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Posts posted by anotherclassicmom

  1. You mean he deployed and got out of the corps when he got back (I assume at the end of his first enlistment)? Then, three years later, he tried to go back to active duty and they wouldn't take him?


    That is a bit different than just re-enlisting. He would be classified as prior service and, for various reasons, it is often difficult for prior service Marines to go back to active duty. I've seen guys wait a full year or longer to get back in. Many of them wind up joining another branch because they can't wait any longer.


    I hope your nephew is happy where he is at now. :001_smile:


    Yes that was what I meant. I guess I thought it would be considered re-enlisting :) He is happy where he is, although I am sad and nervous. He is headed out in just a few weeks, I'm not sure where. I know it's to the middle east. His wife is one amazing woman! I would be beside myself but she supports him 100%. I told him I was on my knees for 4 years, but I would happily do it again for him.

    Anyhow, I was under the impression it was only his tattoos that kept him from being able to join a second duty. Guess it could have been more than that. :)

  2. I am using MFW this year. This is our first time using this curriculum. I liked it because it uses SOTW. My question is, they have 3 history readings. STOW, Augustus Caesars World, and Streams of Civilization. Granted I have only looked at the first couple of weeks, but do I use all three texts, or just choose one? It seems a little redundant, but maybe it is necessary the more we get into it. Could any MFW usuers let me know if I am allowed to choose just SOTW?

  3. My dh is a Marine. I have never heard of anyone not being able to re-enlist solely based on having tattoos. Unless he went against guidelines, i'd have to think there is another reason for denying re-enlistment.


    Well I won't claim that I know for sure, as maybe my nephew kept the real reason quiet, but I will say he has tattoos all over his arms and body. I will say he was highly wanted in the Marines when he came back from duty and he left to be with his wife and new baby. He wanted to re-enlist 3 years later. Maybe there is something with the time. He is in the Army now and headed back for another tour of duty. I just pray for him where ever he is and for his family. I guess I can only say what happened to him, from his point of view. I wasn't there.

  4. Do you have garlic and olive oil? If you do, crush a clove of garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Heat in microwave, about 30 seconds. Let it cool!!

    Drop a couple of drops (of the oil) into your ear. Cover the garlic and oil and use as needed. Don't scoop of the garlic to put in your ear, just the oil.


    I hope it helps you, it works excellent here. Sorry your in so much pain.

  5. I didn't read all the comments, but my nephew was in the Marine for 4 years, got tattoos while in the marines and when we went to relist for 4 more they told him NO! He was one of the top scoring guys.

    He just relisted with the Army, again scoring in the top! They took him:)


    I was shocked they won't even relist their own guys with tatoos.


    It's easy to become judgmental of people making so much more $ than we are, but if I look at our own income & imagine 2/3 cut, I have more compassion. Maybe OP *will* be able to find enough things to cut, but even that will be a shock to their lifestyle, which at 60K, isn't likely to be extravagant.


    We also live in an area where rentals are close to 1000 per month, for cheap ones. I look out at some areas in the US and think WOW I could live like a King if I lived in that area, their housing is so cheap. Not to say it can't be done, but especially as homeschooling one income families depending on where you live, sometimes you really can't compare apples to oranges.

  7. I'm so sorry :( :grouphug:


    I guess you need to look at it from this point. Is it more than unemployment would give him? Does it include benefits? Can you live on it while he keeps looking? I'm afraid we would be in the exact same position (minus the job offer) if my husband lost his job. Salary wise, schooling and everything. Unemployment in our state maxes out at 2000 a month. Half of what we live on and no benefits. We would not be able to make our house payment and utilities on that. However, if it comes down to it, that is what we will be doing. I guess, you need to weigh, job/benefits, with unemployment/no benefits until he can find something better.


    Sometimes I wonder if we should have bought our house a year ago. The houses in our neighborhood are 50,000 cheaper then we bought and we bought at a low point (we thought) for our town. If we didn't have the house, I know we could make it on 2000, but now we have a house, that can't sell. What to do? I feel your pain!!

