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Posts posted by Joyfullyblessed

  1. Hello,


    Well, I want to lose some weight... actually a lot. I need to lose anywhere from 60-80 pounds. I joined WW online, but I haven't quite figured out the new plan yet with the PointsPlus plan & honestly haven't taken the time needed to learn everything yet.


    My sister called me today and said that she just began calorie counting last Friday and has already lost 7 pounds! :) She was also doing WW online, but had no luck. However, she said this is so much easier for her & she is seeing results. She is exercising each day for about twenty minutes too.


    She gave me a few websites to look at if I wanted. She is not following these, but I was curious to see if anyone had ever heard of them or followed their plans. If so, how did it work out?


    Also, can anyone recommend a great multi-vitamin that doesn't cost a fortune or make you sick?


    Thanks! Everyone have a great day! :)

  2. Hmmmm... this is a hard one. I love doing this type thing, but this one is a bit of a challenge. Maybe you could use the blue gray color the same way you used the lime green.


    You could paint a pink stripe across the blue gray wall as they have done in the other picture (with the lime green wall), then get some inexpensive toss pillows to put on her bed to bring out the blue gray again.


    Not sure what to tell you about the chair & the rug. There are inexpensive slipcovers out there which could work & then you could toss a pillow or a pretty throw on the chair once again to bring out the blue gray a touch.


    Again, this is a little hard, but you can probably make it work fairly inexpensively & your daughter will still be happy.


    Good luck! :)

  3. Thank you, my fellow Georgians! :) Thanks for the encouragement.


    And yes, I definitely need to do some reading up on the homeschool laws. That was something I planned to do at the beginning of this school year, but unfortunately life got in the way big time. Like I had mentioned before, things have been a bit insane.


    I now have it on my must do list. I actually have looked at GHEA before and have it bookmarked, but I need to pull it up and do some more reading.


    I am still thinking about all of this & trying to figure out what I will be doing, but I sure am grateful for the advice I have received here on the board.


    Thanks and have a great day! :001_smile:

  4. Again, thank you for the responses. They have definitely helped me to feel a bit better about everything.


    Also, I wasn't aware that I can do the testing from home & that I don't have to turn it in to anyone. That does relieve some stress from my shoulders as well.


    Thanks to each of you. I greatly appreciate your input & suggestions. :)

  5. Thanks so much for the replies so far.


    There is a payment plan available at the private preparatory school I spoke about. I haven't asked about scholarships though.


    I would LOVE to reduce the amount of children I have in my childcare to only two, but we can't do it financially right now.


    Eventually I want to not even do the childcare. My desire is to really dive into the homeschool much more and then have a small business on the side to bring in some money. My business would focus on being creative which is what I truly love to do.


    Unfortunately, I don't see that we can do that anytime soon.


    My husband just said that maybe we can look at the private prep. school for this coming year. That would lighten my load as far as what I need to teach my son. I would have to figure out the transportation though with all the daycare kids back and forth though on those two days. That is a bit of a challenge too.


    Also, I think I am more concerned now because I know that he has to begin testing in third grade & I would hate for him not to do well because I didn't teach him properly.


    I just have to think this all out & figure out the best solution. Thanks again!

  6. Hello,


    I hope everyone is doing well.


    I have a six year old son (will turn 7 in August) that I have homeschooled for both kindergarten and first grade. We are still finishing up first grade as we are doing year round schooling right now.


    Kindergarten went great & I felt really wonderful about everything. First grade has not been that way though. It has been an incredibly tough year for us for many reasons and my focus has not been there at all to homeschool my son properly.


    We have done basics all year long... math, reading, English, Bible. However, we have not hardly touched on Science or History.


    Again, I have been dealing with lots of stress since about Fall of 2010 which literally just took over our life. I also run an in-home childcare from 6:45 till 5:30 daily. I keep four other little ones aside from my son, ranging in age from 6 months up to 24 months.


    It is a lot to deal with to say the least.


