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Posts posted by Cricket

  1. I'm sure we will help as much as we can but we will expect them to work and pay as well. I went to a private college (about $12-14,000 a year--probably cheap compared to today's rates). My parents made very little so I got lots of financial aid as well as scholarships and I worked. I still graduated with about $13,000 worth of student loans to pay back. I was young and stupid! I regret that very much. I wish I had worked harder, gone to a cheaper school and graduated with no loans. Hopefully we can keep our dc from making the same mistake.

  2. Dh doesn't help with household chores much at all, except maybe to point out things we missed. ;) (I think he gets frustrated with himself that he doesn't have time to help out.) I even check my own oil in the car, take care of the weeds in the landscaping (an HOA is a pain!), help the boys with their tkd and baseball. These are things I think of as a "man's" responsibility, but dh works long days so I do what I can. Sometimes I get resentful but I tell myself to quit whining. Some days that works and some days that doesn't. :) I have to remember that we are in this as a family and it isn't dh and me in some sort of competition for who does more.


    Like others have said I get my dc involved. They are old enough now to be a help. This morning I had some things to get done so all four of them sorted and folded two loads of laundry and put all the clothes away. Surprisingly it was my youngest two who were the biggest help. They worked cheerfully and consistently. They do help around the house most days. They have regular chores that need doing.

  3. Robert the Bruce, Duncan (who was murdered by Macbeth) and other kings....but I think everyone with Scottish blood can claim that. :001_smile: One of my mom's relatives is really into genealogy and traced it all back. There were a couple of pastors on her side too that were well-known in their day. One wrote a book on systematic theology.


    On my dad's side, my great-grandfather was a cousin of Huey "The Kingfish" Long, the Louisiana governor who was assassinated back in the 1930s.

  4. At the end of April our homeschool group is having a science fair. My 9 yo wants to do something along the lines of The Real World of Spongebob, talking about the ocean life in the South Pacific. If it is Spongebob, I guess it would have to be specifically the ocean life under Bikini Atoll. (Maybe we'll incorporate all those sunken WWII ships. :))Is that too broad a topic? I've never done a science fair. I suppose we could use an aquarium to recreate it. Ds was thinking he could draw the main Spongebob characters (he loves to draw) and then talk about how they differ from the real animals. Like how a sponge and a starfish could never be friends because starfish eat sponges. Does this even sound like a science fair idea?


    And then what to do with my 6 yo....maybe the typical life cycle of a plant? lol We just finished reading a book about the Great Lakes but he doesn't want to do anything with that. He always wants to copy his big brother.

  5. To me *none* of these is bad as letting young kids ride their bikes unattended for hours through the neighborhood.


    When dd11 was 4 and in public school, there was a kid that was considered a "walker" by the school. He was allowed to walk home from Pre-K. (And he did not live across the street...it was a couple of blocks away.) THIS is worse than me walking 5-10 steps to drop off a movie at Blockbuster, and it was considered okay by the parents and school. ARGH!


    These are good points. Why is it okay to let young kids to ride their bikes all over the neighborhood alone? At the park in our neighborhood, we have seen an 8 yo and her 6 yo sister there alone several times. I've left my kids in the car for a minute or two (dry cleaners, post office) but I would never let my 9 yo and 6 yo go to the park by themselves and play for an hour or so. I barely let them play in the front yard! Somehow I think the kids are safer in a locked car than left at the park alone. I worry more about them arguing while I'm gone than any danger coming to them. :)


    My boys take tae kwon do and we are there 6 days a week. There have been quite a few times when my 4 yo has fallen asleep just before getting to the gym. If I can park right in front of the doors, I'll leave her in the car asleep. I'm literally 8 ft away from the car. The doors to the gym are open and I sit right in the doorway.


    BTW, when my dad was a kid (1950s), his father who was a pastor drove once a month from New Orleans to somewhere in Mississippi to preach. On the way home they would always stop at a restaurant and my grandpa and grandma would go in and have a nice dinner. The three kids would be asleep in the car. They didn't think anything of it.

  6. Being an American is an ethnicity every bit as much as being German or Australian or Russian. How long does a country have to exist before an ethnicity is associated with it? Honestly, none of us walk around saying we are Phoenicians or Sumarians, Saxons or Normans. If we want to REALLy go back, I suppose we can but seriously that gets a bit rediculous. What do you call a person who has lived in America and whose family has lived in America for 400+ years? Of course they are simply American and personally, I think that is saying plenty. America is not devoid of a culture or heritage of it's own.


    That's not to say that someone who wants to identify with a particular heritage cannot. It just means that some of are just American and that's okay, too.


    I've wondered about this also. When will "American" be an ethnicity? Maybe it is only Americans who don't think of "American" as an ethnicity. It's interesting that people here from other countries think it is strange that we talk about being English, German, Italian, Spanish. I think of myself as American but when asked about ethnicity, I automatically think, 'English, Scottish, a little German thrown in, and I'm sure some other things I don't know about.' :) My ancestors on my mom's side came over to this country from Scotland in the early 1600s. Some fought in the Revolutionary War and others on the Confederate side of the Civil War. On my dad's side they were English and came over before the Revolutionary War. And these are just the ancestors we know about. Who knows about the others.


    I would love to visit Scotland and England. I understand when Toni says she would feel at home in another country. I think I could feel at home in the UK even though I've never been. Perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part....or watching too many episodes of "As Time Goes By." :) Even if I did live in another country, I'm sure I would always be "American" though.

  7. This is my favorite way to cook a roast. It needs to be a good cut like a round roast or London broil, not a chuck roast.


    Heat the oven to 500 degrees. Place the roast in a pan and roast, uncovered, for 5 minutes per pound. Turn the oven off and left the roast sit in the oven for 2 hours. Do not open the oven door! The roast will be perfectly medium-rare. My dh likes meat rare and he likes the roast this way. I always overcooked them before.

  8. We have lever door handles on our front door. My 2 yo dd is able to get out of the house now. I've kept the deadbolt locked but this morning my 4 yo dd opened the door and then didn't lock the deadbolt. So a little bit later 2 yo went outside. I bought one of those door latches with the bar that flips over (like a hotel room has) but when I got home, I realized that with the molding around the door I can't install it. I want to put a latch up high so my 4 yo can't reach it. I've thought about putting a big piece of furniture in front of the door but I guess that wouldn't be practical. :) Any other ideas?


    **Walmart was out of stock of the chain latches. I just saw a picture of one and that is in two pieces. That might work. I've heard the lever childproof locks don't work that well.

  9. Last night we had grilled pork (country style ribs on sale for $1/lb) with foil packets of potatoes and vegetables on the grill


    Tonight I used some leftover pork for soup (super easy recipe I saw in a magazine: cooked meat--was supposed to be chicken but I only had pork, two cans of chicken broth, half a jar of spaghetti sauce, heated then served over rice or noodles) and coleslaw.


    Tomorrow is stir-fry with asparagus I think. I have a pound of asparagus in the fridge. That was only $1/lb this week.


    Wednesday is supposed to be leftovers.


    Don't know about the rest of the week yet. The grocery ads come out on Wednesdays and I had planned on going shopping Thursday. I was very strict with my budget this past week but the food has lasted much longer than I thought. I planned my entire week including snacks. Some days we didn't eat a snack and some nights we didn't eat as much as I cooked so I have lots of leftovers. I'll try to stretch that out for as long as I can. :)

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