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Posts posted by 1234

  1. The flex brew mentioned above would be my recommendation also. We have one that has the flex brew but also a regular coffee pot attached because we both drink the coffee in the morning but then Dh has single serve decaf several times the rest of the day. It’s way outlasted any Keurig we tried years prior.

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  2. Ds’ university just announced they will start Monday in person as scheduled. There is a vaccine and mask mandate on campus, but I know those things aren’t supposed to be as helpful with the new variant so we’ll see. It’s Ds’ final semester and he only has two classes left. They will be small so hopefully he won’t have any issues.

    We live in the same city as the uni and students really haven’t even started returning yet. It will be interesting to see what happens to our numbers here when they do. 

  3. I don’t know which thread to put this in, so I’ll ask here. Are they still saying you should allow up to two weeks for symptoms to appear? I’m curious because we’ve been staying away from people since our Chicago trip. I fully expected us to get it because we ate inside unmasked several times and were at the aquarium (which was crazy packed) and sat in the food areas without a mask several times. We were just around so many people and not masked all the time (and some people wouldn’t wear a mask inside places at all) and all I hear is how contagious this one is, but so far all five of us feel fine. We’re a week out from the trip and I’m wondering if things are different with timing at all these days.

  4. 5 minutes ago, TechWife said:

    Do you understand the difference between a bad decision and the person who made it? Have you ever made a bad decision, whether or not it affected others? Are you an idiot? 

    I have definitely made idiotic decisions and those making this decision regarding masks are also making idiotic decisions. I’m not going around calling these people idiots to their faces. I was simply venting about it here, which obviously touched a nerve with you. Sorry about that. 

    ETA: I also do what they ask as long as they allow me to put their mask over mine. There is no tension at all unless they try to force me to remove my mask that actually fits. Thankfully that has happened very rarely. 

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  5. 5 minutes ago, TechWife said:

    So, the person that made the rule has been to medical school, completed a residency, passed at least one licensure exam, is at minimum a specialIst in quality assurance/infection prevention and may even be an epidemiologist. This person has consulted with peers around the country and possibly the world, read research papers that most of us can’t begin to comprehend, knows the constraints of the entirety of the supply chain, knows the needs of the hospital and the local community. This person may send their kids to school with yours, live in your neighborhood or stand behind you in the grocery line. This person may have not had more than a day or two consecutive days off in almost two years. This person gets out of bed in the middle of the night when needed. This person is NOT an idiot. You can say you don’t agree with the recommendation, that you don’t understand the recommendation,  but DON’T insult the person who is doing the best they can in horrible circumstances. Believe it or not, the person didn’t get out of bed one morning and decide to make a rule that  may be less than ideal if it was within their power to do otherwise,  or to design a rule in order to intentionally aggravate the community. This person doesn’t deserve to be insulted.  No wonder people are leaving health care in droves. 

    I’m sorry but anyone deciding that people need to remove a N95 mask and replace it with a surgical mask that doesn’t fit isn’t in the right. I don’t care what degrees or job they hold. It’s happening in many hospitals and doctor’s offices here and it isn’t smart. 

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  6. I looked up testing here to see if it was difficult and fortunately I can get a next day appointment at a drive through testing center right down the street. So, even though our numbers here have been crazy it is still easy to get a test. Which is good because I keep expecting to wake up sick since our Chicago trip (we ate indoors several times) but so far we’re all feeling fine. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, TechWife said:

    As a hospital volunteer, I find this to be a strange assumption and somewhat offensive. Although unpaid, I receive excellent training for the different positions I’ve held in our system. I am considered to be a member of the department team that I work for. It is a job, I just don’t get a paycheck.

    Our entrances are staffed with a mix of hospital employees and volunteers. There isn’t anything the hospital employee knows how to do surrounding that job that a volunteer doing that job doesn’t also know. What I can tell you about working a reception desk right now is that:

    1- it isn’t their job to explain the rationale of policy to you, but they will gladly call someone to do so should you require it. 

    2-non medical personnel do not give out medical advice/information. 

    3-higher quality masks are for clinical personnel & staff that work in patient care areas. 

    4-staffing a hospital entrance at this point in time is really stressful- you try having to explain visitor restrictions day after day to people who are upset that they can’t see their loved ones. I’d be upset too, but knowing that doesn’t make it easier to say “no” all the time. 

    5-we are all so tired, so very, very tired. So yes, when a stranger on the internet tells me, indirectly, that hospital volunteers don’t know we’re doing, or why we’re doing it, I’m a bit touchy. I haven’t volunteered during a pandemic for kicks & giggles. 

    Regarding volunteers - my fellow volunteers  are  RN/BSN’s, corporate officers (current & retired), med school candidates, teachers, ministers, comptrollers, sanitation workers, retired military - you get the idea. We are a group of people who come together to help others and as a result we also help keep your medical costs down. We are largely an educated group of people. So, the next time you’re in a hospital, thank a volunteer. Oh - and assume they know what they’re doing. 

    Thank you for attending my TED talk. 