    Now I am nearing the end of our first grade year & decided to look over the Georgia standards. Ugh! I am freaking out a bit because I now really feel that I haven't covered nearly enough for our son. I feel soooo bad about it and I think I have very much messed up. :( This bothers me greatly & I even get teary eyed just typing this out.


    I am trying to think of different options here & so far this is what I have come up with:


    1. Finish first grade out the best possible. Proceed forward with 2nd grade, doing lots of review in the beginning, and hope that I will be able to catch up on everything so that my son is not so far behind.


    2. Do first grade over again completely.


    3. Send him to the public school for one year. Get myself more organized and together. Then in third grade, we are planning on sending our son to a private preparatory school two days a week for math, science & possibly history. I would then homeschool my son in the other subjects. I am just not sure about sending him to the public school for a year, plus I am worried if he will be very behind for 2nd grade there.


    4. Try to figure out how to go ahead and send our son to the preparatory school this year part time. This would lighten my load of what I would need to teach our son, but still allow me to homeschool. He would go to this private school two days a week, but be home with me three days. We have heard incredible things about this school.

    The only thing with this situation is figuring out the finances, as it will cost us about $500.00 to $750.00 per semester to send him there.


    Right now, this is really all I can come up with. I am so very tired and overwhelmed by all of this, yet I want to do the right thing for our son, the best thing.


    I am trying very hard to not worry so much about the ongoing stressful situation in our lives and move forward to concentrate on making things better for all of us.


    Anyway, I am sorry for the book. I just really need some helpful advice. What would you do??? Thanks & have a great day!

  7. Hello,


    We just discovered that we have termites in our home. We have called two different exterminators and gotten two different quotes. Now we need to choose which one to use. Please look at the options & let me know which one you would go with and why.


    Option 1:


    The guy came in our home. He was elderly and quite hard of hearing, yet very nice. I would ask questions, but not get much of an answer. He was in the house about 5-8 minutes looking at the immediate area where the damage is very obvious. He then went into our basement and walked outside with my husband. He did explain a few more things to my husband, but the whole consultation was about 25 minutes.


    His treatment would cost $650.00 and he would be using a chemical treatment where they drill holes around the outside of the house and spray the chemical in to kill the termites.


    Then, there is an annual renewal of $110.00 where they also come out and check everything again. This type treatment also has to be repeated every 6 years. Their guarantee is that there will be no termites and if there is, they will be responsible and fix the problem.



    Option 2:


    This guy came out and was very nice as well. He came in and did a thorough inspection of everything, not just the one area, but all the areas around it and even in the next room. He answered all of our questions completely which helped us to understand better. He also showed us how to feel the difference in the walls as to where termites would be making their tunnels.


    He then went into the basement and went to the outside area. He even dug a little area and found a piece of bark covered with termites to show my husband.


    He said that they would use a liquid treatment call Termidor to kill the existing termite colony in the walls, etc... but then they would also use a baiting system that is along the outside of the house which prevents any other termites from getting into the home again.


    The treatment cost from them: $500.00 (due to a $100.00 discount)


    Now here is the bigger difference: Since they use the baiting system rather than the chemical, it costs $75.00 every three months to maintain. You can stop that anytime you want, but as long as you are paying to keep the baiting system, everything is guaranteed. They will replace anything if there is any type of termite damage.


    So, which would you possibly go with? Ugh, what a yucky decision to have to make. :(

  8. Anything 4 hours or more: $40.00 per day with a minimum of two days a week


    Under 4 hours: Flat $20.00 rate


    This is based on my childcare hours of 6:45 AM till 5:30 PM, so make sure you are clear on the times that the child will be in your care.


    *Oh, and I totally agree with being paid in advance. This is very good advice.


    You may also want to have some policies that you write up and have them agree to... (what do the parents supply? Formula, diapers, etc.... , what to do if the child is sick, time off, etc... )

  9. Hello,


    I am just wondering if anyone does online school with their children? I don't even know if this is something I truly would want for my son right now, but I thought I would get some opinions.


