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At what point in the menstrual cycle are progesterone levels lowest? And estrogen?

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I've always suspected that mine are the opposite of what the rest of the world gets, b/c I get POST-MS!! I get crampy before hand, but the emotional crazy-brain stuff usually happens for 1 or 2 days AFTER my period! Weird...


Are you having some troubles?


Yeah, I get the emotional stuff AFTER my period too. I get all weepy and down, and it lasts for days -- sometimes a week or even two! It wasn't ever like this before, so I'm blaming it on perimenopause. (I'm 48 and things just went wacky last year.) There was a thread about P(ost)MS awhile back (several months ago, I think) but I've searched and searched and couldn't find it. I'm sure we're not the only ones, and I guess was hoping to find some company in my misery.

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Generally, your estrogen is lowest in the beginning of your cycle, peaking abruptly around ovulation, and rollercoasting down to its lowest point near the end of your cycle. Progesterone is at its lowest point until after you ovulate, then peaking steady before dropping back down to low a few days or so before the end of your cycle. This is based on an illustration in the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book.

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Generally, your estrogen is lowest in the beginning of your cycle, peaking abruptly around ovulation, and rollercoasting down to its lowest point near the end of your cycle. Progesterone is at its lowest point until after you ovulate, then peaking steady before dropping back down to low a few days or so before the end of your cycle. This is based on an illustration in the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book.


:iagree: This is what I was going to post as well. My progesterone is all out of wack and I can't take BCPs due to the genetic predisposition I have to stroke, so fun fun times for me around time for AF. :(

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Very interesting. OK, so maybe I need to increase my B-complex vitamins. I usually don't take anything. (I have been convinced that they generally don't get absorbed well enough to matter, for the most part). But maybe at this age I need to rethink this a little. Thanks for the links!


:-) Stacey in MA

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...so maybe I need to increase my B-complex vitamins. I usually don't take anything. (I have been convinced that they generally don't get absorbed well enough to matter, for the most part).


What about using nutritional yeast flakes for B vitamins? Since it's food and not a pill, I would think that would be digested and absorbed more naturally. Just a thought.

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