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Posts posted by Tohru

  1. I do think they're particularly whiny. My daughter, the 7-year-old, has a personality that I find very challenging. My son has always been incredibly easy and good-natured, particularly as a toddler/preschooler... but he seems to be picking up many of big sister's habits and lately has been just as much of a challenge as she has always been.


    These are some examples from the 7-year-old over the past couple of days.


    7: Where did you put the yogurt?

    Me: We don't have any left.

    7: (Throws herself on the floor in a belly flop and starts kicking) Nothing EVER EVER goes my way!! I can't BELIEVE we don't have any yogurt left! Go get more right now!!! All I want is a yogurt!! (Carries on this way for a while.)




    7: What are we doing today?

    Me: We're meeting some friends at the park, then if you want we can go swimming.

    7: Ugh, only TWO THINGS?? This is the WORST DAY EVER!! I don't even want to go ANYWHERE if we're only going two places! (Runs up to her room to slam the door and sulk.)



    She'll have outbursts like this anywhere from several times a day (on a good day) to dozens a day (on a particularly bad day). "Worst Day Ever" is pretty much her catchphrase that she uses daily. I sometimes try to deflect her with humor, point out the absurdity of her overreaction, teach and model an alternate reaction to a disappointment (that worked well when she was a toddler but not so much now). Sometimes I send her to her room to chill out, sometimes I send myself to my room to chill out. When she's calm I'll try to talk to her about how her behavior affects the family. Nothing seems to have made a lasting impression and I wonder if this is just how she is and always will be. 


    Honestly, this sounds like there is a lot of turmoil and anxiety going on inside of her. 


    Do you have a predictable routine, with regular meal times and a meal plan, and regular activities (activities being things like quiet or busy, not just Activities outside the house)?  There is a safe feeling children get when they know what to expect next, what and when they're going to eat.  The knowing what to expect eliminates a lot of these types of problems.


    For the personality issue and not liking being around them, Gordon Neufeld has a fantastic parenting book you might read, or if you're short on time, he's got some Youtube videos that might be helpful right now..


    ETA: I do not know of a single person that likes or benefits from some one else "pointing out the absurdity" of their reaction.  This just makes people more angry and their feelings invalidated.  Perhaps you could try addressing her concerns compassionately?

  2. The more I learn and experience, the more I realize I don't know...   :o


    Yep.  This.


    It always amuses me those that don't have much experience seem to think they know, yet the more experience one gains, the less they realize they actually know.




    Especially homeschoolers :leaving:

  3. I know it's free, but is it worth spending the time to do it?  I looked online and it looks like a lot of focus is about driving under the influence and the dangers of taking selfies or chatting while driving.  (lol!  That is the first time that I've ever had to write the word "selfies".  Its making me laugh.)


    Have you heard anything else about it or had any experience with it?



  4. I know it's free, but is it worth spending the time to do it?  I looked online and it looks like a lot of focus is about driving under the influence and the dangers of taking selfies or chatting while driving.  (lol!  That is the first time that I've ever had to write the word "selfies".  Its making me laugh.)


    Have you heard anything else about it or had any experience with it?



  5. I think generally the people that are mean to others, are mean to them, regardless of what the other person is doing for a job.  Some professions more than others are apt to get more grouchy customers. 


    OP: I highly doubt most parents think that way about a swim instructor, I know I don't.  Maybe they think you're talking down to them and reacting to it?

  6. Right now life is crazy.  I try to do all the laundry on Mondays and meal planning on Sundays.  Everything else I do when its gotten to the point that it drives me nuts and I can't stand it anymore (or if some one is coming over).  However I came from a very tidy home and am a naturally organized person that lives with messy, messy people.  Some times it will take a few weeks before I actually get to things.

  7. You need pie in the summer, and cake in the winter.

    Key lime pie in the summer, or some kind of blueberry-strawberry raw pie made with graham cracker crust. Or cherry

    pie, with extra flaky crust.

    In the winter, chocolate cake with chocolate sauce.

    The only pies good in the fall or winter are pecan and pumpkin.


    GASP!  What about apple pie? Our tradition is to pick apples on the autumn equinox to make apple pie.

  8. My children always seem hungry an hour or so before lunch so they'll find something to munch on, then they aren't really eating lunch.  I try to do an afternoon snack, but most days I forget or we're too busy so every one is grumpy and incredibly hungry at dinner time, which is around 5:30 every day.


    If you have regular meal times, do you have regular AM and PM snack times too or do you offer snacks throughout the day?

  9. I did a double take too, but I think it's accurate. Men did wear speedo style suits in the 1930s.

    As for segregation, I'd bewilling to bet there was segregation of public beaches in the Jim Crow South, but that wasn't always the case in other parts of the country.


    Hmmm...A long time ago, I thought I read that California had segregation until after the 1940's too.  Were their public beaches in New York at that time?


  10. I think this is great and I am pro-BF, however picture number 2 confuses me...The time period is the 1930's.  I could be very wrong, but I thought there was segregation on public beaches up until afer WWII and the swimsuit fashion does not seem to fit the time period, generally men wore tops too. 

  11. My child is 2 1/2.  A 4yo boy we see once a week growls, a lot.  Now my child is doing it all the time, these ear piercing screeching/screaming out of the blue, for no reason.  It isn't out of anger or frustration, just playing.  It happens all the time, at 6:30AM to wake the neighbors, while I'm driving (which is the worst!), doing school.


    The little boy mine learned this from seems to have other behavioral issues.  I think we're going to stop attending the event he's a regular at.  Other than not seeing him anymore, is there anything I can do to stop this growling and screeching?  It hurts my ears and now my older child is starting to do it too.

  12. I think a rough schedule of what is expected and what comes next is incredibly helpful for everyone.  There is a sense of security knowing what to expect next.


    Whenever I plan our schedule, I start with meal times as a base point, then fill in stuff before and after, and try to alternate physical/quiet activities.

  13. DD read in a book about China that the Great Wall is the only man-made structure visible from the Moon.


    It's a farce - it was told to try and explain the enormity of the Great Wall to those that had never seen a structure that size before.  Now we have highways and skyscrappers that are larger, wider, taller, and more massive than the Great Wall.

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