    The reason I am even considering this option right now is because of distractions/issues going on within our family currently. My mind is just overwhelmed right now and I am not doing well with schooling our son as a result. I also run an in-home childcare too, and with everything happening right now, it just seems a bit much.


    I did make the decision that I don't want to put him into public school, but we have to get through the rest of this year. I school year round, but still, I feel we are really getting behind and I just hate that. Next Fall we should be doing quite a bit better... at least I am hoping, and get back on track for 2nd grade, but right now is difficult.


    So, is online school something I should look into or is it not worth it? My son is six years old and in first grade. Thanks so much.


    Have a wonderful day!

  10. Thanks for all the responses. I truly appreciate reading each of them.


    I do want to just say that I am honestly not one of these moms that has just brought this on myself. I am doing everything I can think of to help this child despite how hateful she is towards me. I love her and want the best for her.


    Last night when I tried to talk with her, I was simply wanting to address some things to see what she was thinking of truly doing in the near future. She tells me ALL the time that she is out of here once she turns 18.


    I would like to plan a birthday party for her with our family and wanted to make sure she is still going to be here and that she would take off of work to attend. She told me that she does not want me to give her a party at all. I really want to and asked her again later only to get "I don't know why you can't get it through your brain that I don't want you to give me a party". :(


    It scares me because I don't think she is ready to move out and she doesn't seem to have any plans. I want to help her, even if that is simply trying to provide some guidance in how to possibly budget. Of course, when I mentioned things she needed to consider for budgeting that is when she went off on me.


    She told me that I was wasting my breath and wasting her time.


    I don't want her to move out right now, this is all her idea. My parents have offered to let her live at their house, but so far she is refusing. She claims to absolutely hate it here at home and I genuinely do not know why. I have asked her what I have done wrong and she says "everything", but can never give me examples.


    I am completely willing to pay the insurance on her car if she would like to treat me with respect and act decent towards me. However, with the great disrespect that I receive from her on a daily basis and the fact that she tells me she is "outta here when she is 18", well, I think that paying her own car insurance is not out of the question.


    She has already told me that my life is going to get worse once she is 18, even though I can't really imagine how.


    Please understand that I want to help this child, but she does not want it. She has even said that once she moves out, she is planning to take a long break from me. What???? I do not understand the huge dislike towards me, I really don't.


    Oh, and yes, she is trying to hurt me. She even said last night that she was going to not say anything else because she didn't want to say anymore because she knew it was hurting me. She used to tell me that if what she said hurt me, that I just need to suck it up.


    No, she has not always been like this. She seems to have gotten into a small group of people who are not good influences on her at all. She is friends with a boy (they used to be boyfriend/girlfriend) whom she is obsessed with right now. Whatever this guy says is right, yet he is the one that has called her names and put her down, etc.... I have never done things like this to her and yet I am the bad guy & he is golden.


    Anyway, thank you so much for your responses. I do truly appreciate each and every one of them. I just have to keep praying that things are going to be alright for her and for our family. It is such a very, very difficult thing to go through and I never imagined that things would be like this, ever.


    Everyone have a wonderful evening.

  11. Thank you for the quick replies already. I am battling tears as I read them. :crying:


    I didn't think I was being unreasonable, but reading these responses helps me to know that I did nothing wrong or out of line.


    Yes, the disrespect is horrible. I am trying to get her the help that she needs, but even so, I am seeing no improvement. Again, it breaks my heart because I am at such a loss with this child, yet I keep trying because I am her mom and want the best for her.


    Thank you all again. I greatly appreciate hearing from each one of you.

  12. Hello,


    I simply would like to know if parents with 18 year olds who move out are still paying for their car insurance? This may seem like a strange question, but I just need some opinions on it.


    Last night I sat down with my 17 year old daughter who will be 18 in two weeks and tried to talk to her about many of her upcoming plans. She has been saying she will be moving out as soon as she turns 18, but she is not sure if it will be February or May.


    Anyway, I was just asking her if she has figured out some type of budget as to what it is going to cost her to live on her own. I mentioned things like rent, car insurance, gas, etc... etc...