  8. We love Mo's. Mo's clam chowder and cheesy bread is always our first lunch when we visit. Our favorite past time is to go to Otter Rock (they have a Mo's right above devils punchbowl) and go down to the small beach on the right of Mo's. We always look for agates there. They have small caves to be explored when the tide is out and lots of tide pools.


    We love the Hatfield center and visiting all the little shops at the water front in Newport. You can also catch a fishing trip from there too. Not sure if they do whale watching from that location.


    Don't forget to eat at Flashbacks :)

  9. :grouphug::grouphug:


    I don't have any great advice, but I just wanted to let you know I understand. My children have cousins in PS and they all seem to be having the time of their lives. I know it's not really true, but I think kids, like parents, try to put the positive spin on things. Just like we try to put the best of homeschooling forward.


    I'm sorry your son is sad. I would start pointing out the things you do, that you can't do in public school. Example, "hey, let's go to Mcdonalds for lunch today, you can't do that when your in school all day" or "want to go hang out at ?? with another homeschool family? If you were in school, we wouldn't have the ability to do this" I find that just trying to spice up their life a bit, for awhile helps chase those blues away.


    I agree with the above poster he will thank you someday.

  10. Here is a funny response, by one of my friends. I have never had this questions posed to me, but I think I would give the answer my friend did.


    Lady at checkout - "Wow are all those kids yours"

    My friend - "Why yes" (she is pregnant with number 4)

    Lady at checkout - " Don't you know what causes that"

    My friend - "I sure do and boy is he good at it"



    I wish I had her comeback ability :)

  11. Thank you ladies. I sat down and talked with her alone. (and will continue to do so) I mentioned we would have to go back to the doctor and he would have to do more testing. I asked her if she could tell she needed to go potty. She said yes. Her words were "okay mama, I am going to tell you the truth" (moment of worry) "I can tell I have to go, I just don't want to stop playing, and then I can't hold it anymore" So... I mention that cleaning it up will take a lot longer then taking a few minutes to go potty, as will the fact that she won't play with the neighbor kids if she has an accident. I think she is getting it.


    (texas -) That was my first thought, and why I took her to the doctor. (he has been her doctor since she was born) I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Since she is rarely out of my sight I wasn't sure, but you never know. Her personality has not changed, no behavior issues that are new or abnormal. She is a fun loving happy child, even when disobedient. I'm sure I would see a personality change. Not only that but with all my children we have done a lot of training on what's okay what is not okay as far as friends and their families. Not that it couldn't still happen, but when I see personality changes that is the second place I go. :) The first being normal growing up.


    Thank you for the advice and help. Just knowing I'm doing the right thing helps.

  12. I am at my wits end here. I am hoping someone has had these issues and can give me some advice.


    My 7 year old has issues with wetting her pants. Most of it I would say comes from her not wanting to quit playing to come in. I understand that. I know how to fix that. She has started wetting her bed again, again, I know that because of the heat she has been drinking water later in the evening then usual. I bought pull-ups. However, we have this new issue of pooping in the pants. Hiding it, finding it days later. I have gone through and cleaned out her room, and am in the process of washing every bit of clothing she had. She hid most of it in her drawers. I would say she could be having accidents 2 times a day. She changes a lot, it's summer, we play in the water. However, I have told her we will be doing room checks every morning, I put away all the toys way up and she will earn a toy every morning that I do not see hidden clothes or pull ups.

    If she has an accident and tells me, she does not get any punishments. However, if she hides it, we start back at the beginning with all toys and extras being put up out of reach.


    What more can I do? What is the problem here? I have taken her to the doctor, he says its not a medical issue. She has been tested for any infections. She is a highly smart little girl and can easily control it. All of this has recently started again after about 4 months of no issues.


    Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to shed on this.:confused:

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