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Senorita Tuna Fish

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Posts posted by Senorita Tuna Fish

  1. I know I've posted about having Miquion math and saying that I was going to try after all the encouragment I got from other posters...But I just can't do it...I need something that's gonna tell me exatally what to do when how and why. She's a rising first grader and I think its worth too much to try and fail at teaching her something I can't get well enough to understand to explain to her. This is sort of ranty but I really want to know what is going to give her a firm foundation first so we can them move on to some of those conceptualy (no I didn't misspell that) mind computational (again not a misspelling) type of stuff. Is there a way to use the miquion as a side deal not the whole kit and kaboodle?

  2. We used sonlight Bible study(i guess we would considering we used sonlight core this year). I liked the memory verses. I guess what I'm asking is that since I'm not using sonlight for our first grade school year can anyone recommend a memory versy program thats cheap and easy? or a bible study thats age appropriate for a first grader...again cheaper is better!

  3. That the dance routine took place at a competition shows a lack of judgement on the part of the parents and coaches.


    Putting it on YouTube shows an even greater disregard for good judgement. Then hauling it cable, where even more attention is drawn to the video, really is unconscionable.


    These are real children. And they are being shamelessly exploited in the name of ratings. All the posturing is hypocritical. CNN is exposing the children more than any competition ever did. All the huffing and puffing of Dr Phil makes me sick.


    And I, personally, am displeased to see it going even more viral on this forum.


    We have developed into a culture of "outrage" that the media exploits. Our blood gets boiling, but we're all here watching it (me too unfortunately). Better, I think, to pull the plug, mind our own business, and let these little girls be.




    This is exactally what I thougt while I was reading this thread. I didn't look at the link and I don't want to. Who needs that kind of image in their heads..who needs the thoughts of what pedophiles are doing with the video? It's all just fuel to the fire! Let it go and let those girls fade into obscurity. Talking about the parents judgment is neither here nor there on a forum that they will probably never see. All this debate is just to either puff our ownself up because we think we are better or to quiet our own roaring insecurities about our parenting choices. I know I'm gonna get blasted for that but oh well. I just think compalining about someone on a forum is bad form especially if you have no sort of plan to "rescue" all these poor little girls from their "stupid", "neglectful" parents.

  4. It will help the whole process go a whole lot smoother if I relax!!! Relax...relax...relax...maybe if I chant it long enough the calm will come over me.:tongue_smilie: Again I would really like to thank everyone who gave helpful imput even if it was just to let me see that it doesn't work for everyone. I'm thinking that we are going to give it a go. So if I'm on here tomorrow night telling you I have patches missing on my scalp then I know you'll be understanding.... Thanks: SpyCar, Kuovonne, MissKNG, Meet me in Paris, DinsFamily, Ishki, Zookeeper, Tutor, TracyR, forty-two, sagira, Melissa in CA, 3blessingmom, Paintedlady, cyndyinohio, Mommy22alyns, K&Rs Mom, and Doubleblessings. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. I like to respond to people seperatly but there were so many responses that I hope this one will suffice! Thanks so much and wish me luck!;)

  5. I just decided to go to a year-round schedule this year so it's an experiment! During the year we took off Thanksgiving week, a couple weeks at Christmas and some time in January because of helping a friend through the death of her father. We also took about a week off this spring and days here and there throughout the other months. We take all the kids' bdays off. We are heading into our last 2 full weeks of school. Then we'll take 3 weeks off in June. After that we'll start up again full schedule, but only 3 days a week. In September we'll start up 5 days a week again. Weeks that we take vacation we'll just take off (we don't go away all that often and when we camp it's usually at the end of the week/weekend which works into this schedule well).


    Hey Robyn,

    Thanks for all your good ideas. Sorry to hear you've been having a trying year. Do you find that during your breaks the kids still want to do some school related things? When you go back is there some sort of review that takes place?

  6. I did some reading....I got through the counting section and worked my way into odds and even and on to addition. And I must say that now that I read further and took my anxeity out of it I was able to see how we could use this program. I do still have a few questions for those who have gone through it.


