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Peek a Boo

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Posts posted by Peek a Boo

  1. 1. Most of those "entitlement programs" are programs people specifically pay into throughout their working years-unemployment, social security, medicare, etc. So, if we aren't going to give those out anymore, are we going to stop taking the money that pays for them? I'm not sure that is what you were suggesting, it's just a question.



    I know there are more than a few of us that would be willing to forfeit any 'return' and forfeit any previous $$ taken against our will if we were allowed to opt out of these programs and keep our own money and be responsible for our own health, employment, and retirement.


    I'd support letting people opt out.

  2. If teens can't be nice at home I keep them home more.





    I tell my guys that if they can't prove they can behave respectfully to ME then i won't trust them to behave respectfully to anyone else either, and they will stay home. So they are great at home and great with other people in Scouts, church, 4-H, co-op classes, city events, hanging w/ friends, etc.


    Do work on the relationship, but i wouldn't even have school on the table. Too many negative social aspects that will spill over to the home.

  3. ok, 16yo ds wants to write a chess play that we are already set to perform in June at area libraries as a community service project.


    we'll be painting a HUGE tarp w/ 2' squares and having 32 people in costume.


    The play itself should only be about 30/ 45 minutes and appeal to a wide age range, but mostly kids. We always let the audience check out our set, props, and costumes afterwards - very hands-on. Been known to include some audience members in the play too.....


    anyway, he's hitting some writer's block and ready to solicit some inspiration, so I told him we can see what the Hive says. credited to WTM forums in the playbill, of course. ;)


    {{is there already a chess play theater script out there anywhere??}}



    it will be a theatre in the round. no backstage, but will have some rooms/curtains off to the side that characters can appear from.


    Set: a painted 18 x 18 foot canvas tarp. music available.


    actors will likely enter separately over the course of 15 minutes -- king and queen dancing/arguing/chatting onto the tarp, then taking their positions. would like some neat dialogue for pieces as they enter, and anything else you think would be hilarious to hear them say at other points in the play.


    he wants characters to move as accurately as possible [knights will be tougher, lol]. he's watching some live chess games on youtube and elsewhere, but those are usually just games...not a storyline/play.


    characters may exit and re-enter or move around the tarp as needed.


    we have Once a Pawn a Time as a resource -- sending a request to them to let us use the title.


    so: need some ideas: plot/storyline. conflict/resolution. character names/development. costume specific ideas.


    final script to be uploaded and shared for free. :)

  4. Managers of their Homes [MOTH] has some great ideas that I have yet to implement fully. or even halfway, lol.


    She walks you through setting up a routine. I can't stick to a daily routine, but I have "blocks" here and there that when I get to a certain point I just do that routine for that hour or so.


    But what helps the most is the 2-minute clean up.

    If i get everyone doing something for two minutes it usually becomes a longer time.


    I also find it easier to get the youngest involved - give them damp rags to clean with, let them sort socks, put dishes in the dishwasher [yes you'll need to reorganize them!], or my favorite: when my [then] 2yo was helping put away the silverware....grab a handful of utensils, toddle over, reach up on tippy toes, pull open drawer just above head level, and CHUNK the silverware in. repeat.


    I preferred to have my older two switch off playing w/ the youngest ones so i could have some uninterrupted time w/ each. It's not a problem now w/ my youngest being 5yo, but that's what worked best for us. You might also see if there's a teen girl that wouldn't mind donating a couple hours a week to come over and help -- she could probably use the extra reference from an outside the home source. ;)


    good luck!

  5. :lol: Yes - I know! Any good books on developing better self-discipline in this area??


    ya know -- I have several books about organizing the house and decluttering. A good friend noticed them, off-handedly asked if I had read them, looked around, and promptly answered "apparently not...." w/ a big grin. ;)


    so if there's a good book on self-discipline, i probably HAVE it, but likely haven't READ or APPLIED it. :D

  6. I certainly don't want to do any peacefaking.... I'm sorry if you thought I did.


    I just didn't want another bash session. Two wrongs don't make a right. I had to examine my heart, I found myself saying I'm through with so and so, because I really can't stand this sort of thing, but really, he is human, and does have valid things to say. Yes, humility would help, though...



    no apology necessary -- i was speaking more in generalities than towards you. :)


    as someone mentioned earlier- we're likely to offend each other at times over different things. it happens. we can [hopefully] learn when to be truly offended and when we're just being thin skinned. ;)

  7. By looking at the link from the first post in this thread, I fail to see why it is being said that homeschoolers would be receiving $5000 if this bill passed. It does not say that on this link. Is there some other link I am missing ? I did not read all 18 pages of posts. Not that I believe such a thing would or should ever happen. Strings,strings, strings attached.




    it was brought up: the credit would only be for schools, so in states where homeschools are consider *private schools* it might fly. I got stuck in the RP discussion tho, so that's about as far as i studied on the credit stuff. :)

  8. You misread me, and perhaps I was not clear. The CEO of NPR resigned in addition to the fundraiser who made the unprofessional comments. That is who I mean by the "person in charge."




    The boss at NRP did resign. That is the point. Ron Paul's denials are incredulous. He acts as if he was the victim of a conspiracy by his own publishing company whose words he was not aware of for decades and anyone trying to link him with the Ron Paul newsletter is guilty of a smear job.


    Takes chutzpah!




    eta: AGAIN: it wasn't *decades* that you'll find racist comments.


    ok-- after reading up a bit more, It appears that Vivian was in more of an active leadership role than RP, and there was more involved [not just another person's statements, also Juan Williams]-- She *was* directly responsible for things that were going on.


    and she was basically fired. She offered to resign, but it was the board that decided she needed to leave. That's not chutzpah-- that's politics.