    I definitely don’t blame the people handing out the masks as I get it comes from someone higher, but the person who made the rule is an idiot. My mom’s hospital is told only to give masks to those not wearing one and that makes more sense than telling people with superior, well fitting masks to exchange it for one that doesn’t fit (which is all of them that are handed out at hospitals and doctor’s offices for me).

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  8. I don’t have a lot of ideas for you but baked pasta here with only a quarter pound of ground beef seems to go a really long way. When I first cut back on meat, that was the the only dish no one seemed to notice. The easiest one here is cooked penne mixed with with whatever red sauce you use, the cooked ground beef, and top with Monterey Jack or mozzarella cheese. I bake covered for thirty minutes and everyone enjoys.

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  9. The only time I double mask is when at the doctor’s office. It seems every one of them here require a surgical mask and none of those actually fit me (they’re huge on me) so I just put it on over the one I’m already wearing. It’s seriously annoying and their masks would do nothing if it was all I was wearing. 

    ETA: Ds only wears cloth masks and has been attending in person college classes since the fall. He hasn’t been sick so they must be working.

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  10. I’m trying to start this year off right, so am back to planning every week. I’m also having Green Chef deliveries starting this week so those will be included in my list.

    Today - spaghetti and meatballs

    Tomorrow- chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, fried okra (oldest requested)

    Monday - beans and cornbread

    Tuesday - Mediterranean chicken w/brussel sprouts (Green Chef meal)

    Wednesday - salmon w/ butternut squash and broccoli (Green Chef)

    Thursday - Greek salad flatbreads (Green Chef)

    Friday we will get takeout.

  11. 2 minutes ago, cintinative said:

    This is probably another thread but all the talk of "throwing up the hands" is hard.  I am among those who absolutely don't want COVID. Because of my autoimmune disease I have had serious bouts of fatigue. I know what it is like to not be able to really function. We also have ridiculously bad insurance and our deductible resets in two days.  We have had a horrible year with other medical stuff. We simply cannot afford to be sick, whether that is in the hospital or at home, etc.

    My husband's boss got sick around Thanksgiving. He was double vaxxed and healthy--very cautious, and masked.  He ended up in the hospital on oxygen and a feeding tube. He has missed six weeks of work. He never needed a vent, but he was still very ill. He needs physical therapy to recover strength to do daily tasks.  We just can't afford that. 

    Anyway, it makes me want to crawl even farther into my hole.  

    Not to mention the plight of the healthcare workers. Ohio is slammed.  And even when we weren't "slammed" there was not really a chance to rest.

    I honestly understand and I keep debating whether to post on this board at all anymore because of it. Our 20 year old had to go on anxiety meds recently because it’s all just become too much, though. So, a big part of our reasons for not locking down anymore is because it’s healthier for them. I just didn’t realize until this trip how much it was affecting all of us. I truly feel for those who can’t choose to relax their lockdowns due to various reasons but I also don’t think those who do should be thought so poorly of because no one knows all the reasons why they’re doing so.

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  12. 47 minutes ago, Quill said:

    Well, I know how jaded this sounds, but as of today, I feel like: I just don’t care anymore. I guess I would rather (hopefully) pick up Omicron with my triple-vaxed status and hope for the best than keep on trying to avoid it. 

    As far as life gambles go, I probably have a much greater likelihood of a return of cancer that kills me than getting a deadly Covid outcome. My breast cancer stats at the time of treatment were 10% likelihood of recurrence within five years. My Covid/deadly stats are probably something like .002. (Just picking a number outta the air.) 


    If TPTB start recommending a fourth jab soon, I’m not bothering. I will/would accept another booster next fall as an annual booster concept, but the firewall idea DID NOT WORK. Apparently. So. It’s whatever, as the kids say. 

    I think, whatever the scientific reasons are for it not working - not enough people took the vax, for example - it’s moot. We did not firewall this pandemic; it did not work. 

    Honestly, at this point, people who are still (still!) refusing the vax don’t have much, if any, incentive to capitulate now. The vaccine does not firewall Omicron. Full stop. It does not work. We who were willing to take three jabs for the team did not stop the tidal wave. There is now little benefit to being in a “smart about Covid” state; it now makes no difference that my son and his gf attend a university with almost 100% vaccination compliance. Who cares? They got it anyway! Yes, thankfully, they were mildly sick. But the university is going back to 100% testing to be on campus. Their vax compliance made no difference in spread of the virus. 

    Im feeling very apathetic today. I just do not care anymore. Might as well face the music and whatever happens, happens. 

    Yes, unfortunately that’s where we’re all at as well. We’re in Chicago at the moment enjoying a previously scheduled trip and have even eaten indoors twice. It’s honestly done wonders for our mental health just being out and about on a short vacation. I expect us to get it at this point and just hope (and expect) our three jabs to do their job.

    ETA: For the record, both my and dh’s families have been out and about maskless for pretty much the entirety of Covid and only two of them have tested positive. One was prior to vaccines and the other was in between the first two doses. Both were extremely mild. Our elderly parents (70-83) have stayed going out (and travelled) and never caught it. We’ve been the only ones who ever seriously locked down. I don’t know what the deal is but we honestly really know no one who’s had it very serious. So, that probably impacts how we feel about things now. 

