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Michelle My Bell

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Everything posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. I know there are more opinions on here than just two, so I am bumping this up for more feedback. Thanks!
  2. I need a workbook based program to give to my 6th grade and 4th grade daughters. I need something mostly independent for them as I have too much on my plate right now. I have a few I like so there is a poll to follow. As always, I have listed "other" for those who know of something I have missed. Thanks!
  3. I would like to see what others do on a normal school day to teach reading. Please list all the time you spend... teaching a reading lesson using a program (please list your program) your child is working on worksheets your child is reading to you your child is reading (not looking at pictures) for themselves if they are able hands on activities supplemental activities real life teaching All I seem to do is a daily reading lesson and read to my son. He is not fluent enough to read on his own yet. I feel as if I am not giving him enough to get him reading well by the end of the school year. We are using Reading Made Easy and adding in supplemental worksheets from this program. We probably spend 20 minutes a day tops on this. I really don't think this is enough and I want to create a culture of learning to read for him but I am unsure what this would look like. Any information you can provide would be great. Thanks!
  4. I would love for my daughter to do an online Latin class next year using Henle Latin. She did the first one part this year, but the drive is too far for us to continue. Does anyone have any recommendations for me? Also, has anyone done any type of online math tutoring? This would be something I would be VERY interested in for her.
  5. I wanted to add in that this year I am doing Preparing with two of my daughters and loving it. This is their first year with HOD. My older daughter has used all the programs from CTC and up. She will continue with HOD through graduation.
  6. That has been us too. HOD gets done. In fact, my 15 year old daughter loves it so much that she didn't even take a Christmas break like the rest of us. She could make that decision because she works independently from me. I personally needed a break. lol
  7. Isn't it a great little book! I have been so inspired by it. I am glad you are enjoying it. :)
  8. Thank you so much! That must be what it is. She said it is only painful if she bumps it, not all the time. Ok, now I know how to proceed. Thanks so much everyone!
  9. This spot has been on her foot for over a week. She says it is somewhat painful. I have never seen anything like it. Anyone have any thoughts?
  10. How about a video? My Golden Retriever when we got him last Feb. This trick has been so useful! Here he is now... our Griffen Dog
  11. I have been so blessed by you all here. I am overwhelmed by the love and support this community radiates. I have sold a few items already and I am so very very Thankful! Even just your words of encouragement have so blessed me. You have all taught me over the years what it means to give of yourselves. I hope i can bless you all as much as you have blessed me. May I share something that happened recently that was also a huge blessing to my family? My oldest daughter, who is a Senior this year and has always been homeschooled, was just offered a scholarship to her school of choice that covers about 80% of her tuition! We haven't even applied for any other scholarships yet, (we fully plan to) but we figure with grants included she should be covered for college. I could never have navigated high school without you all of you. I had no idea how to go about it but you were always there. Because of the wisdom and help here we were able to navigate the high school waters, prepare her for the ACT, develop transcripts and apply to college. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. XOXOXOXO
  12. So I made a New Years Resolution to rework my budget (which I did) and I was really excited about how it was going. I was going for the debt snowball, trying to get caught up on my utility bills and budget each week to put a little away so I could pay my mortgage on time. It has been very difficult doing so on my meager income since I have become single but I really want to make this work. Anyhow, all was going good until my van broke down for the 6th time in the last year and I had to pay $239.14 to have it repaired. It didn't help that I just had it fixed at $600 at Thanksgiving which REALLY put me behind on my bills. Then I got a letter in the mail saying I had to have my utilities paid up by today or they were going to disconnect. I have a small loan in the amount of $70 due today and my car insurance due tomorrow. My mortgage will be overdue after tomorrow. So needless to say, I have been praying for a miracle and so far the Lord has answered. Today I was able to work out a deal to pay 1/4 of my utility bill this week which helped immensely and I paid my loan on time today. I sold a pair of shoes I bought at the Goodwill for $3.00 on ebay for $35 which will pay a little more than 1/2 of my car insurance. I was asked to babysit tomorrow for a friend who is very generous with me so I think I'll only need to raise about another $250 before tomorrow in order to pay it all off! So I am here to beg, plead and pray that I may have something that one of you all may need. My request is that you take a moment to see if any of the materials I have for sale on the Classified board are something you need. I would be so grateful if someone was able to get something they need and I am able to pay my bills on time. Thanks for reading all that! Blessings! All About Reading http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/1036-all-about-reading-level-1-deluxe-kit/ All About Spelling http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/1041-all-about-spelling-levels-1-2-3/ Conference CD's http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/1043-12-midwest-homeschool-convention-conference-cds/ Sonlight P3/4 http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/1040-sonlight-p34-and-ruth-beechick/ Lies Homeschool Mom's Believe http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/1042-lies-homeschool-moms-believe/
  13. On etsy, there are some AMAZING doll pattern makers. Here are a few... http://www.etsy.com/shop/ThimblesandAcorns http://www.etsy.com/shop/LibertyJane?section_id=12547657 http://www.etsy.com/shop/frivolousdistinction