    Is the counting stage necessary for a rising first grader who gets the one to one corespondence?


    Is the reason that the counting secton is necessary because of the intro to the use of the rods?


    What do you do if you feel like your child needs a little more practice in some areas when there are no more sheets?


    Did you do math everyday with this program and on average how many pages did you do?


    Did you do it according to the sections in the workbook or the teachers book ( section a to b to c..ect)?


    I apoligize in advance for all the questions....I just want to make certain I have as much info as I can and If all of my questions can be answered by just reading further along in the books just let me know.


    I'm trying to start working with my girls asap ( I can start the counting section atleast with my almost three year old right?)

  7. I would. When you get a relaxed moment (rare for many I know) where you can have some herb-tea (or a Mike's :D) and release any anxiety. I know I was in much the same position you were in at one time. I wanted to do better for my son than was done for me, but I wasn't sure how to accomplish that.


    And I too had a moment of panic when Miquon arrived, and I thought I'm simply not smart enough to teach this. It didn't take too long for me to laugh at myself, when I realized how simple teaching with this really is. And how naturally children can take it.


    So I would try to de-compress. And in the mean time you and your child could take a brown rod and try to stack all the different combinations of rods that add up to the same length. This really should be fun. If I can do it, you can too.



    Thanks Bill.... you have calmed my math worries yet again! I will get a beverage (preferably an adult one!!) and relax with a bit of miguon reading!

  8. Yes, there is a learning curve.


    I don't actually do much teaching with it. The rods do the majority of the teaching with the help of my #1 teacher's aide....my dc's curiosity!


    Example of how I use the rods & Miquon style to teach:


    I make 2 piles of rods and have ds figure out the reason behind sorting those particular rods into those 2 piles. He looks, touches, lines them up....re-arranges...and then shouts "ODDS and EVENS!!!"


    Then, I ask another question...which rods, odds or evens, can be divided equally in half? He looks, and tests abotu 3 rods before shouting, "EVENS."


    That's right. Now, show me with rods one-half of 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2.


    Then I had him do a lab sheet, explaining that in mathematical notation we say "one-half" like this "1/2"...



    The next day, I had him find even rods, and did the same process to find 1/4.



    Compare the process I used with my ds with the typical math workbook. Notice that my ds saw the 1/2 notation LAST THING! (Lots of kids, mine included, get intimidated by seeing a foreign notation first and think they can't understand if they don't know it already.) Notice I start with what he knows, and worked our way to something new. (I didn't say, today we are going to learn how to divide in half and then show him how to use prior knowledge to learn the new b/c he would say "I don't know how" and a wall would be up.) Notice how much I *talked* - very little! Notice *who* verbalized the discoveries - HE DID!!! Lastly, notice how I showed him how to use proper mathematical notation to communicate what he now knows.


    The rods, themselves, are a concrete representation of the math so I don't HAVE to explain very much. I also didn't have to run around the house looking for apples and cookies to divide in half to fill the need for a concrete model(though we will discuss those things when eating apples and cookies). Also, I'm forward thinking...we are going to get a good grounding on division and fraction before I'm through with this kid:tongue_smilie:, but for the first few lessons we got our feet wet in the shallow end of the water...1/2 and 1/4 is a very familiar concept for most kids to begin with. He saw the process and had a success (and we did the hard part of putting mathematical notation to the concept;)). So, now we can explore further...and see how far we can take this concept before we need to switch to something different.


    As far as drill goes...for basic +- facts, he visualized the rods and we used Singapore and MEP and RS games to get interesting practice using the numbers. Regrouping...same...he never memorized 8+7 but he *knows* it with automacity now b/c he BUILT the mental steps he uses to find the answers. He uses those same "mental steps" when given 28+7, 38+67 or 128+177. Multiplication...he knows many of the single-digit numbers w/o having ever drilled one of them...he's still building those "mental steps." There is no benefit to rushing the process b/c it's the process that builds mathematical thinking skills. It's the process that will make multi-digit multiplication a variation on a theme he has been singing for quite a while now...


