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Questions about posting

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What are the titles under people's usernames (Just Visiting, Hive Mind Queen Bee, etc.)?

What does it mean when a post just says 'bump'?

I'm new here and to any message boards. Thanks for any help with these questions and any additional pointers are welcome!

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First, don't be surprised if this is moved to the how to board.

Second, with so many posts under your belt, your title will change. I believe just visiting lasts for 10 posts and then you are a larvae.

Third, when someone answers a thread with a 'bump', they are just bring the topic back to the top of the list so other people me see the thread.


I think I have answered all your questions. A year ago that was me. There is still a lot I don't know and things I cannot do (like post a link) but it does get easier. Welcome.

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What are the titles under people's usernames (Just Visiting, Hive Mind Queen Bee, etc.)?

What does it mean when a post just says 'bump'?

I'm new here and to any message boards. Thanks for any help with these questions and any additional pointers are welcome!



Newlifemom did such a good job explaining things that I won't add anything other than a welcome. :) I'm new here too. :)I hope you enjoy your stay.:)

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