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Posts posted by Homemaker

  1. That's another issue too. Now you know. She has, without your consent, placed an added burden on you to carry this secret should she terminate the pregnancy. Are you willing to carry this secret for years to protect her?


    This is not the type of deceit I would be willing to keep. Just from the CYA perception I would tell the dh about the pregnancy if she is unwilling or unable. Not a light decision, but one I would ultimately make.


    I agree. I think I would tell the husband as well. Some may say it isn't "my" place to do so. But the friend made it "my" place by telling me. And yes, it would probably end the friendship, but I would rather end the friendship then a life and a marriage.

  2. I just read through a few of the responses and I didn't see this brought up. But will you continue being her friend if she has the abortion and doesn't tell her husband?? I would not keep a friend who was okay with 1)deceiving her husband in such a huge way and 2)perfectly fine with having an abortion. The same way I wouldn't keep a friend if they told me they were having an affair and fine with it.


    I am 100% pro life and 100% for not keeping a huge secret from my husband. Also, I don't think 25 is that young, she is capable of being a mom at that age. It isn't like she is 13 (still against abortion even in a 13 year old).

  3. I do not have a FB account. My husband does, he hardly uses it and I get on it to see what people are posting.


    I am sooo glad FB was not around when I was a teen. No telling the stupid stuff I would of put on there. The constant need to post something witty and cool and having great pictures of yourself, and all the other junk on Facebook I think is too much for a teen. So, our kids will not have it. I honestly think FB is more damaging for teens than it is benefical and hopefully more parents will see that.

  4. The part where you say your son is energenic is a good reason NOT to send him to PS. I was a PS teacher and school is not made for little boys. Especially boys who like to move and do different things.


    My boy will be Kindergarten this fall and I plan to keep it VERY light. A little reading and math and maybe handwriting and LOTs of time for him to run around and play; definatley not like the PS.

  5. A friend of a friend recently had an ectopic pregnacy and that has me thinking... I am not sure what I would do if I had an ectopic pregnancy (which can't happen, husband and I are fixed). I am not sure I could terminate the pregnancy. I know they say the mother's life is at risk, but it is a baby, right? I honestly don't know what I would do. I think I would try my best to put it in God's hands and pray for a miracle so I could be aroud for my husband and other children. I would hopefully accept that I might die, but anyways, I don't know... Just thinking and not judging those who have been in the situation.

  6. My kids like it when I fry shredded cheese in the coconut

    oil. I just heat up the oil in a pan and put some shredded cheese in it and let it bubble until I can turn the "patty" over and fry it on the other side.


    I will just swallow a spoonful of it in the morning and my kids like to do so also. The three year old likes to put it on as lip gloss also :).

  7. My husband is a pastor. We have people over for a meal (a lot of Sunday) about 2-4 times a month, sometimes more. I do it because I feel it is a good way to know members and visitors and to make them feel welcome. Also, I want to set a good example of hospitality to my kids. I would really like it if people had us over as well, we maybe go over to people's houses maybe once every 6 months. My guess is people don't have us over because we have 3 small kids, they are too busy and women don't cook as much as they use to in year's past.

  8. Yes, if God allows them to marry and have kids, yes, I would like them to stay at home and I hope my son chooses a wife who will stay at home as well. My children are still little, but when they are older we will go out of way to teach them to save a wife's income (or pay of any debt with it) but not to live off of it at all, so it won't be a burden when she stays at home. I have too many friends that bought a house off their two inomes instead of just the husbands and now are stuck working when they don't want too.


    I would definately like them to have a skill or degree, however, I have a teaching degree but if my husband were to die or become disabled we have insurance to cover that and I would still be able to stay at home. If he were to divorce me then I would be in trouble and need to go back to work.

  9. I believ the apron strings should be cut once married. I wouldn't want to interfere with their marriage in that way. That being said, I would give them the cash we saved up for their college as a wedding gift so they could use it for that. However, I would not continue to pay any expenses after that. I do not believe I would tell them "you can't get married until you graduate", I would rather they get married and grow and learn together than feel pressure of the dating relationship and possibly doing "something" they would regret before getting married.

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