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Posts posted by LAmom

  1. Okay- will definitely do the tests. I'm hesitant to do MM7 because I'm thinking dd needs a change and more review. It looks like 8/7 would give her enough review plus more pre-algebra before starting algebra 1. I am hoping to transition to saxon for highschool so thought is to start in 7th grade after her foundation from MM.

  2. Has anyone lined up SOTW 3 with MOH?  I haven't been able to find anything but maybe someone can help?  I'm failing miserably with TOG.  I spend so much time preparing and planning and just not feeling it is worth it.  I keep eyeing MFW, too, but since I have SOTW 3 it is the cheaper route right now.



    Also, TOG has nice literature worksheets.  If you just use SOTW or MOH what do you use for literature, for 6th grade and older?  Just read literature lined up with it?



  3. I'm feeling the same way with TOG but trying to make it work.  My D student does her assigned reading but then when I try to do the discussion questions with her she seems lost.  I ask, wasn't that in your reading, and she will just say I don't know.  She is a good reader, enjoys reading, and I believe she is doing the reading, so I'm not sure what is going on.  Sometimes I feel like I put in so much effort in planning--getting the books, finding a craft from SOTW AG or other, getting the maps printed, etc., and then when the week comes up we read one core book (LG) and listen to SOTW (if listed) and I really feel like they are not learning much.  For example, this week is counter-reformation, and really they only learned a little bit from SOTW.  The planning is actually fun for me, just actually teaching it in a meaningful way, one where they may actually remember something, is not happening.  If I didn't have a 6th grader I would just be doing SOTW.  But, I feel like she needs more and I like the literature pages/books tied in.  I just keep searching for something else!  Anyways, I didn't answer your question but went off on a rambling tangent about TOG.  I'm sick of being frustrated every year, trying to find something to work.  Boo.  Maybe I am making it too hard?  I think I may just be in the fog, trying to figure things out.  At least I have some time before they are in high school!   Oh, I should say, that one week evaluations didn't match up and the map work didn't match up.  We were reading about Switzerland and France with a map of Scandinavia.  ??  Week 17, year 2, I believe.


    OK!  Thanks for listening.  :)

  4. i just started Duolingo with my kids.  It is free.  Only have done 2 lessons though, so I don't know if it works, etc.  I don't like that you have to sign up with an email --meaning to track individual progress each kid would need their own email.  :/  


    Otherwise, I'm listening in to hear what others recommend.  

  5. I am pulling up an old thread, but I wanted to see how JadeOrchidSong's year is going with TOG2 and MOH2?  Is that working for you?  I can't find anything online that lines up MOH 2 and 3 with TOG 2.  Did you do something like that?  I am struggling along because of not having a spine to make things not feel disjointed.  I kind of want to use SOTW 3 and match up TOG 2 to that.  :(  I wonder if that has been done.  I also can't find that online.  LOL.  But, I would feel better using SOTW 3 with AG and having my D student do some of TOG (literature and some readings) that match up to my younger kids doing SOTW.  I am finding that TOG jumps all over with SOTW and I don't like that.  TOG is chronological?  I think SOTW also is but seems mixed up, too.  


    Anyways, let me know how things are working, etc.  

  6. Well, I do have a flow and get my laundry done, have a meal plan, quick meals for busy days, etc. the pegs of the day are in place. I even work hard at planning subjects and what day to do what. But, once we sit down to actually do the work it falls apart. Usually. This kid is distracted, 2yo is needy for me, 7yo needs help, 9yo needs help...5yo gets neglected schoolwise because I just don't have time. That is what I can't figure out...juggling subjects w/each kid. The 10yo is fairly independent but still needs me for math. If I have the 9yo play w/ younger siblings while teaching 6yo I feel like he gets behind because he has less time to get all his daily required work done.


    I know a big part is dealing with me--my attitude, etc. But, we don't enjoy school. I wish daily we could afford to send them to school. :(.


    I have to figure out how to best deal with their attitudes. I've tried several different approaches. They haven't been so disobedient in the past. It seems new that they are daily giving me disrespect, disobedience. It must be partly my attitude and the way I have handled their naughtiness. (Yelling, irritable)


    Teaching from a state of rest....sounds so nice but it is not happening here. Here, do English, do math, do reading...bare minimum basics and that is school. No joy, no love of learning. What's the point of me trying to find the "best" curriculum and keep them home so I can be their role model, if I'm just failing. I have the house in order. The kids and I just struggle with school!


    Did my long, depressing ramble make sense?


    I should add, my frustration right now is trying to add more for my 6th grader, who can handle it and loves reading/history/art, etc., while trying to give some to the youngers. My 4th grader needs history, too, but doesn't remember anything I read to him nor is he interested. I thought TOG would help this balance, and it just might if we didn't peter out by the time it was history time. Could I start with history and get them motivated?


    Well, I have a lot to think about. Maybe I should look into CC Challenge for my older dd for next year. I know the boards are mixed but she may get more than I can give.


    Anything I should read for motivation/inspiration while I have the 2 weeks off?


    Thanks for listening.

  7. We do have morning chores/routine. My husband leaves a little later in the AM so we do family worship together. Once their chores are done we start school and my husband leaves. It is hard to get them settled. So, when complaining happens or when they are distracted and not focused on their work--what would you do? I tend to yell or get irritated. That's helpful, right? :/. I have tried to be patient or separate kids, etc. the behavioral aspect is hard. Do I make the kid sit there until they actually get their math done? Like today, my ds 9, simply had to copy a paragraph from English. I made sure he understood the directions and gave him guidelines (words should be spelled correctly since copied, pencil eraser space in between words, neatly written). He tried 3 times throughout the day and just did not do it. Why can't he space correctly or copy the words correctly (he does most but not all...). I'm gracious with mistakes--they happen--but blah.