    Well, when I mentioned the car insurance thing to her she got very ugly and said "F you!". I didn't understand why she said such a thing. She proceeded to tell me that if I make her pay her own car insurance she will "disown" me and that I will not be her parent anymore. What!?!?! :(


    Right now we do pay her insurance, she has no car payment (her grandpa gave her a used car), and she only pays for gas. Grandpa even picks up any maintenance costs.


    We made it clear that when she moves out, we will switch the title of the car over into her name (it is in my name currently due to her age) and that it would be all her responsibility at that time. This was discussed quite a while back and she didn't argue with it at all.


    I do not think that we are being unreasonable at all. She says that I knew it has been her dream since she was 11 to move out of the house. This is not a true statement, but that is what she claims right now. Anyway, I am now hindering that dream because "I know she can't afford to pay car insurance and live on her own".


    Let me just say that this child is completely disrespectful to our family and expresses how much she can't stand being here on a daily basis. It truly hurts my heart so much.


    Anyway, my question... am I being unreasonable to say that she will be responsible for her insurance once she moves out? This is just car insurance.


    Thanks and have a great day. :)

  13. Hello Everyone,


    I was hoping that maybe some people on here might have some opinions of the dance games that are out for the Wii. We are looking to get one very soon. I have already decided to get Just Dance Kids for my son and the childcare kids I keep, but I want to get another one for myself and fun nights when we have friends over.


    I was looking at Just Dance, Just Dance 2 and The Michael Jackson Experience. All are rated wonderful by Amazon reviewers, but I would love to hear from others who have played them as well.


    Which one is the best? I am leaning towards Just Dance 2 because of it having the most songs and more dance modes, however, I am not crazy about some of the songs. I guess we could just avoid those though.


    Anyway, I think I would have a blast dancing. It would be fun and possibly good exercise. I like Wii Fit Plus, but it can get boring after a while.


    I am looking forward to hearing any responses on these games. Everyone have a great day!!! :)

  14. Hello,


    So sorry that things are so tough right now. Just know that it will get better.


    I wanted to just throw out a couple of ideas concerning math. I have a six year old also that I am homeschooling. He does not love math, but he does enjoy it more when we are learning by playing games.


    We have the game Sum Swamp which he just LOVES! It teaches addition, subtraction, greater than/less than, and odd/even numbers. It is a lot of fun! It may be something that you might want to invest in for your children. Even your 9 year old would probably enjoy playing with them. It has really helped my son learn his facts well.


    Also, with the odd and even numbers, we have our daily calendar and I have the odd numbers in black and the even numbers in red. When we put the date up each day, I would ask if it was an odd or even number. Then, I would have my son look at all the days so far and tell me the odd numbers (he would look at the black ones and tell me) and then the even. It worked wonderful and now he knows all his odd and even numbers. **This also helped him learn to count by 2's easily because all I would tell him is "tell me the even numbers" which was counting by 2's! :)


    Another fun game is number or word Bingo. You can purchase these type games in the store, but I just made my own. You could write different answers on the Bingo card, and then call out 4+3= and they would have to find the correct answer. Once they get Bingo!, then give them a small reward. My son LOVES this game too.


    I don't know if any of these things will help, but I found that if I make learning more interactive and fun for my son, he learns much quicker. If I try and sit him at the table for two hours straight and just give him verbal instructions and worksheets, he fades very quickly and does not focus.


    Best of luck with everything!!!

  15. Thanks so much for the wonderful replies. What everyone is saying makes sense and I sure do not want to possibly create more stress by sending my son to public school. I honestly didn't think to much about that happening.


    We will just take it one day at a time and get through all this as we are able.


    Thanks again for the kind advice and support. I very much appreciate it. :)


    Everyone have a wonderful day! :)

  16. Hello,


    I was just wondering if anyone would have some friendly advice to offer on a situation I am dealing with right now.


    I homeschool my six year old son. My 17 year old daughter goes to a private Christian school and is a senior.


