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Posts posted by Leonana

  1. Beach Body is the name of a company that puts out many successful workout videos/series. For the most part a person could pick any of their products and if they stick with it they will find success.


    Honestly I think one of the absolute best workout videos to start with is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's just 20 minutes which helped me immensely when I first started because in my head it was easy to say, "I can do anything for 20 minutes" whereas the 35-55 min videos out there were intimidating to me. It's also only $10 at Walmart. And best of all people see results from it - mostly in the form of firming up. When I first started to get healthy I did it every other day for about 6 months and ended up losing about 20 lbs overall (the weight did not start to come off though until about 6-8 weeks into it).


    It really boosted my confidence and made me feel comfortable branching out to the harder, and more expensive, workouts.


    I agree. I started out with 30 Day Shred, and saw results after about a month or two. I really love those endorphins as a stress relief!


    I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism for awhile, but was unable to keep up with the hour long workout. I'm now doing Ripped in 30, and like it the best.


    I did try Turbo Fire, but didn't feel I got a good workout. I am horrible at the dance type moves, and couldn't keep up! I do better at the non-dance exercises, which Jillian uses.

  2. I would say no, because my experience of speaking up involved a lot of drama and backstabbing.


    In my case, this involved a mom who had made comments that she suspected her dd had ADD. Later, her dd was accusing my dd of doing and saying things that she hadn't done. I mentioned that perhaps her dd needed some professional help. I thought I was helping her dd, who didn't seem to be getting any help, and trying to protect my own dd.


    Let's just say it didn't go over well, and she went around telling other people that I had accused her dd of having a mental problem. :rolleyes: And this was six months after I made the remark!


    From people she was talking to, I learned she expected an apology from me. I did apologize for my remark, partly because I felt sorry for her, and partly because I realized I had made a mistake mentioning it. Fortunately, it ended the drama, as far as I can tell.


    I believe that there are some kids out there that need help. However, if the parent does not want to recognize it, then you will be the bad guy. Regarding ethics and/or bravery in addressing this, I think you will actually push these type of parents into more denial. I'm not sure what it would take to reach this type of parent, but I don't think I have the means to do it.

  3. Seriously the Mom in Phineas and Ferb is the most clueless person ever!


    Also why isn't Candace in intense therapy for her delusions since her Mom never ever believes her! Seriously if I didn't believe my daughter after she said things like Candace she would be in therapy so fast.


    Why are only the animals secret agents?


    How much alimony is Doofenshmirtz getting to keep up his schemes with no real job? Seriously his ex must be raking in the money.


    Speaking of money how do Phineas and Ferb afford all the materials they buy for their inventions? (DH and I decided that Ferb is a trust fund baby on his Mom's side)


    Oh speaking of parents where is Ferb's Mom and Phineas' and Candace's Dad? You would think they would have at least some visitation during the summer.


    Seriously! I think Candace looks like she could go into therapy any minute! :lol:


    I think Doofenshmirtz must have at one time invented something that worked, patented it, and is now living off the royalties. That is all I can come up with!


    I think all animals are secret agents. Sometimes I wonder about my dog. :lol:

  4. I know you were asking about a piano, and I was looking for something similar myself. However, we went cheaper and got a digital keyboard at Costco, last Christmas. It was on sale for $89. I think it has around 76 keys, and the keys are weighted. It's a Casio WK-220.


    Her music teacher said it works really well for her lessons. I decided if she stuck with piano lessons, we would get something more expensive later. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, in case she hated piano. So far, she likes it and I think she will stick with it.

  5. I am thinking about getting a Roku....but I would like to know the practical difference between the different ones...if there anything huge that the cheapest one won't do for me...or is that ok for someone who just wants NEtflix on a non-smart TV (it's for the kitchen and I don't watch a lot of TV in there). thanks.


    Oh, another question...is it easy enough to move the Roku box from one TV to another....or is it such a pain that I would want to get 2? Again, it would probably be a rare occasion that I would want to do that, so it wouldn't even be worth $50 to buy a second one...just curious.


    I think we got the more expensive one, because my dd and dh wanted to play games. If I remember correctly, that was the difference in price. If all you want is movies, the cheaper one should work.


    As for moving it, it depends on how easy it is to get to the back of your tv. It isn't hard to hook up, and can be unplugged and moved. However, we have a bigger flat screen which is in a big heavy entertainment center. It can be very inconvenient to try and move it, to get to the back panel.

