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Posts posted by missmoe

  1. I use the laptop boxes for my two oldest and husband. I like them because they really do hold just the right amount. I also like that I can use small amounts of leftovers in them. We like them here. I try to pack them as I make supper. I use leftovers and also try to include the same ingredients prepared in a slightly different way.

  2. I am a planner. I have two different teacher's plan books that I use. I make detailed plans in one. I plan out what we are doing day by day for things I put together myself such as science. So, I write down on day one we read these pages, define these terms, complete this experiment, ect. Things like spelling and reading I don't include in this planner---those things are just open and do the next lesson. Then I take my other planner and plan a week or two at a time. I move lessons over from the first lesson. Under Science I list day 1, day 2, ect. This refers back to the days in the first planner. This way my plan book isn't thrown off if we miss a day or make other plans. Things I don't have in the first plan book I just list in the second by page number--sometimes ahead of time--sometimes as more a journal as we do it.

  3. Have you looked at this website? http://www.thamesandkosmos.com/


    It has really neat science kits. I haven't used any of the chemistry kits, but the other ones I have used are awesome. I add in Kingfisher and Usborne Science Encyclopedias to make it a course. I have my ds write up the experiments as described in TWTM and add summeries and terms he read about to his science notebook. It's easy to look up the pages that correspond with the experiments. If you have the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia, then you also have neat websites to add to the topic studied.

  4. The two youngest of my five are twins. They have a brother that is 17 months older then them. I was numb for the first year and half---just so tired all the time!


    They were the naughtiest babies I had ever seen. None of my older children did the things they did! Listening wasn't even a concept in their brains. Before them I had children that liked to please. They weren't always perfect but on the whole it made them happy to please mom or dad. Not these terrors! They never slept. They never slept in their cribs. They ganged up and beat up on their older brother---who was miffed that everyone thought the three of them were triplets.


    Life was hard!!!!!!! My dh and I were on survival mode for a few years there!


    Now my twins are 10 and life is pleasant and peaceful and fun. The three of them are friends and openly show love for each other most of the time. Harmony reigns supreme in our land again.


    It will get better. Hang in there.


    I once went to a women's conference where one of the featured speakers was a mom of 10 children. She spent half of her time speaking about how bad it was when her kids were little. Of course, her kids were grown at that point and she also spoke about the joys of parenting and raising her children. Listening to her admit how bad it had been at one point saved me. Nobody had ever talked to me about being a mom like that before. I learned that it was okay to HATE it at times. It's okay to feel how you do. You also have the big picture in your mind and realize the blessings that come with it--and that is what will make it okay!


    Go get some sleep. That always helped me.

  5. We will actually be swimming just to keep in shape for other water sports.


    Two of my children swam on the novice swim team over the summer and one of these will try out for her highschool team this year. Not sure she will make it, if not she will swim twice a week with her younger brother and sisters.


    My two youngest children competed in waterpolo and diving over the summer. Both already miss it. Diving practice is moving to Sundays during the school year and we don't do sports on Sundays. Waterpolo is just too involved for the school year for us. I have 3 different school situations and can't fit in the practices which aren't at the aquatic center nearby.


    So all of my kids will be swimming with a swim prep club twice a week to keep in shape. We also swim at home a few times a week just for fun.


    I always thought I would walk during swim practice, but I am usually lazy and read a book or talked to other parents.

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