  8. Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement. We have our ups and downs, and lately it has been more downs.


    Question: How do I encourage a happy, get-it-done attitude? I don't just want to motivate with rewards. I have "threatened" no iPad time, no movie time, etc...,you do nothing else until your work is done (that makes for a lot of whining and tears!). Why don't they get that they need to just do it and be done and they can have free time!? What could I do differently?


    I would be tempted to do Veritas self paced if my internet worked properly.


    Suggestions for keeping history simple (while still getting it done)? TOG may be too much right now, I think. Maybe MOH and reasses next year. I want school to be meaningful and enjoyable. I want to instill a love of learning and not have them dread school. I tell them get the basics done because they are important, necessary, and then we can get to the "more fun" stuff like history, drawing, etc. I usually run out of steam because of all the energy it takes to do basics that after lunch we do nothing. :(

  9. We are a sinking ship here!  First, I fully understand that the style--classical--is not the reason we aren't doing well.  I take full responsibility.


    But, anyone ever just quit it and go to a box curriculum?  Would that really change things?  I know we would still have the same struggles with math, english, getting those basics done.  I know there is more to it than I will write here--but so many IRL friends are succeeding with co-ops, like CC, or with using box curriculum like Abeka or CLP.  Me?  I've tried MFW, SOTW, MOH, TOG....we barely get the basics done.  Maybe I am trying too hard to make science and history work as a family but really can't figure it out.  Maybe I could stick with classical and try something more independent (?? is it ??) like Heart of Dakota?  


    I guess, the bottom line is that is is a discipline issue?  How do I motivate them to do their math, english, etc., without crying or whining or staring off into space.  The child that actually focuses gets a lot wrong.  I am struggling to keep afloat here with a toddler and trying to teach 4 others (the K'er barely getting any instruction or time).


    I know there are all different ways to make classical style work.  I know it is 2 separate issues: style and family function (motivation, discipline, etc.).  


    I don't know what the problem is.  I am trying to juggle adding in more for my 6th grader and keeping it simple, but where they will actually remember something, for my 4th and 2nd grader.   I am talking about history/lit/geography.


    Any suggestions?  

  10. My in laws usually are taking care of other grand kids. Two young ones (3 and 5) and older ones are over a lot (10 and 13). They know my kids pretty well, seeing us twice a year. Even my 2yo loves them. We would never leave my kids with them at their home. They have a pool, not really supervising the other grand kids with lots of people around--too much freedom if you ask me.


    At our home it would be different. And they are small town folk while we are in LA. They won't be as adventurous and I like that. Not the greatest definetly has to do with nasty junk food that I would never feed my kids and lots of tv. It's ok for a week. They wouldn't be allowed to spank, etc. my mil is very patient with little ones and I know she would lovingly comfort my 2yo at night. My 2yo also loves my 10yo dd and dd is very helpful with her. Not the greatest sitters is just being picky. They also aren't Christians and we are, though they respect us and would take the kids to church, etc.


    I need to get my 2yo to sleep better at night. She wouldn't let my dh comfort her in her room last night. Even when I went in there she was fussy. She was calm once in our room. Maybe she should just sleep with my inlaws.


    Anyways, I appreciate all the insight! I am leaning towards going. They will survive, right?! It would be exhausting for my in laws. Plus, the kids have been fighting all summer! The in laws may need to be creative.


    I love the idea of going to Japan and being with hubby. My 2yo's ticket is full price minus $100. Not worth the extra money--especially since we would fly our in laws here.


    Sorry if any errors. This phone is hard to type on! Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself to go?!

  11. My 2yo isn't nursing and my husband is going to see if she will fall asleep in her room with him (upon waking at night). We would not be able to bring the kids as we would have to pay for their flights. My husband is a pastor doing lectures for our denominations seminary/conference. We will have many hosts (families in the churches there) and many know English. I would be able to be with him at all times, lectures, meals, etc. My biggest stress is just leaving the kids. Will they survive? Most likely. Do I have some kind of guilt about leaving them? Yes. Should I? I don't know. It won't be a pattern of running off. They will generally enjoy time with grandparents.


    I just don't know!

  12. I have the opportunity to go with my husband to Japan (free tickets--work related). I'm having a little bit of anxiety thinking about leaving my 5 kids, ages 2-10. The in-laws are flying in to watch them ... If I go. Should I do it? Would you? My 2 year old is very attached to me and still wakes up at night crying for me (in which I then pull her in bed with us). Anyways, tell me it will be ok. Lol. Will I have a panic attack while I'm in Japan. Ok, we rarely leave our kids. I mean, date night is once a year, and we don't mind. We get plenty of time together/have good relationship.


    In-laws are not the greatest babysitters but kids would be fine with them. I think.


    If we die, the kids have no one. Just saying.


    Ok, God's in control. Would anyone else struggle with leaving or am I crazy?!

  13. LAmom, what you described is Veritas Press. (focus on memory work, stories, a framework that you can fill in with whatever books you have) With the ages you have, VP would work well. You just need a framework. Your kids aren't target-age for MOH3.

    I've looked at Veritas so many times. I just can't figure it out. What a terrible website. I love the looks of things from their catalog--but still confusing. Also, I would separate my daughter out of the history cycle in 7th anyways, right? The online wouldn't work because my internet failed their test. Slowest internet ever here in the rural town of Los Angeles. Lol. I also have read it is a Western focus and not too much else about the world. Maybe I should just look again...

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