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  13. 4 minutes ago, MEmama said:

    Can I admit I haven’t used hand sanitizer a single time during the pandemic? It’s not even my radar as something that might help prevent spread of an airborne virus. (Fwiw I do wash my hands a lot, lol, but I always have. It’s not a covid related habit)

    I'm sorry you had the experience, but I truly think everyone is under such immense stress right now that it’s easy to be overly sensitive about most any comment. Keeping in mind that everyone’s risk assessment is different, I’d try to cut the clerk some slack. He’s out working in public every day and has to routinely deal with much, much worse than someone absentmindedly touching their face.

    Yes, hand sanitizer is awful for my hands so I rarely ever use it. I wouldn’t be as rude to someone who asked as that clerk but I also wouldn’t use the sanitizer. 

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  14. 2021 was definitely better for us. Dc were able to return to in person college classes and we were all able to be vaccinated. We’ve felt comfortable going places while masked so haven’t felt stuck at home the whole time. Dh felt comfortable enough to travel and visit his parents which was nice. I have been able to visit with my mother inside her home again.  There are definitely things that still suck but this year was much better for us.

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  15. 6 hours ago, KSera said:


    What I’m reading everywhere is that anyone symptomatic should get a PCR in order to know for sure. Some people are taking quite awhile to turn positive on a rapid, and I’ve seen some that never do, despite a positive PCR. Of course, there are other things going around as well, and you just as easily might have one of those.

    All but one of us are completely symptom free now so I don’t think a PCR will do any good at this point. I will see how youngest feels when they’re up but it’s been several days for them at this point so I don’t know if it would be worth the hassle of finding a testing place now. It’s just disheartening that the home tests may be missing this variant.

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  16. Does anyone think at home testing might skew the percent positives at all because many are testing negative at home and only going for outside testing if positive? We went for outside testing multiple times until we were able to get home tests, and since those all have been negative we haven’t done outside testing in quite a while. It’s the same for many people I know. Just curious if it’s an actual issue. 

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  17. 1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

    Uggh. We’ve been passing something around here and four of us have used home tests but been negative, so didn’t follow up with outside testing. We’re all vaccinated and had boosters but now I’m wondering. My mom spent Christmas Day in bed and youngest is still pretty congested. Hopefully, since four of us tested, the tests are accurate and would have picked up at least one. 

  18. I wouldn’t have reported anyone for it and I seriously doubt the clerk will remember much about you. Ds’ fiancé is working retail during the holidays and the stories are absolutely awful. People are horrible to the workers right now. She has said she’s positive she’s probably been rude at times but it’s always following an interaction that has left her completely shaken and scared. So, you may be feeling scared that a worker will remember you but those workers may be scared different customers will remember them for just trying to do their jobs.

    Also, I had no idea the little stuff workers are getting dinged for (even though employers act to us like they care about our safety) and they may just not be taking the time for that hand sanitizer because they are worried their employer is watching them not work fast enough.

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  19. For a day trip, meaning that I return home the same day, it’s about four hours max here. I’ve done road trips solo and with babies where I drove up to 14 hours in a single day. I was young though and don’t think I’d be up to doing that alone anymore. Much of it depends on the weather and time of year, too. We’re going to Chicago tomorrow, which is only four hours, but we’re staying the night because it’s winter. 

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  20. I’m in! I was doing well until August. Dc went to college and we sold our house. We had to spend the entire month of October in a hotel between moves and it went downhill fast. I’m going to try Green Chef starting the first week of January to help get back on track. I don’t enjoy cooking anymore since I lost my taste and smell years ago and meal kits are the only thing that seem to keep me interested with cooking at home at all. I usually get three meals a week delivered, then just come up with two or three of my own and plan to eat takeout at least one day a week.

    My portion sizes are fine but right now I’m just not eating healthy. I’ve still been able to maintain my 40 pound weight loss from two years ago but haven’t really tried to continue (and I definitely have more to lose). I just need to get serious again about it all. Covid really messed everything up. 

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  21. 5 hours ago, TechWife said:

    Wow! I did just this thing early this morning. It’s due on January 5th.

    Don’t get discouraged if the first box isn’t amazing. I’ve loved everything they’ve sent me since box two or three. The more feedback they get from you, the better the boxes get. 

  22. I’ll throw out one more thing because it stumped us until we were able to see the allergist, but could it possibly a reaction to heat or cold?

    Oldest developed heat urticaria around age nine in addition to his other food and environmental allergies and we had no idea what was going on at first. He will also get hives if super stressed or anxious because it often makes him a little sweaty.

    I would definitely add in a Zyrtec if you can.

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  23. This was a good Christmas with mostly all hits. 

    Biggest hits with each:

    Ds - Golden Girls jigsaw puzzle

    Ds’ fiancé - bee themed reusable tote bag from Etsy

    Youngest - my little pony cookie cutters from Etsy

    Dh - The Expanse t shirt

    Me - Dh got me a necklace with my dad’s birthstone (he passed 21 years ago) 

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