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X-POST: BJU and Write Shop?

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My dd, my ds and I are poor writers, so I am wanting to focus on writing next year. I feel bad I've let this go this long, and need help working on a good fit for them.


My ds15 is doing BJU English (not his strong point, so he'll be doing 8th grade level). I just ordered Write Shop. Would that be too much writing?


DD just turned 12 and will be in 7th grade next year. I just ordered Language Lessons for the Elementary Child 2 for her for next year. I haven't tried anything like that. She's been doing R&S, one level behind her actual grade level, and sort of struggled with it this year. Is she at a point to do Write Shop, or would something like "Jump In" be better?


I am willing to listen to other possibilities as well, though I need programs that hold the teacher's hand as well as the students hands!


Thankyou very much for any help you may be able to give me!

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My kids are both good writers, but my dd tends to be a bit wordy. WriteShop has been wonderful for her. I can also see how it would work well for a reluctant writer.


I would probably skip the writing in BJU and just use WS.


I would do WS with your dd too. Use the 2 year schedule and go through it together with them.

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