    Right now we are having lots and lots of issues with our daughter. Without going into great detail, she is emotionally unstable. We have been to the ER, counselors, other doctors, etc... just recently. It is consuming.


    My main focus is getting help for her and getting her better.


    School for my son has just gone out the door for the past week now. I can't even focus enough to think about teaching properly. My hope is to resume everything beginning on Monday.


    However, another thought crossed my mind and this is where I need some help.


    I was thinking... should I enroll my son into the public elementary school just for the remainder of this year? I guess I am thinking that this would give me time to figure out what to do for my daughter without sacrificing schooling for my son.


    I just don't know if this is a good solution though. I don't know how it would affect my son.


    I would plan on homeschooling him full time again come August. He would be going into 2nd grade at that time.


    I guess this thought may not be necessary since we homeschool year round, but I was just wondering.


    What would you do in this situation? Any friendly advice is welcome. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

  17. Hello Again...


    You asked about resort recommendations. If you are looking into Moderates, then Port Orleans French Quarters is nice. It is a smaller resort on a river. You can actually take a river boat to Downtown Disney if you like. Very nice!


    We have dreams to stay in the Animal Kingdom Lodge and the Wilderness Lodge too. They are pretty expensive, but ABSOLUTELY beautiful!


    We have stayed at the Contemporary resort because of a business conference one time and even though I am not crazy about the outwardly appearance, the rooms were WONDERFUL!! We had a balcony that overlooked the lagoon side which was soooo pretty. You could get a room facing Magic Kingdom too if you wished. What was cool about staying there was that it is a monorail resort, you could hop right on and head to the parks, etc..... Also, from that resort, you can even walk to Magic Kingdom. :)


    One thing you might want to consider is driving your car to the parks, etc... instead of taking the Disney buses. While riding the bus can be a cool thing, they can also be VERY slow. If you drive your own car or a rented car, I guarantee you will get where you want to go much faster. Just something to think about.


    Of course, you have to be staying on site to ride the buses, so I don't know if that would apply or not. We LOVE staying on-site too.... it just makes everything seem more special.


    Again, have fun planning and have a great time. Oh, and once you announce the big surprise to your children, you might want to create a countdown calendar. You can get poster board, draw the calendar squares, and get the paint chips with Mickey heads from Home Depot and make a great countdown calendar. Fun!!!


    Can you tell I LOVE Disney??? :)

  18. Hello,


    I am not quite sure what advice to give as far as surprising the children goes, but there may be a way to have Mickey call them and announce it. Just call Disney World and ask about that possibility. Also, making a special basket loaded with Disney surprises would be a cool way to announce the big surprise too. :)


    As far as how Disney looks at Christmas... it is BEAUTIFUL!!! My husband and I LOVE going at that time of year. Disney decorates everything. The Magic Kingdom is decorated, there is a parade, the castle is completely covered in lights, they have a special fireworks show for those who go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. You must buy separate tickets for the party, but they serve hot cocoa and cookies for free around the park and it "snows" on Main Street.


    Epcot is decorated and has the Candlelight Processional. The countries all have different storytelling Santa's which is pretty cool too. :)


    At Hollywood Studios, they do the Osborne Lights. They are wonderful!!! They put the lights to music and it is just amazing!!! Of course, the park is decorated as well.


    Animal Kingdom is decorated, but I am not sure what if they do any type of special show or not.


    All the resorts are decorated as well. In the Grand Floridian they have a life size Gingerbread house that they build and they sell Gingerbread shingles out of it. :) At the Boardwalk (I think), they have a carousel made out of chocolate. There are little Christmas displays everywhere!


    Go to http://www.wdwinfo.com for tons of information on Disney World. Also, if you are willing to pay for a subscription, go to http://www.tourguidemike.com. He has some great tips and there is a great forum community there as well. TONS OF INFO!!! :)


    We are going next year and can't wait!!!


    Now, the last thing... Christmas week there is supposedly insanely crowded. We do not go at this time because of this. Now, if you go to Tour Guide Mike, you may be able to find out all kinds of information on how to tour the parks without having to wait in long lines constantly.


