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Posts posted by Homemaker

  1. I think we could live safely on $15,000 for 3-4 months.


    Also, Dave says you should have a seperate Car Replacement Fund - not your BS 3 money.


    Congratulations!!! We are still in BS 2 (but towards the end) and I am even thinking of trading in our paid-for minivan for an absolute beater, take the remaining money from the sale of our van and propel ourselves out of BS2.


    It is a really good feeling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, isn't it?


    Yes, we want to start saving for a car, not use the emergency fund.

  2. Thanks everyone for your responses. There is a big curriculum fair here mother's day weekend and I will definately go to that, but I wanted to specifically look at some of the Abeka subjects since I taught that in a private school before I had kids (5th and 6th grade) and my students were alot further along then when I taught in the public schools. Also, I did enjoy Abeka when I taught that year (I only taugh the science and history).

  3. Thankfully it isn't our job to worry about what they do with the money. I will have to answer someday if I was a generous person who gave, yes even to pan handlers and beggars, and they will have to answer for how they used they money they were given. My husband has always been a great example of giving to me, he always gives without question. Also, I keep Hebrews 13:2 in mind "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

  4. My daughter is turning 5 in a couple weeks and for her present I would like to get her a few dress up clothes. Does anyone know of a good place to order some? She has a few princess ones. I am looking for durable clothes and more modest ones (not midriff showing chearleader outfits), ones that are good for pretend, like a nurse or something along those lines.


    Thanks so much!

  5. Alright, at lunch I had to go do something for my 3 year old and when I came back I asked my 4 (almost 5) year old where her carrots were and she said she ate them. The kids are taking naps and I was picking up and her carrots are under the table. The past few days we have been struggling with not being truthful and taking things that aren't hers. She tried to take two pieces of candy instead of the one I said she could have, I caught her with the candy hiding inher pocket and said since she wasn't truthful she couldn't have any. Anyways I need help. We do spank, but my huband is the main one to spank her since when I try to spank her it is nearly impossible since she is getting big and he isn't going to be home until well after bedtime. She has dance today, and I would make not going her punishment, but the 3 year old is sick, so we aren't going anyways. So, someone please help me! Should I just let it go since I didn't catch her in the act?

  6. Well, I have to admit that the best I've found is CLE Reading program. In fact, although it's labelled "Reading", it takes the place of "Ethics" in our homeschool. (At first I thought it would be *too* obvious, but ds loves it and is really learning from it. It's great!)


    Good luck!


    (This is a Christian course...)


    So, do you have an additional reading program? Or do you this as reading and ethics?

  7. We just finished yesterday! She is 4 years old and we plan to "offically" start homeschooling for Kindergarten. What should I do until then? She is now use to having 1 on 1 time with me for the reading lesson, what should we do in place of that? Get a bunch of books from the library and read together? Should I start something like handwriting? Is there another good reading book that I should do? Should we just take it easy until we start Kindergarten? Any suggestions would be great!

  8. Tonight at our small group , we had a super party and let the kids play. Three 4 year olds mine included, started playing doctor and pretending that mine was having a baby. (one was a boy) and I went to check on them and my daughter had her shirt lifted up and the boy was listening to her stomach. I told her to keep her shirt down and that we are to stay covered up. We left a little while later and another parent called and said they caught the other two in the closet with the girl with her pants down. So, I totally believe this was innocent children playing nothing more, but still inapprioate. Is ther a Christian book geared towards preschoolers about how boys and girls and different and to keep private parts private? Thanks for any suggestions!

  9. The one thing I am leary of doing it all frozen is that it is going to be all casseroles and my husband is not a big fan of casseroles.


    What I was thinking about picking a day, like Monday, and have 4-8 people sign up and on your MOnday you make dinner for everyone and deliever it that day, whether hot at dinner time or ealier in the day with instructions. This way it can give you a better variety of dinners. Do you think that would work?

  10. Is anyone apart of one? I was thinking about starting one, mainly to meet more neighboors.


    Do you get together once a month and swap frozen meals? Or do you take your group a hot meal at dinner time on a specific day? What is a good number of people to have in a group?


    Obviously, I haven't been apart of one, so I am not sure what works best.



  11. I totally agree, my kids are still very young, but I definately don't plan on getting them a cell phone until they are driving on their own (17) and even then it will still be very limited. I DO NOT want my kid to be the annoying kid constantly texting instead of interacting with real people and depending on the constant contact of friends. When we were at my in-laws awhile ago, my two teen neices were constantly texting while they were there. If I were the mother, I would of at least taken the stupid phones away while they were suppose to be spending time with their grandparents they hardly see.


    I saw a study awhie ago about how having the constant cotact with friends via texting and cell-phones is really damaging. It doesn't give teens a chance to disconnect and be alone with their own thoughts, they are having to have constant approval from friends.

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