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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. I just use it for drinking water....so I have the 3 gallon water jugs. I used to have the 5 gallon....but since I am getting so OLD....I have a hard time carrying those now, LOL. I have 3-3gallon jugs....and they have a cart for you to use to carry them out to your car. I have a water cooler at home.... I don't think I could drink water all day if it wasn't cold, LOL.

  2. Yall are funny, LOL. Well it isn't a 'water store' per se......it is called Atlantic Filter....and they sell RO water. You bring your container....and fill up. They also sell well/softener/pool equipment also. I didn't mean to imply that distilled water was 'better'....but it is the best thing I can find at the grocery store. I think RO water is the best. I can't even find the 'purification process' on most of the water sold in the grocery store....that is why I went with distilled. I don't often buy water from the grocery store....only when I am too lazy to get it al the 'water store', LOL.

  3. I buy the Pillsbury frozen biscuits (cheddar cheese kind)....and I usually cook them on a pizza pan (dark coated). They seem to turn out just fine. So....today I decided to cook them on my Pampered Chef aluminum pan....and they turned out very crumbly.....so crumbly that I could barely slice them to put butter on them. Why did they turn out that way?



  4. I used to get offended when people would tell me about my 'parenting' skills.....but when I look back (ok, wayyyy back)....they were usually true. I still get a bit offended....but when I hear it now....I try to take a step back and listen. I figure anyone who would go out on a limb and give parenting advice (even though everyone knows no parent likes that)...well...they must not be able to hold it back, LOL.


    Oh...and I will admit to being WAYYYY overprotective of my kids and probably still am. I just can't help it.



  5. I don't really see a need for them....they are very time consuming....and the conventions would make me buy things I didn't need. As for seminars.....I have no patience for things like that. I can read books (at my leisure) and get all the info I can process, LOL. When I started homeschooling (about 13 years ago) there wasn't much out there in terms of seminars/conventions and by the time there was.....well I had already turned into a 'know it all', LOL.

  6. animals have more rights than people! Here are some things I found...but I am sure you have tried most of them.


    Vultures roosting on or immediately above houses and buildings:



    The best way to discourage vultures is to create an inhospitable environment. Before you resort to expensive or otherwise difficult measures, try simple deterrents. The following suggestions are listed in order of expense/ease, not necessarily effectiveness.:



    1) Shake the trees

    After the vultures have settled into their night roost at dusk, go out and shake the trees they are roosting in. Disturbing their comfort on a regular basis may encourage them to move elsewhere.



    2) Make noise

    Frequently run outside, clapping and shouting, or set off firecrackers throughout the week (if legal in your area).



    3) Hang shiny, fluttery objects in the roost to frighten them away.

    If you wish to try this, but the trees are too high, one way is to tie the objects (such as CD's) to helium balloons, and release them into the trees where they will catch.

    Note: This can backfire if your vultures are too curious and playful, as they have been known to be. After a while, the vultures may discover that the objects pose them no risk, at which point they will instead become fun toys. So it is best to initially accompany this tactic with noise or blasts from a garden hose, and to be careful not to hang these items somewhere that you would find to be a particularly undesirable secondary vulture roost.



    4) Ordinary sprinkler systems (the kind that squirt high-powered jets of water)

    If you can get a sprinkler jet to reach into the middle of the roost, and turn it on whenever they look like they are making themselves comfortable, you may find success.



    5) Taut Lines

    Vultures roosting on peaked roofs, rafters, and radio towers can be eliminated with the installation of a taut line. Wire or fishing line, stretched tightly 6 to 8 inches above the perching surface will make it difficult for the birds to land or perch comfortably. The line must be tight enought that the birds cannot weigh it down, and high enough that they cannot straddle it.



    6) The SCARECROW

    This is no ordinary scarecrow. It is a motion-activated sprinkler maufactured by Contech. It is the BEST means we have tested that has successfully deterred long-term problem vulture roosting. (For more information on SCARECROW, read the article printed at the bottom of the page)


    Steve Kohl reports that a motion-activated sprinkler system seems to be very successful in deterring vultures from rooftop roosting.

    This product, marketed as a deterrent for yard-invading animals, can be mounted on a rooftop with a simple bracket system. As Kohl reports, "if you can seal the connections properly, leakage doesn't occur."

    One company that markets this product is Contech. They call the product "Scarecrow." As soon as Kohlmoos installed his "Scarecrow," his vultures disappeared. At last report, he had not seen them for 6 weeks.

    You can visit Contech on the web at http://www.biconet.com/critter/sprinkler.html

  7. Get in the shower and spray some warm water on the bites.....they will start to itch like crazy. When they quite itching.....make the water hotter and repeat the same. Keep doing this until it no longer itches.....or you can't take the hot water, LOL. This releases the histamine in your skin.


    It works! But only for about 8 hours. When you wake up in the morning....they will start to itch again....and just jump in the shower and do the above again, LOL.


    Good luck.



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