  6. Joann, I have not experienced that. We have been incredibly fortunate to have a good income and not a lot of debts. What is killing me is that you can wipe out credit card debt too? Where is the accountability? That tells me that I could go finance whatever I wanted, and if I avoid the collectors long enough, then I own my stuff free and clear without every having to pay it. :confused:


    I'm sure there are many instances where it is needed to wipe out massive medical debt ( and I thank God every day that we are healthy!) I know the rate of medical bankruptcy is through the roof. I'm not really talking about medical here.


    I believe the number one reason for bankruptcy in the U.S. is for medical bills.


    We didn't pay on our unsecured debt for a few months, because dh was out of work. I don't know how someone can go seven years without paying, because most cc companies will file a judgment and garnish your wages.


    When dh started working again, he made enough money for us to pay it off. It had gone to collections, so we settled, and paid a little less than we owed. It was about $10,000 total. Not huge, but when you have no extra money, it might as well be a million.


    However, I don't know that you get away scot free. It ruins your credit. I hear stories of my friends re-financing their homes at really low rates, however we cannot do that. Even though my dh wasn't working due to the actions of the banks and Wall Street. :rolleyes:

  7. Not to be confrontational, and you know your body better than any of us - but the only way I maintain my weight is with healthy food, cardio, and a LOT of weight training. I'm not "buff' at all - people probably can't event ell - but if I stop doing weights my weight starts going up no matter how little I eat. I could also never stop exercising. No amount of starving myself would work - and I couldn't eat like that for long. I have never "dieted" and I don't think diets (per se) work for most people. I do not drink any calories (only water and my morning coffee), I do not eat junk. I rarely have a 'treat' and if I do it's a handful of chocolate chips. We do not eat desert here unless it is a birthday or holiday. No white flour, lots of fiber.


    I think things like Weight Watchers, juice diets, etc., are flawed in that people generally can't keep up any kind of diet like that for long. I eat real food, in healthy quantities, and exercise a lot. The older I've gotten, the harder it has become to stay the same weight.....


    It has been the same for me.

  8. My dh drives for a moving company. He's gone 2-3 weeks a month. When he's home, he's usually working long days, and has only one day off in the week. So, our situation is different from the 3-4 days a week. I would actually love that!


    1. How hard is it on your family? (I'm talking about being gone 4 days/nights a week.)


    It was harder when dd was little. Now that she's 11, she handles it better. She and dh are very close, and dh is good about spending time with her when he is home.


    I do okay during the day, but miss him a lot at night. I don't struggle a lot with the parenting side of it, but maybe that's because I have only one child.


    2. Under what circumstances would you consider this?


    We are doing it because he couldn't make enough to support us, without me going to work. DH really wants me home with dd, and hs'ing, as do I.


    3. Is the extra income and relief of acute financial stress, worth the sacrifice of him being gone?


    Yes, because we didn't have any other choice, if we want to hs. I would sacrifice financially, but not to the point where I can't pay bills.


    The extra money is nice, and the relief from financial stress is also very nice. We've had three years of under-employment and some un-employment, so I am very much enjoying being able to pay bills on time and having some extra spending money. We have also paid off our unsecured debt, and have been able to help others. Now, we're going to work on fixing up the house. The extra money does make dealing with his absence more tolerable.


    4. What do you do to make it easier on you and the children? (i.e. skype etc.)


    We have a lot of activities during the week. DD has piano, dance, homeschool support group, playdates, etc. She talks on the phone to her friends a lot.


    DH calls every other night, and texts us. Actually, dd doesn't like to talk to him on the phone. I guess it makes her miss him.


    5. If you are a Christian, what are your thoughts. ???


    This won't apply to you, but it affects us in that dh rarely is able to make it to church. He is either out of town, working or too tired. So, I'm a single mom at church, and have to get involved on my own.


    6. Any other thoughts, warnings, advice, opinions?


    We try to find ways to spend more time together. DD and I went on the road with him for 2 1/2 weeks this summer. Sometimes he has a week off between jobs, and it's nice to spend that much time with him.


    Sometimes I wish he would get a local job, and I get tired of being alone. Sometimes I enjoy being my own boss. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything.


