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Everything posted by mothergooseof4

  1. And, yes. I was thinking minimal here. I just want him familiar with the format. I will explain that it will be timed and that he will not be able to answer many of the questions since he is only finishing 8th. Nor, does is get recorded at this point. It is purely as a baseline.
  2. Is there anything online? We live an hour away from a store that might have something like that. I could check the library on Tuesday, though.
  3. We have had the opportunity for ds to take the PSAT as a baseline for high school preparation dropped on us. He has just a few days until the test. I was told by the school giving the test that he should not study. Ummmm, ds has never taken a standardized test of any kind. He has no idea how they word them or try to trick you with the answers. I am thinking that I at least need to teach the poor kid how to answer multiple choice questions since we haven't hsed in that way at all. Anything online? I don't want intense, just basic test taking so he won't bomb it just because he doesn't know anything about test taking. Apologia tests are the only kind he has ever taken. Everything else we do with discussion and writing.
  4. I am checking into this plan. No teaching for me, though. I don't leave my baby since she is exclusively breastfed. I don't even leave her in the church nursery. So, teaching a class wearing a baby in a wrap might be kind of distracting. Loved this discussion. Thanks! I had not thought of this for science. The problem is that I have him signed up for Landry Academy's Biology Lab Intensive for the coming year. So, he wouldn't being doing the labs in the same year he does Biology. I guess it could still work out though. I don't like science, myself. So, I wouldn't really mind it being outsourced. I had thought of having him do it online with Apologia Academy. I disagree with this. Ds is not athletic...just like his momma. I was forced to do sports anyway in junior high, and it provided to be some of the most miserable experiences of my life. I hated it and felt very embarrassed by my lack of abilities. He is required to do physical exercise at home, but I would never require him to participate in sports if it is not his choice. He has tried many team sports and martial arts, none of which did he enjoy. He does his required workouts religiously, though. Amen! I don't know the answer, but I feel ya! We have been doing more of this lately. This! It isn't the same as being involved in the same projects, working towards the same goal.
  5. And, I am afraid that if I don't do SOMETHING with them, my relationship with ds will be damaged. He is really feeling that I am keeping him from being able to connect more.
  6. I think we can just do the classes we wish, maybe just foreign language. I wouldn't mind science, but he is doing Physical in eighth. They are doing it next year, when he would be doing Biology. He isn't too science minded, and I know others do Physical for ninth, but they are using the exact same book he is finishing now. I don't know that I would want him doing the same thing again, just to do it with the co-op. Science is the ONE class that I wouldn't mind turning over to someone else. I can teach it, I just don't care for it at all.
  7. I have been hsing for 13 years, but I have no experience with high school. Ds will be starting his freshman year in the fall. Our local hs support group has formed a co-op and just completed their first year, so they are new at this. These are our close friends that ds has grown up with. The science they offer, ds is just completing. The history is not my favorite, and the writing class is built around that. I will not do the math they are using because I feel it is inferior. So, that leaves foreign language unless they have some enrichments that I am unaware of. Ds and his friends see each other at church, youth group activities, and choir practice...so at least a while on Sunday and one night during the week. Plus, we often have other times we visit with some of these families. However, in the last few years, ds' friends have all started participating in the support group's sports teams. Ds is not interested in sports at all. He felt somewhat left out because all of his friends see each other at these events, ride to games together, then often go home with each other. It happens, and he understands it. He still didn't want to join sports, but was really bummed that he is left out. This past year, they ALL joined the co-op. They see each other most of the day once per week, plus field trips, parties, etc. that the co-op arranges...added to the sports stuff. Then, the other boys text my ds how they wish he was there and that he should ask to join. They are not trying to be mean. It is just their way of including him, but it actually makes him feel like he is missing out. I understand the feeling completely. He has asked to join the co-op next year. I have NO DESIRE to join any co-op. I see no use in them. I started hsing to actually hs. I am not judging those that do co-ops, but from my conversations with my friends that are doing it, they are only doing so out of a lack of confidence. They say they don't know how to teach writing or math, so they want someone else to do so. On the other hand, I am the type that will go out and study up on how to teach something. I don't know how to teach writing, so I study how: read curricula, read methods, read the forums, etc. I learn, then I do. I have no issues teaching math since I have a math related degree. They don't know how to put a kid through high school, so they get someone else to make the plan. I research and learn what is needed and make my own plan. Not only this, but my younger kids want nothing to do with the co-op, except see their friends that are also involved. They don't want it bad enough to do the classes, though. And, we have a new baby. So, I would have to work this and my requiring volunteering around their schooling and the baby's schedule on that day. Add all of this to the fact that I am a major introvert and already have activities outside the house four nights per week and Sundays, not counting any extra plans, grocery shopping, errands, etc. The hectic schedule really stresses this introverted homebody momma out!!! And, well, I might as well say it...I have come to have issues with ANYONE telling me how to hs. I didn't start with this attitude, but I don't even follow a particular curriculum. Having to do what someone else tells me we have to do for school is really going to be hard for me. And, one of the founders of this group, though I think really like the person, thinks that they know THE BEST way for everyone to raise their child. I don't want to do co-op. I am tired of people asking me to do co-op. I know it is irrational, but I am even angry with my friends for creating this co-op and causing this issue. I don't understand this trend. When I started hsing, the moms did the schooling themselves, at home. I don't feel the need to have others involved in our academics, and we have times for socializing. On a more rational side, I am concerned about joining the co-op, not liking it, and having missed a year of what I want to do for high school. Yet, I am considering it because I feel bad for my ds. He is really bummed out because all of his friends are closer to each other, and he truly has become the one left out simply because we are not involved in the same activities. ARGH!!!!!! I am seriously kicking and screaming about this, though!!!
