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Everything posted by Navymom

  1. Duluth Trading? If so, my dd has that bag and I have it in black. It's a great bag. That bag is used, ours look nothing like that, even after a year+ of use. We have never had a problem with their customer service, have you contacted them? Really, that looks unacceptable and I can't imagine them charging a restocking fee! Between my dd, dil and I, we have a LOT of their leather purses/backpacks/wallets. They have always been great quality.
  2. This is the one we bought recently- https://www.bestbuy.com/site/honeywell-insighttm-hpa5300b-500-sq-ft-hepa-air-purifier-black-black/6412444.p?skuId=6412444&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=368&ref=212&loc=1&ds_rl=1260582&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-bDUv5WC7QIVksDACh2J2AIyEAQYAiABEgIWXvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Dh had a positive covid test on Tuesday and is working from home now. He needs to be in the main area of the house during the day due to internet issues. (We are rural and he can't get a good connection through wifi.) I park the purifier near him during the day and place it in the hallway, between 2 bedrooms at night. It is super quiet.
  3. Is the fact that this girl was abused by two men in another state before moving to IN. Below is a local article with some additional information- http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20111228/LOCAL07/312289983/1002/LOCAL Also, my understanding is that the girl never lived in her grandfather's trailer, she lived in a nearby trailer with her mom, step-dad, and sisters. There is a lot of blame to go around in this case. I have not posted in a long time, probably not since the new board, but have been a long time lurker. Because this happened way to close to home I felt the need to post. Navymom
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