    One down side I'll mention is that I get used to doing things alone and my way that I feel a little resentful when he gets back for a couple of days. I don't like his sloppy habits messing up every room in the house. I also kind of feel ... what is that word.... like I am giving him the cold shoulder. That's awful, I know. Kind of like I feel like he was gone, I survived, so I guess I don't really need him. Irrational but maybe a coping method? Especially when he's gone for 2 weeks or more. A couple of nights here and there aren't a problem, but longer than 10 days starts to get me in weird frame of mind.


    I can relate to that a lot.

  9. Thanks, Nmoira. Nobody is mentioning the new Kindle much-is that because it just came out and there's not much info? Is it supposed to be like their version of an ipad? We watched the little video and they put a lot of emphasis on how good it is for viewing videos, games, etc. They didn't talk much about how it is for web surfing, apps, etc. (lol-I don't even really know what an app is, but I know it's something that you do on a tablet that makes it do different things, I think?)


    I have the old Kindle. It works fine for forums, e-mail, surfing, and Facebook. I'm assuming the new one will be even faster and powerful. I really like it myself. And obviously, you get the e-reader capabilities. It doesn't have video or picture taking capabilities, like an I-phone or I-Pod. However, you can store pictures and videos on the Kindle. I just read that there is less choice of apps. However, I don't use the apps much myself. It all depends on what you are looking for. I do play a lot of solitaire. I joked with dh that it was one expensive deck of cards!


    However, I mostly use it when we go on trips, or out and about at restaurants that have Wi-Fi. The small touch keyboard is hard to type on, and I like to use the big computer at home, with the regular keyboard. If I was only going to choose one, I would definitely go with a laptop or regular computer.


    You would need a wireless internet router, which will hook up into your internet cable modem. I bought mine at Target, and I believe they have them at Walmart. Make sure you get one that is powerful enough. I'm sure you can do some research on Amazon, and find a good one. I bought a Belkin.


    As for Adobe Flash Player, I think what they mean is that on an Android device, you can't watch a Flash Player video. I'm guessing that Adobe has some sort of contract with Apple? The "ways around it" usually mean something you can download that will give your device the capability to watch the flash player videos.

  10. My sil had the surgery. She lost 100 pounds the first year. The second year, she gained about 75 back. However, that first year she was exercising regularly at the gym, and was eating really small amounts of food.


    The second year, she started eating more food, and stopped exercising. She still eats less than she did before, and weighs less, but she gained most of it back.


    I also watch the Biggest Loser on Netflix. In Season 7, there is a man who had the surgery and gained back even more weight. They have to take off their shirts for the weigh in, and his stomach looks almost deformed. I guess it's because of the surgery.


    [*]My research into diet/lifestyles has lead me to conclude that exercise is important for health, but minimal in terms of weight loss.



    That was not true for me. I would not have lost weight/inches without exercise. It was the catalyst for me. Even if I didn't lose the inches, I would still exercise. The endorphins are wonderful at relieving stress.

  11. Which would make complete sense if I didn't agree that she should help?! I never said I didn't agree she should help. In fact, I said I agreed with tutoring, with seeking local resources they could access, and with talking frankly and possibly harshly with them.


    There was exactly 2 points I didn't agree with:


    A. CPS


    B. That there isn't some other issue going on with their development. It is not normal for someone to not have absorbed basic daily life things within their 12-16 years of life. Things like writing their name, measuring when they cook every day,....


    I agree. I think your questions make sense.

  12. Paula's Choice products. My skin looks great, and I'm older than you are :001_smile:


    If you call them, they'll generally send you free samples. If you're interested in a particular product line, you can buy a relatively inexpensive sample kit to try before you purchase the products. And they have frequent sales and special offers.


    I use them too. Love them. I have sensitive skin, and it still breaks out at age 52. I use her Beta-hydroxy gel, and it's fabulous. It keeps my skin smooth, and controls the breakouts. She recommends her alpha-hydroxy products for those with dry skin.


    I can use her moisturizers for oily skin, and they don't break me out. I haven't bought her cleansing products yet, but have used her recommendations from her Beautypedia website. I like Neutrogena's Foaming Cleanser.


    I think I look younger than my age. My gynecologist asked me when I had my last period at my well woman exam, lol. He said I didn't look my age.

