the rest of us are very different. We tend to be visual-spatial, which I think lends itself to more of a night-owl thing. Related to that, I read somewhere that the cones of the eye prefer the night hours because it's easier on them, and creativity can flow. So there you go.:lol:


    I've been this way as long as I can remember...maybe age 4? I think my almost 6 y.o. will be joining us as well.

  3. I'm a big believer in doing what works for your family. ;)


    Have you read the original Sue Patrick book? She talks about how beneficial workboxes are for high schoolers.


    And I think you're absolutely right about your Aspie doing things in his own time/way. One of mine prefers a very concrete organizing system as well, but it's still an organizing system. ;) He may end up implementing something similarly visual and physical on his own as an adult, and that would be fine if that's what he needs to be organized.


    Some other weirdness:

    - I part my hair to one side or the other. Every morning, I look in the mirror and decide which side to part my hair on that day based on which side of my face looks better. Since my face doesn't really change from day to day, I'm thinking this is rather weird.

    - This one may have already been mentioned (I know others here do this, as I recall a thread about this a year or so ago), but if toilet paper isn't hung with the loose part hanging over the top (vs. under), I'm compelled to rehang it. I'm embarrassed to admit I've even done this at other people's homes. I'm working on overcoming this. :o



    I do BOTH of these!:001_huh: Sometimes I'll wear my hair parted on the same side for weeks, and then all of a sudden...whoosh, there it goes to the other side. :lol: I make this decision daily based on things only I can see...


    And I only eat yogurt with a baby spoon. My preference are the ones with the coated-tips in various colors. My youngest is 4 and has moved on to a small regular spoon, so now the baby spoons are ALL MINE!:D

  5. I read somewhere on the Internet (so, you know, it must be true) that if you put some of those pinwheel things in your garden, they'll stay away. Something about the motion . . .


    THIS! We had a horrible problem with this when I was a teen. I took care of our yard, and it was driving me nuts. My mom and I went to the hardware store to get something, and when the man showed us the traps, I about fainted. :glare: I couldn't imagine poison, either, and then he mentioned the blowing pinwheel flower. :) We put it in the ground near his "work", and he was gone very quickly.


    Amazing... Ours was a sunflower-- a brown center with yellow petals that circled in the wind.:)


    My DH is reading this right now and loving it. He's always buried in medical journals' date=' so fiction is sort of a treat for him, and he's savoring it. I'm waiting patiently for him to finish so I can read it.


    The first that came to mind was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engel because I resound so strongly with Meg in that series.


    Me, too. I LOVED to read as a child and had read many good books before this one, but this was the one that I could feel myself sort of falling into...

  7. :party: writing it down. :party:


    There's also a little girl who did a documentary on a poverty-stricken area of Belize where there is no running water and their efforts to build the necessary road to get the pipeline started, and a teen boy whose film I can't recall at the moment. The little girl who filmed in Belize did a great job. Her grandparents live there. Ironically, the CBS affiliate in Topeka blocks access to that station for us, so we won't get to see it until it's put online! Hopefully it won't take them too long, but they seem sort of slow...

  8. my kids and one of their films will be featured on CinemaKC tomorrow night at 6pm on KCTV 5! :D We missed the taping because of a trip, so one of the hosts will talk about their work and introduce their film, Super Granny.


    I think the episode will also be available on the CinemaKC page of the KCTV website after it airs.

  9. I'm so sorry things have been so rough, Joanne. I agree that it sounds crazy, so I just asked DH about the transplant list. He said that's exactly what happens, unfortunately. Every transplant center has their own MELD score, based on their criteria, though they're not too far off from each other. When his score reaches a certain point, based on a bunch of things he just listed off to me, then he'll be put on the list.


    The other thing he just mentioned is a "split-liver transplant," or living donor. He'd have to have an exact match, but it would work as well as a full transplant for him.



  10. I really don't get using a creative spelling for Nevaeh. :confused: Heaven spelled backward is Nevaeh, not Neveah, which I've also seen.


    Oops, I spelled it wrong it my post, too. :lol: I was spelling it as I heard it in my head. Honestly, without this discussion here, I don't think I would've ever figured out the "heaven spelled backward" thing. I really just would've gone with my lotion theory.:001_huh:

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