  8. So, does the student need to complete a course before getting their permit or concurrently? Please give me the details. I have a ds that will be 15 in a few weeks and is anxiously awaiting his permit
  9. We bought some Compound W and duct tape. I have TTO and ACV if that doesn't work. The tape comes right off, so we cut a small piece, then covered it with a bandaid to hold it on. It already looks different, so I know something is happening.
  10. Laurie, I googled and it does look like the pics. He said he wants to try removing it ourselves since it isn't bothering him much.
  11. Thanks ladies. He thought it was a piece of glass in his foot and dug around in it before I even knew it was there. That was a few weeks ago. He says it is a little tender when he lands hard on it in taekwondo, otherwise I haven't heard any complaints. We will pursue a treatment now. It reminds me of warts I have seen on others, but doesn't have the raised cauliflower texture I thought they were supposed to have, so I was unsure.
  12. We have never had warts, so I have no idea what they look like. Is this one? This is on ds' foot. If not, anyone know what it is?
  13. Well, I am still here. Went to the OB yesterday. I am at 3cm and baby is engaged. When she checked me, I started some light bleeding. I then went to my chiropractor, who did an oxytocin sequence on me, gave me a few pressure points to massage, and a few herbs to take. I am eleven days from my due date, so I know I am over anxious, but FIL is in town until Sunday evening and then gone for five days. This is his first biological grandchild (I have 3 with my late dh, which in-laws are excellent gps to), so I would love to have her while he is home. The kids are also super anxious and driving me crazy. Now, off to get the kids started on some independent work so I can work on this https://www.etsy.com/transaction/177686470?ref=fb2_tnx_title in lavendar.
  14. Ds found the disc in his portable dvd player while riding in the truck the other day. Since the only case available was the one to the movie he wanted to watch, I told him to stick it in there. That was the last time I saw the DVD. Fast forward two days later, it is missing. Ds said that he allowed his sister to watch the disc the day after I saw it on his portable player, then removed it and placed it in the entertainment center.....not in a case at all, just laid it in there. I have torn that entertainment center apart looking for it. It is not in his player, its case, or the other movie's case. I have taken everything out of the entertainment center in question, checking each movie case in the process. I have looked behind it, under it, etc. I have checked both of their school crates, random drawers, the school room, their bedrooms, everywhere........ he still says he put it in that entertainment center sans case. I am so frustrated with him for not putting it in the case, which was laying on top of said entertainment center. And, I don't want to teach the remaining lessons from the book. I need dd working independently right now. Plus, we will need the disc for the next kid. ARGH!
  15. Yep. After a couple of hours, the achiness went away. The rest of the day, I have had BH if up and around. If I am still, those go away. Bags are packed, laundry all done, and house is clean, though. I would be surprised if this one comes this early since her siblings all came around their due dates. It was just odd this morning because I have never actually seen the plug with the other three.
  16. No more BMs, and I googled the issue. They are most likely caused from the recent diet of antacids for the nasty heartburn I have been experiencing. I will mention it to my doc if they continue. I know they can be related to Cholastasis, but I was tested and was negative. The last few hours, I have Braxton Hicks if I am up, but nothing if sitting around. I would be happy to go into labor, though. Everything is ready, kids and dh are anxious, and FIL is home from working out of state.
  17. I'm an hour away from the hospital, but my labors have never been shorter than 9 hours, so I don't head to the hospital until I am sure... which in the past was when my water broke. I am extremely small too, but this girl has not seemed to calm down at all like the others did. The pale BMs are new, but perhaps they were the cause of the achiness instead of a symptom of labor???
  18. Nope, not nauseous, but have never been with the other three nor have I ever had morning sickness with any of them.
  19. That's just it....the lower back ache was just constant for a few hours, not something I could time. Now it seems to have subsided, but baby girl is still squirming a lot. I had planned to pack today anyway, so I am just continuing with that and some chores. We'll see what happens.
  20. Almost 38wks with baby #4, but have never seen my plug before. I was 1cm on Wednesday and soft. The baby's head is right at my pubic bone when feeling from the outside. Last night I had a lot of lower back pain. I slept awesome, then lost my plug first thing this morning......just mucus...no blood. Since then I have had lots of achiness in my lower back (where I feel early contractions), and baby is moving a lot. I have also had many pale colored BMs. This is odd for me. I never saw my plug in the past, was dialated several cm for a few weeks before labor, labor has always started with my water breaking, and my others were born right at 40wks. Does this sound like early labor or just my body prepping for labor in a couple of weeks? It has been a decade since I have done this, and it is different.
  21. I got you beat: I am 8 1/2 years older than dh. He chased me, though.
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