  14. Yikes! I don't think I would have waited that long. I am glad you are OK!
  15. Sounds like I did the right thing, I just allowed the blood clot to come out. I don't think he bleed that much, maybe close to 1 cup, but not quite. He seems to be doing well now. Thanks for the advice.
  16. Of my five children, I have never experienced nose bleeds until my son. He is 6 and today he walked up to me with a face covered in blood. I immediately took him inside, grabbed a wad of tissue and tried to stop the bleeding. It was dripping out it was coming so fast. I had to keep changing tissues as it was soaking them. This went on a few minutes. Next, I pinched his nose, leaned him forward and held it for 5 minutes. After letting go, a huge amount of clotted blood fell into the bag I was holding under his face. OH MY WORD... it was disgusting. It was still bleeding, but a lot slower. So I held it some more. When I let go, another blob of clotted blood came out, but not as much. It finally stopped bleeding. I am now applying a cold compress on his nose. He assured me he had no injury, and seemed completely oblivious that he had blood all over his face when I first saw him. He has acted normal throughout the ordeal. My daughter thinks I need to rush him to the doctors, but I thought nosebleeds are common enough to not worry too much. We just haven't experienced them. This is his 2nd or 3rd nosebleed ever, it was just the worst I have ever seen.
  17. My kids are in a co-op, and my oldest daughters' (high school) class wants to put on a play/dinner theater to raise money for a formal event they are all attending at the end of the year. The problem is directing a play is wayyy too much work for any of us right now. So, we came up with the idea to do some sort of talent show or skit night (possibly with a dinner??) as a fundraiser instead. We're going to present the idea to the group tomorrow, but first we'd like to have some ideas. Have any of you ever done something like this, or have any creative ideas for a good fundraiser like this? Any suggestions on how it should be run? Any good resources for free skits, acts, etc.? Any help is much appreciated!
  18. I have tried and tried to search the classifieds board on here since this turned over, but I cannot find ANYTHING! Nothing ever shows up. I try advanced searches and everything. Anyhow, our cat peed on my daughters backpack and we need to replace some books. I am in search of: Henle Latin 1st year Henle Latin Answer Key Henle Latin Grammar Trail Guide to World Geography Please email me at cmahmhprz@aol.com
  19. There are some great ideas here! I feel like I can handle it now. Strangely enough, my ex was a Pastor so I had people over often, but I just felt lost on how to do it in my present situation. Thank you all so much!
  20. Thanks for your reply. I know there are not a lot of people in our situation. I wonder if any of the married ladies could answer from their perspective.
  21. I used to have people over once in awhile when I was still married, but now that I am single... I feel lost. I am introverted and have a difficult time holding conversations and even though I want to have people over so I can make friends, I am terrified. Especially when it comes to having whole families over that include husbands. I think it might be awkward. But I am so lonely for friends. Over the last few years, I have been dropped by a lot of people that used to be my friends. Any advice?
  22. I just got myself a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I LOVE IT! I use it to read, check my email, organize my life (I LOVE THE APPS!!! Most are free or less than $2, I haven't bought any yet), play a game or two and watch movies on Netflix. I purchased Apple earbuds (their newest version) and feel very spoiled indeed.
  23. I am enjoying Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Cracker. I got it on my Kindle from my library. It is full of little golden nuggets of truth. Anyone have a book to recommend once I am done with this one?
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