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Posts posted by Karenciavo

  1. One of my friends said if your son wants to talk to his son about The King's College he's happy to do it. Send me a pm if you want his email. BTW, I talked a little bit about money with him last week. He said freshman year was a little rough because you must live in King's housing and yes, that's $11,000 + a year plus food. There are basically two types of housing, one apartment style with its own small kitchen and one with shared kitchen. They budgeted $200 a month for food and extras (that's not a lot of extras). Since they live in NJ travel home was no big deal but would be for your son. This year his son is a junior and he shares an apartment in Brooklyn with 3 other guys. Much cheaper - $6000 for the year and the added bonus of not having to move out in May.

  2. Marcia and Scott Somerville will be speaking at the Great Homeschool Conventions in 2012. TOG used to be sold at conventions, last year it was not. We simply explained how TOG works through both in print and DE samples. There was a convention bonus if a person ordered by the end of August with the code we handed out.


    My ds9 is doing UG history and D level literature this year (Year 2 - for the most part, some books I switch out because I prefer them). It's very easy to do. This year we use notebooking pages (scroll down for TOG pages) for outlining each week. We also have some dialectic dicussion (modified from dialectic script). I believe this will prepare him for next year when I plan to have him at dialectic for all components.

  3. Wow Christine! That's amazing. What a great opportunity.


    Thanks everyone for your input. I have TOG 4, this kid went to school the year we used it home. TOG doesn't work well with him. The reading overwhelms and then there are discipline issues that we are constantly working on. I think I'm going to pull together something on my own using TOG, Ambleside online, the WTM suggestions, and TC. I have the Churchill video and I also have a great Childers audio called Europe and Western Civilization in the Modern Age. I like the idea of a Context page from the WTM.


    Today will be teacher in-service. Thanks for helping me think this through.


  4. If you don't agree with the general viewpoints of Stanley Schmidt, you should not buy LOF. His viewpoints are woven throughout the series--it is not just a math curriculum. I think he is extremely insightful and I have agreed with just about everything he says. He is one of my daughter's favorite authors, and probably the one she quotes the most. I love the series and I am excited to own the complete set.

    Same here. Then again we read Lemony Snicket and Hillaire Belloc so...


    Yeah! I made it to Larvae!

    Congratulations :thumbup1:

  5. :grouphug::grouphug:


    In what context did he say dull? That he finds you dull?


    Gently, and take this from someone who does not know either of you at all. If my dh had been gone for weeks, left me alone to do everything, returned home and called me dull, I would have to wonder if this is a serious threat to my marriage. I would expect sympathy and understanding, not to mention appreciation. And I would expect the short amount of time we had together to be spent enjoying each other's company. Separations can be incredibly stressful; reunions can too. But I would be concerned exactly what he might be finding interesting.


    :iagree: :grouphug: I think another conversation is needed.

  6. You're kids are young, sometimes it's harder to reason with them at that age. The phrase that seemed to work for us was "you're on the slippery slope." And the thing I like about Peacemaker is that it addresses all kinds of bad bahavior - bullies and "victims". We worked on one bad behavior at a time - their dad and I worked on our own issues too with them. I think showing them humility and "hey, we're all in this together," helped settle down pride, etc and any eye-rolling that may occur. So we spoke on a heart level and it made a difference for us.

  7. I'm not sure if you are ok with Christian material, please disregard if you aren't. I love The Young Peacemaker. We took some cue words from it that really helped with my older two (twenty months apart).


    In general, I don't yell, punish in anger, or threaten. I would send them to separate areas and have them wait for me if I needed a time out before addressing bad behavior. Be consistant. Eventually if you are you will reap a harvest. Sometimes it may feel like it's taking forever. :tongue_smilie:

  8. Why both Horizons and Singapore? how different are the S&S? When he finishes Horizon 5, will Singapore 5 teach him anything new?


    You could add the IP/CWP to either.


    ETA, wait a second. If he hasn't gotten to any new material yet in Horizons 5, why not simply move him ahead to where the new material is? Or, pick up where you left off with Singapore.


    I didn't plan on using 2 spines, like I said he zipped through Horizons and so Singapore filled the gap. We did use IP and CW last year.


    I like how Horizons repeats material for review. It's definitely a comfort level thing for me which *I* need to let go of.


    Thank you.

  9. My ds9 was always accelerated in language, but his math acceleration has kind of snuck up on me and I'm wondering if I should rethink a bit. He was a little above grade level from the start, but last year took a leap which led to him going through a lot of math.

    3rd grade:

    Horizons 3

    Singapore 3B-4B with CWP 3 and Intensive Practice for level 4

    LOF Fractions


    This year he skipped Horizons 4 and moved into Horizons 5. Yesterday was our 11th day of school and he finished lesson 42 so he is averaging 4 lessons a day pretty much error-free. He does 45-60 minutes worth of math a day and he does what he can in that time. He really hasn't gotten any new material yet, I know some is coming though. Even if he slows down we are on pace to finish H5 before Christmas break. We have Singapore 5 ready in the queue and LOF decimals, basically we are on track to repeat what we did last year. But last year wasn't planned like that, it just happened so I'm wondering if repeating that cycle is the best use of his time. He loves Fred and would do it for fun anyway so I won't take that away.


    What would you do?

  10. Taming of the Shrew

    The 1980 BBC staged for TV version starring John Cleese. It is the only version I've seen in which I felt Petrucchio genuinely loved Katherine and did all that he did out of wanting to see her blossom. Which is the only way the very end in which she willingly submits to his authority because she trusts he has her best good at heart makes sense.





    NOT the Kenneth Branaugh version. ACK! It's all about HIM... on and on and on, the camera spins around him endlessly...


    This version is different that's for sure, but I like it. Visually beautiful and Branagh and Winslet are very good. I like the complete cast.

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