  13. I didn't understand the article to say that academics were not important. My take on it was that if you focus on relationships and love of learning, then teaching the academics will be a lot easier. I don't see it as an either/or situation, but more of a sequence to follow.


    Well, if you have ever had a kid in school, you realize that they NEVER finish the book. They barely do any lessons at all.


    So whatever you do at home, assuming an honest, disciplined effort, will outpace the local public school, most likely.


    That's my take on those kind of comments. Of course, someone could actually do nothing, but I think those people are rare. You ought to be smart enough to farm out things you can't do well if you are homeschooling, and I think most people are.


    Look at the people on this board; most of them are pretty intelligent.


    Hi, TM! Nice to see you.


    For those of you who have responded to her post, she has a dd in public school, taking honor's classes.

  14. I find SL to be plenty. You will still want to read for fun and encourage reading just for pleasure.


    Your oldest is 6. School (seat work) ought to take up very little of your day with active learning (cooking, chores, trips out to parks, museums, zoos, farmers market, etc) being far more important really. There should be lots of structured and unstructured play. Music lessons. Art class.


    I agree. :001_smile:

  15. It really stinks that I may have to leave Sonlight on principle. After reading tons of threads about various kerfuffles, apparently I, as a mainline Protestant, am no longer their target audience. I have no idea where I am supposed to go. The fundie Evangelicals have their homeschooling advocates and curriculum providers (VF, Ken Ham, BF, HOD, HSLDA, etc.). THe Reformed people have TOG and VP. The Catholics have all kinds of cool stuff. Where do I belong? I thought it was Sonlight, but I guess I was wrong.:001_unsure:


    I can relate. I've been checking out History Odyssey. From reading this thread, it sounds like TOG might be an option.


    I haven't read this thread that closely, so forgive me if you've posted elsewhere to make the answer obvious, but you do realize that Sarita wasn't hired by the Board to replace John, but that this was a Mom and Pop business Sarita and John started in their garage years ago?


    Sarita has always been president. John has been the public relations face of the business, in charge of customer service, marketing, and otherwise actively involved, who people saw and felt they knew.


    If John and Sarita always had different views, it wasn't all that obvious -- and now it doesn't shock me that the customers who loved Mom and Pop from way back would be wondering if it was just Pop who loved them back, and feeling more than a tad betrayed, and a bit hurt that Mom and the kids notice being used as a book list more than appreciating the dollars spent by the loyal customers over the years that could have gone somewhere else?


    I think Sarita had a change of heart. There was a BEAM article in which she wrote about it. Apparently, she read some book by Schaffer(?) and it changed her beliefs. Perhaps the actions of CHEC excluding SL also contributed to her change of belief.


    So, my guess is that her and John had a similar POV, or she at least was willing to defer to his. Then he bowed out, she took over, and then had her personal revelation.


    The upper level IG's were for many years very difficult to use. The student questions did not match the questions in the answer key, with some questions here and other questions there, some not answered at all. Flipping back and forth and not finding that you were missing anything until way past that book. etc.


    Yes, these things have all been fixed, and right now the upper IGs are the most beautiful I have seen in all these years. Totally usable. (Core 530 has always been the masterpiece, IMO.)


    Cores 100, 200, 300 and 530 have the lit portion either written or rewritten by Amy. Core 400 was totally written by John. The history notes in all 4 upper cores were written by John. Amy has hinted that they are now "embarrassed by John's voluminous notes in the history sections, especially in cores 100 and 400. So if you like what they have now, watch every March for updates and changes, so that you might choose to buy before those changes take place.


    People complained for YEARS about the problems in the upper level IG's, with the answers not matching the questions. It always seemed that SL cared about the lower levels, and that is their biggest seller. Most people don't hs for high school. You have to wonder if that's why it took so long to revise the upper level IG's.


    Boy, how ironic. I guess there will be one or two good years of upper level IG's.

  16. We love LOF Elementary, and my dd is in 5th grade this year. She has always loved living math books and begs to read them. However, she hates math curriculums.


    We made it through MM 4A, and I decided to take a break because she hit a wall at division. We're going to blast through LOF Elementary, and than go on to LOF Fractions. I'll supplement if we need to, and hopefully we can stick with LOF all the way.


    Although, I'm a later is better kind of homeschooler. I don't mind if she is "behind." If I wait, she catches on very quickly, and then we don't waste a lot of time on math.

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