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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. the idea of putting a 5 subject notebook by the computer (since I am always writing on whatever paper is in front of me).....and using the different subject dividers for things like 'curriculum recommendations', 'recipes', 'misc. books', etc.


    Granted....I have never actually followed through with this....LOL. It is so hard to change my organizational challenges....that I have given up, LOL!


    Anyway....it might work for you!



  2. I have 5 crowns (two were from accidents).....3 of my molars are crowned due to CRACKED TEETH. It is no big deal really.....they numb you up....and (for me) they ground down my tooth....and capped it. It sounds like your procedure won't be near as bad.....(not that mine was bad....but they did have to grind down my tooth...although I felt NO PAIN, lol).


    Good luck.....and really....dont' worry!

  3. You really don't NEED all those shoes....right? I have TWO pair of dress shoes....and those are right under my night stand. I have one pair of flip flops.....which are in the garage with all the rest of my kids' shoes. They stay lined up in the garage....ready for feet as we walk by, LOL!


    Get rid of all those shoes.....if you haven't worn them in the last year....toss them!!!!!!



  4. According to what I read, yes. Only about 69 percent wear seatbelts....national average is 83 percent. I think the whole thing is so stupid. But think about it, you get into a car accident (your fault or not)....and someone in the other car DIES because they weren't wearing their seatbelt. Let's say it was your fault....and now does that mean you are arrested for manslaughter......

  5. I was feeling full of energy today....so I decided to pick up the huge TV box (tape it up so bugs couldn't get into it) and then put it up in the attic. This is a pretty big box....my 32" LCD TV came in it....LOL.


    Remember this box has been sitting on the floor for a few days now....


    I get the box.....tape it all up....(you know, so bugs can't get into it)....and get ready to pick it up....and it was HEAVY. I thought....what in the heck .....


    Guess what was in the box? (Scroll down to see)











    My cat, LOLOLOLOLOLOL! She was at the end of the box...so when I lifted it up to put the tape on it....I couldn't tell she was in there. All that time I was taping...she didn't even move, LOL!


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