    We prefer to go the first or second week of December because the crowds are better.


    Have a GREAT time and just know that Christmas at Disney is COMPLETELY magical!!! You & your family will just love it. :)

  19. Hello,


    Just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the replies. I have decided to just be very calm about the whole thing. Right now, I am honestly not taking the whole thing too seriously.


    We have talked and pretty much about everything. When we got to the part about the sexual matter, she immediately said "Eeeewwww mom! :ack2: We are not that way and plan to wait until we are married before that even happens!". She seemed genuinely shocked and pretty disgusted that I even brought that subject up to her.


    Anyway, she claims that she will have a ring from him by next summer. If that is the case and they are still happily together, well, I may take things more seriously then. So, it is more of a wait and see thing right now.


    Oh, and the boy has been to family functions, to our home, etc... I talk with him and let him know where I stand, etc.... He comes to me every once in a while with simple questions, so I guess he feels pretty comfortable around me.


    I am just hoping and praying for a great amount of maturity to happen over the next year with these two, especially my daughter. Oh, and I do believe that DD also told me in the manner that she chose to see how I would react.


    I think she was surprised. She told me that "I handled that really well" when we began talking later. I do believe the child loves to try and get to me any way possible. This time it didn't work quite the way she had hoped. :tongue_smilie:


    Thanks again for the replies. I greatly appreciate them. Everyone have a wonderful day! :001_smile:

  20. I need to find a better way of handling this situation, so PLEASE help.


    Ok, some of you may have just recently read about the issues with my daughter being very disrespectful to me lately. Well, that hasn't changed, but now she has thrown something else at me that I don't even know how to respond to right now.


    She is seventeen, a senior in high school, and has been going out with this guy since June. They have been friends for years, but didn't start actually dating till then. Right now, she has tunnel vision as far as this guy is concerned.


    Anyway, yesterday was a wonderful day. My husband, son and myself went to the mountains for a day trip. Yes, dd was invited, but refused the invitation. We came back home last night, and around 9pm, dd arrived back home from a football game.


    She was sitting at the kitchen table eating some food last night when I walked into the kitchen. I was putting something in the fridge simply commenting on how she decided to get something from one restaurant instead of the one she had mentioned previously.


    All of the sudden, without warning, she blurts out "I'm engaged", and continues to eat her food without ever looking up. WHAT!?!?! :blink::ohmy: I said "what do you mean??? You don't have a ring???".


    She then simply says "July 5th". What? Well, July 5th is obviously when this boy proposed to her and she hasn't told me anything about it. She thens shows me this cheap little arm bracelet she is wearing and says that it is what he gave her right now until he can afford to buy her a nice ring. :001_huh:


    She also proceeds to say "I figured you knew". NO, I DID NOT KNOW. Then she tells me his family has already known for a while and his mom has known about it also. His mom simply said congratulations as if it was not a big deal.


    Well, I couldn't even respond much because I was shocked. She still never looked up and said she thought I would be happy for her. This is the same child that had just told me the day before that she can't stand being around any of us (me, my husband, or my son), and that even walking into the house depresses her. This is the same dd who just yelled at my mom on the phone the day before because my dm couldn't go and get her $200.00 out of a savings account right away. Yet, I am supposed to be happy about this news!?!?!


    I thoroughly do not get this. DD says that they are going to wait until after they finish college to get married. Ok, this is still at least 5 years away before either of them will graduate. Are they really planning on an engagement for 5+ years, or will I get yet another surprise just a few months down the road??? I don't know if I can handle all of this. :confused:


    In front of her I actually remained pretty calm and didn't say much. In front of my husband, I did well also. Inside, I am just breaking down. I am trying to just deal with this in the best way possible. I am praying and handing it over to God, but boy is this hard.


    Any advice???? I am planning on discussing this more with her today once I have had time to clearly think all of this out. Until then, my mind is just boggled. I simply can't believe all this is happening. :sad:

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