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X-Post Foreign language and dyspraxia


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I was wondering if anyone has experience of teaching a child with dyspraxia a 2nd language.


For what its worth, my son who will be 8 this month and my daughter who will be 4 in July are both dyspraxic. We have commenced French already with my elder and also Latin. Due to being an ancient rather than modern language, I am not as concerned about pronunciation in Latin as French.


Did you need to employ any particular strategies for teaching him how to speak the other languages, or if you delayed the introduction of any other languages because of it? He loves languages and is enthusiastic, although he struggles more than his 6 year old sister to pronounce foreign words.

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Hi Rosie,

Thanks for answering. Dyspraxia is a motor planning disorder, so they have trouble learning how to make the normal speech sounds.


Sign language is an option, but my son's interest is coming from an ortonography point so sign doesn't fill that criteria.



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Hmmmm, my Ds is in the middle of being diagnosed with a language processing disorder - his english is very hard to understand. We lived in France for 3 years and he was speaking French without too much of a problem. However in my experience, there were alot of people who spoke French with a variety of accents, that were all hard to understand - including the French to the French. So I would say go for it - he might have to work a little harder but hey great for him. I wouldn't worry to much about pronuciation - that really only comes when you have lived in the same region in France for 15 years!!:D


Best wishes


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