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  1. This surgery usually takes about 30 minutes and takes place in the doctor's office . Surgery for macular pucker will improve your vision, but does not bring it back to normal. I was be able to regain about half of the vision I was lost from a macular pucker. Mom have much more vision restored, brother less. Anyway, this kind of surgery can help you with vision distortion. My macular pucker surgery recovery time was about four months. The first time you will need to apply special moisturizing creams and use eye drops that you prescribe an ophthalmologist.
  2. CBD oil is a great thing for low levels of anxiety. I think it fits people who have an active job and need to be available all the time. This oil can be consumed at any time and has no odor. That’s why it’s convenient to use it anywhere. At the same time, if you have more time and personal space, then you can try some cannabis. You can get it from a dispensary in Brampton and see how well it works. But be aware that you need to keep an open eye and don’t let your body and your brain become addicted to it. It is a complicated topic, and there is no clear answer to the question: Yes or no.
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