    But hey- if RP wants to resign as CEO of his newsletters, that's fine by me. ;)



    Mr. Edwards said that Ms. Schiller offered to resign “if that was the board’s will, and the board decided that it was.”

  9. I think it's more likely that RP had these beliefs at one time. ... And then I think RP found politics later in life. If he wanted politics from the start, he'd have become a lawyer, not a doctor. But then I think he obviously had to distance himself from that crap. ........But I'm afraid the system destroys the nice people and only the jerks ultimately thrive.



    Having read up a LOT on RP, I'll simply have to disagree. There are too many people who *knew* him WELL before he entered politics, and he has been in politics for a Very Long Time w/o falling prey to the corruption and jerkiness of most. Again: as many people as there are who HATE him, these newsletters [written by other ghostwriters as documented by many people] would hardly be all there was to expose racist tendencies.

    I do encourage you to dig quite a bit further into who he is. I don't agree w/ all his policies [abortion/term limits to cite a couple] but I have found him to be one of the most ethically consistent politicians out there.

  10. Because his own words printed in his own newsletter over years and years are not enough proof, please!




    Because even other people have documented that he wasn't the one writing those articles.


    they aren't his own words.


    so YES-- citing a specific series of newsletters that have already been proven as 'not RP's words' is NOT enough proof. If you do more actual research you'll find the years and issues that have His Personal Opinions.


    I triple dog dare you to find one smidgen of proof that corroborates those newsletters as RP: the facts stipulate ghostwriters and different editors.

  11. The fundraiser at NPR acted unprofessionally. He resigned. Ron Paul did not resign.


    The senior leadership of NPR is not unprofessional because one fundraiser acted unprofessionally. The person in charge resigned as a way of taking responsibility. Seem like an honorable way to deal with the situation. And quite distinct from Dr Paul's attempt to evade his responsibility for the racist comment published under his name.




    It seems he said (saying he was speaking for himself and not NPR) that some on the right are "Islamophobic" and "seriously racist, racist people."


    The person in charge resigned because HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT.


    Ron Paul never actually said anything racist, so he doesn't need to resign.

    He's already repudiated what was said under his name.

    The ghostwriter @RP newsletters acted unprofessionally. S/he no longer works there.


    The senior leadership of RP Newsletters is not unprofessional because one ghostwriter acted unprofessionally. ;)


    unless you want to say that the BOSSES are responsible [which would implicate NPR senior leadership] then there's no reason for RP to resign for something that he did not do and wasn't completely in charge of at the time.

  12. I have a Tea Party mother. She was proudly photographed at a rally for McCain next to her best friend who was carrying a sign that said, "Send the Mexicans home!"


    That sign is racist. Classist. Racist.



    ILLEGAL, however, is not a race. And it's not a class.

    It's a crime.


    and you can find plenty of Mexican-Americans who support deporting illegal aliens.



    I have a really, really hard time with my parents. It makes me laugh that they are totally against national healthcare but they sure LOVE their Medicare.



    I'd give up all that we've paid into it if they would stop witholding now. And I know other conservatives who would do that too. I know there are some who don't need their SS and donate it.

    We went three months before filing for unemployment because we tend to be more like the bootstrap type....and we never filed for foodstamps and didn't continue WIC for more than a few months. but instead of being so cynical, I believe that it is up to us as individuals to put our own money where our mouth is, not vote to put everyone else's money where our mouth is. So we do a LOT of community service and open our home to people in need.

  13. Ok if he truly ever was a practicing doctor, then he'd have to have been a complete idiot to have an article with his name go out on it as an author because they do talk quite a lot about that in medical school and residency. Also, some places of work make it a part of the employment contract.


    Doctors have to be absolutely critically careful of anything being published with their name on it. Otherwise, every doctor in the world would find themselves endorsing vibrators, gin, and Twinkies without their consent. DH has written a few journal articles and the process of verifying that every.single.word is accurate and exactly what he means to say is ridiculous. I thought our fax machine was going to get up and move out after the last one!


    So it seems especially suspect to me that a doctor would ghostwrite anything, publish it in his name, and then claim not to know what's in the article. Even if Paul wasn't writing for a medical journal, it seems to me that his training should have kicked in and forced him to verify what was being written.


    ok-- now I'm reconciling the two threads. :-)


    and for anyone who missed it, we already showed numerous examples of RP taking responsibility for the newsletter thing and that he did not write it and that nobody else can corroborate him saying anything like that before or since. ;)


    [@ end of the tax credit thread]

  14. I'm also not sure anyone does anything BUT lazy researching anymore. And how are we supposed to? There is information flying at us from every direction 24 hours a day. And nowadays, you have to consider the source far more carefully than ever. And you also have to consider who is PAYING the source. And on and on it goes...


    which is why I read the actual newsletters. ;) I'd encourage anyone who claims to speak intelligently and accurately about someone before leveling charges of RACISM to at least do more academic research. and that means looking at the whole counsel of info and taking the time to check those sources. As many people as there are who detest RP, these newsletters [that he didn't write] are the ONLY scandal that they can dig up in his bazillion years in public office. And as many people who think he's a nut [which is different from a racist], if there was ANY inkling to him actually being a bigot, I'll betcha a trip to Florida that SOME innocent old couple would have found it via a ...uh.... accidentally caught cell signal and just happened to have the ability to record the statements in their car. ;)

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