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Peek a Boo

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Posts posted by Peek a Boo

  1. my oldest wanted to play this too when he was 12yo. I noted that the site itself mentioned it was geared for TEENS. I told him we would discuss it when he turned 13 :-) And if he bugged me before that, I'd wait till he was 14.


    I started allowing him to play the free version at 13, w/ strict requirements: chores and schoolwork needed to be complete and his attitude to his siblings before and after playing had to be impeccable [but that's the same rule we have for ANY outside activity]. A couple weeks before he turned 13 [before we had this discussion] I upped his chores ;-P


    For Xmas, he requested the paid version --$5 a month. I went ahead and got it for him, but w/ the same stipulations. AND he had to allow me access to his account at any time. My money, my rules.


    Yes, he can stay on there all day if we let him. But I can see an addictive factor in a LOT of other non-computer activities :-) i have noticed his creativity in drawing has increased since playing Runescape. He has been working on a BOOK for a year and half now. It was up to 33 pages in a Microsoft Document last i looked. He's revamped it a few times. he's started sketching out maps and character profiles since adding Runescape.

  2. we don't put dirty dishes in the dishwasher "as we go" --they sit in the sink until *I* load it and I start it immediately. I'm too darn picky to let anyone else load it, lol. So we don't have this problem --if there's dishes in the dishwasher, they need to be put away.


    That being said, I think I'd prefer the glass-right-side-up technique. Or you could always try post-its: get those tiny ones and stick them on the wall/cabinet near the dishwasher. place one on the dishwasher when you turn it on.

  3. Wow Erica!! methinks we need a yahoogroup for moms who wanna do a similar round-robin of camps :-)

    We're planning some sort of camp-out thing too when it gets warmer --I'm a weather wimp! I have a huge backyard, fire circle w/ tree stumps to sit on, totally awesome creek w/ tons of dead brush and tall exposed rock sides --I'm thinking a wilderness survival / geology kinda thing.


    i like the beach marine biology idea --i might come to that one, lol.

  4. we are planning something similar--

    we found a simple little book at a teacher store about leading your class through a mock election. It has a lot of great reproducibles in it, as well as worksheets on developing a party, platforms for your party, voter cards, tabulating results, etc.


    She has it, and I don't remember the name. If you look around at teacehr stores you might find something similar :-)


    Good luck!

  5. We did this several years ago :-)


    Eggs and tortillas --get a big package of shredded cheese.

    Breakfast tacos! don't forget the salsa. Of course, I noticed tortillas are a lot cheaper down here in TX than they were in NY, lol.


    paper plates and extra dollar store cups are a godsend. get permanent markers to label names on cups.


    Chicken: get a lot of chicken, dice it up. We did chicken fajitas, diced chicken tossed in pasta/rice, and chicken salad sandwiches.


    Tuna-- tuna salad and tuna pasta.


    lasagna --a couple trays of lasagna is pretty cheap for 20 people.


    pancakes/ waffles/ homemade muffins


    bananas and apples. At least bananas :-)


    oatmeal --jazzed up w/ cinnamon or other yummy flavors.



    mac and cheese



    and yes --hot dogs! you can wrap dogs in crescent roll dough or cut them up and toss in beanie weenie.


    make up a menu to see how much you need.


    that's all i remember for now-- there's probably a website detailing cheap meals for lotsa people now that i think of it, lol.


    good luck!

  6. We haven't done a "regular" camp, but several moms in our homeschool groups have started doing half-day weeklong "camps" for a specific subject at their house for other homeschoolers. One mom did a chemistry camp. They are free, we just invite each other as a quid pro quo. Works pretty well. I'll do a Greek camp this summer :-)


    Mostly, I'm just too cheap. For $50-$80, I can set up a fun camp for MY kids, lol.

  7. for a 6yo, try not to do *everything* lol. My guys didn't care for the coloring pages, so we skipped those. They colored the map while i read.

    I was co-oping w/ a friend so we planned out the year to try to finish in 36 weeks. We skipped over the "Christian" chapters since our guys already knew those backwards and forwards :-) A couple chapters are naturally short simply because the information and/or projects section isn't lengthy.


    We did end up spening a LOT more time on the Egyptian stuff!!! You might want to just plan a full *year* to cover it and have fun.


    good luck!

  8. Karen in CO -- don't feel hurt!! :-)

    ~offering more rhino skin~

    She's made it Very Clear to li'l bro that 'my' lifestyle is absolutely completely wrong. Too many kids. Unlicensed education. Not contributing to the Workforce. backing the wrong political values to boot, lol.

    I just want to make sure I don't come off as "preachy" to her, kwim??


    and Rachel --her deciding to homeschool would be as dramatic as Hillary supporting Bush, lol. She's pretty outspoken about it --but not to my face :-). However, I'll keep Holt in mind. Just in case.....


    thanks for the recs everyone!

  9. My li'l bro and his dw are adopting a little girl from China.

    Sil is a career gal --she will NOT be staying home w/ this baby.

    She works at the Senate in DC, and he is going to Marine Corps Officer Candidate School. He's a staunch Republican and she's a Dyed-in-the-Wool Democrat :-) They are both in their early 30's. Li'l bro says the child will be 9-12 months old.


    ANYway...I am the absolute LAST person that she will take advice from --I homeschool [gasp!] -5 kiddos, conservative, etc. I can tell my li'l bro all kinds of things, but he has to watch how he recommends stuff to her too. She wouldn't let him switch out a circuit breaker in their new house because he wasn't a qualified electrician.


    Something written by someone w/ known Democrat leanings and a degree in Child-Something-or-Other would probably carry more weight w/ her. i can almost guarantee she is NOT going to want any attachment parenting stuff.

    They are attending adoption classes. She is going on a staff trip to China in March and will likely check out some souvenirs while there.


    SO: if you could recommend some good childcare books that might resonate w/ someone who thinks along those lines, feel free to recommend them. They do go to church, but she is not a strong Christian.



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