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Senorita Tuna Fish

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Posts posted by Senorita Tuna Fish

  1. It's going to be in Philadelphia. I don't have any other specifics. I am waiting to hear further from Dr. Kemnitz. SWB is thinking of coming. MCT will be there. Dr. K. said he was trying to get other speakers but didn't mention any names. WHen I know more, hopefully today or tomorrow, I will post! Andrew Kern is not too far away in North Carolina and I wonder if he would come.


    Let me know if there is anyone I can Contact! I will Do what I can I really want to help! I can send out some emails to the people I have email address for Like Carol Barnier if that's OK!

  2. Has anyone else been asked? Where are we gonna do this and How many people can we invite! I can get on some Facebook and websites to ask in anyone else can come and speak? What about posting a message on the NE Conference Facebook to ask if any other speakers are interested in still coming?

  3. People use those relaxers.....but in my opinion, it's really dangerous. I have done them myself on myself. I have also burned myself and my scalp. I've even lost hair before! It's really a crap shoot even when you are going to a salon because it is a chemical and results vary..... You have to remember to baste her scalp but when you part it don't scrape her scalp that could cause burns. Don't get it on her skin or yours cause that could cause burns...it's really a dangerous practice. I don't wear relaxers anymore....My hair and scalp are much healthier when I go without. Can I ask you a maybe personal question? What is the reason for getting her the relaxer? She's eleven, at eleven I was able to take charge of my hair. Is this what she wants to do with her hair? Hair thats relaxed needs lots of care and if your not keeping up with the touch ups when they need to be done you run the risk of hair breakage at the point where the new growth and relaxed hair meet. This is a really loaded subject....because the care of anyone's hair is based on that one persons hair, true some ethnic groups have similarities but no one thing is gonna work for a whole group of people. What are your or her goals for her hair? I can then give you some more personalized information. Again I'm not saying that relaxer don't work for some ladies....but for me they did lots of damage even when I was going to the salon every two weeks to care for it! Which is how often you should go to have your hair taken care of properly if you have a relaxer...if your doing it at home you need to take care of it just as well.....what is the routine you have for her hair care? I'm really trying to help, so please see it as that! I don't want to come off like a know it all.

  4. Is it a chemical relaxer? If it is and you've never done it before DON'T!!! I mean that in the nicest possible way! It is a chemical and can burn skin eyes, ect! If your just doing it with a flat iron or hot comb....maybe. Have you ever done your own? I mean Flat ironed it? If you have a steady hand and lots of patience then try a small patch in the back.....really it's not as easy as it looks! It took me a long time before my mom used heat on my hair. Where do you live? if it's near me I would do it for you....I'm really not trying to be funky it's just a really intricate process....I could also teach you but not on a day where your in a rush! PM me if you have more questions and I don't respond right away!:001_smile:

  5. I'm bringing the whole family! We went to Cincinatti last year but since we are in PA I figured thaat Philly would be nice! It was nice to leave the oldest with the childrens conference but my husband, mother and possibly mother in law are coming as well so I think I'll have it covered! We are gonna make it our vacation. Come early in the week and do fun stuff then have the convention at the end of the week!

  6. I bought an Ipad......and I really wanted it! My husband got me a new computer that showed up after I purchased the Ipad! I'm finding that the only thing I use the Ipad for is as an ereader and to play games!!!! Is it worth it to keep it? Should I take it back? If I keep what shall I use it for.....It was really the first purchase that I made that was something that I really wanted! I never buy things for myself! what should I do???

  7. Thank you thank you...to everyone who commented on the photo. Another thanks for all the cute comments about my Shimmer Shine Queen. I especially love the poster idea and all the suggestions on where I can get it done. You ladies are awsome! My hubby was feeling a little bogged down by work and school and home life so your comments on his hard work really brightened him up! Thanks!!!!:grouphug:

  8. I'm the 24th. Never got slighted though! My parents made it special! I always had a party if I wanted one. It might have been the week or weekend before but it was for my birthday and that alone....no Christmas decorations, no Christmas wrapping! I always felt honored when friend and people outside my family made it a point to separate the two! I love the winter and I love Christmas (the nativity scenes, the lights, the music, the joyful attitudes of people) and wouldn't want to celebrate it another time!

  9. Thank you so much for steering me the right direction! It's exactly the type of thing I was looking for!


    5LittleMonkeys: you are so super great for linking me to this! My searches never turn up well I got all types of things I didn't want when I did a search! Do you use this method?


    LadyDusk: I see you use this method. How has it worked for you thus far? IS it the only thing you use in the morning? I was thinking of adding Letter of the day and color of the week and that kind of stuff.

  10. As I was reading the thread about nasty comments received for home schooling, and the responses about "if you consider yourself qualified" it got me to thinking.


    Are most of the homeschooling mothers on this particular forum college graduates? Do you think you need to be one in order to home school? Has it helped or hindered you to be a college graduate or higher?


    What do you think of parents who aren't college graduates who home school? Do you think there is any validity to the qualifications of home school parent?

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