    Hope my ramblings hepled a bit...


    I get what your saying about not teaching...or allowing the child to discover. Did you get the ideas about how to use the rods? Are the rods the only things you use to help your child get the concepts?

  9. It would probably be somewhat inadvisable to use it as your sole program if you don't really get it. But it could still make a wonderful supplement - you and your dc could discover the concepts together.


    But maybe we can help you get a handle on Miquon - what exactly don't you get? (What the sheets are getting at? How the whole discovery angle plays out on a day-to-day basis? What, exactly, do you do each day? How is this math:tongue_smilie:? All of the above? None of the above ;)?) Also, what about Miquon made you want to do it in the first place?


    I bought if after someone reccomended it on here and I did some research and liked the idea that it's more about mastery. We were using horizons math an I felt like she wasn't "getting it" in the way I wanted her to. She could do the work sheets but when asked a math question she couldn't answer without being frustrated or taking a long time.


    I'm not a math person but....I wanted better for her. There is a type of anxeity that I get when having to answer a math question. It makes me feel stupid and ashamed and i didn't want that for her. I didn't want her to have to be almost thirty and have to learn or relearn all the things that would have been eaiser to grasp at 6 or 7.


    What I don't get about it is the way in which to use the workbook. Do I use it during the "play" time o do I use it after the lab or what?


    I'm a little unsure on how to "teach" certain concepts in the way they are suggesting or really anyway. I guess it has more to do with my fear than anything. I guess I just want her to have a solid foundation in math.

  10. Does anyone here use a year round schedule? If so do you care to share it? Do you keep the same intensity all of the time or is it more relaxed. What are some of the things that you add in the summer. Do you use the summer for review? How do the children enjoy it? Does it leave room for summer fun, vacations, swimming, ect?

  11. But I got no replies so maybe someone can snswer my questions here.


    Is it imperative that I use it with another program like singapore or Math mammoth?


    In reading the teacher materials Do i need to read them seperatly or use them as a sort of reference to eachother.


    It might just be my anxeity but i feel like i'm missing something.


    Is orange book the place to start with a rising first grader?


    If I use singapore or math mammoth which do I start with and how do I use them togeather?


    Sorry to the OP for the hijack!:001_smile:

  12. Doesn't get it? I have all the teacher supplements and I still juts don't get it. Is there something I'm missing. We haven't started using it yet so I'm not sure how it's going to go...But after my reading through it I just don't know If I'm going to be able to teach it well.


    So if you've used the program in the past was there a learning curve? Is it going to take me a while to get it or should I sell it and try something else? Do you just use it as a supplement or as your primary program? Do you supplement with other stuff if so what?

  13. I also have a 5 yr old fluent reader, and will be homeschooling 1st grade next year.


    I'm skipping phonics except in conjunction with spelling, because my DD approaches unfamiliar words phonetically anyway, and is usually pretty accurate. Since it's obvious that she CAN use phonics when she needs it, I don't see much reason to put her through learning it when she's already a fluent reader. However, we are using a spelling book that includes some of the more obscure/advanced phonics rules (and DD picked it out), so she'll get reinforcement that way.


    I'm not starting formal grammar with my DD next year, because, again, she's internalized the basic rules and can use it simply from reading (and Schoolhouse Rock/Brian P. Cleary books, both of which she loves), so my plan is to wait until she's a little older and go into MCT.


    What a great Idea...I don't want to bore her with learning things she knows because she'll tell me plainly. But to give her something she thinks doesn't already know would be an even better idea. Do you mind me asking what spelling book your using?

  14. Thanks for the link Lady Dusk...that brings more questions but it was still helpful. The spelling rules thing is a neato trick that I hadn't thought about. We never used OPGR. Buying it or checking it out of the library wouldn't be horrible in case I wanted to use it for my youngest. I'm now wondering a spelling program thats uses the spelling rules directly! Ahhh so many more questions!!! LOL

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