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Posts posted by peacefully

  1. I'm gearing up to implement CW Aesop in the fall. I will be using some of the models that are included in the Student Workbook, but I am also interested in exploring other options too. What have been your favorite models? Did you try to align your models with some other subject area (i.e., Norse myths while studying Vikings)? Any other pointers? Thanks!!

  2. Quickly, because technically I'm still supposed to be on vacation :tongue_smilie:...


    I just wanted to add my :hurray::hurray::party::hurray::hurray:


    Michele, somehow I feel so personally invested in your journey because of all you have shared. I'm remember the feeling of relief that I had when ds was done with VT. I'm sure you're feeling the same. Yes, there are more things to tackle with our kids, but I hope you get to relish this feeling of accomplishment and feel good about all that your providing for your boys. :grouphug::grouphug:

  3. We love AAS over here. We're finishing up Level 2 and about to start Level 3. I know that lots of folks feel that AAS is overkill for an accelerated student or a natural speller, but ds LOVES the fact that AAS is answering his questions about why words are constructed a particular way. He makes me answer his etymology questions too. All the syllabication analyses and spelling rules are exactly why AAS is such a good fit for some accelerated kids. It scratches their itch to over-analyze everything. ;)


    Oh, and all the dictation exercises have been beautiful in helping the spelling lessons cross-over into writing.


    Because my kid likes the rules and didn't really need to review the easy spelling words, I'd vote for just getting the Level 1 TM. We didn't need the Student Materials very much in Level 1. I don't think I used the word cards at all. I kept track of what I needed to review with notes in my TM.

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