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Reception contribution suggestions?

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My son's choir is doing one of their major concerts of the year on Sunday afternoon. Parents are expected to "host" the reception afterward, which essentially means setting up and cleaning up the room and bringing food.


There's no specific theme this time, but we're all supposed to bring two "large trays" of something.


Since I've had one or both kids singing with this group for the last four years, I've really just run out of ideas for things to make.


So, I'm open to suggestions.


A couple of caveats: We're vegans, so I need things that have no animal products (meat, dairy, gelatin, etc.). Also, I'll be going directly to the venue after church that morning. So, I need something that doesn't need to be refrigerated.


Help? (And thanks!)

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a delicious Moroccan Cous-cous salad. It has chick broth in it, but you could use vegetable broth.


I roasted butternut squash, carrots, zucchini and onions in the oven at 375 until they were nice and roasty (about 3/4 inch chuncks of these).


Then I dumped them in a bowl, added a box of plain cous cous, and poured hot chicken broth that had steeped with saffron, cumin, a little butter, salt and pepper. I just let it sit 15 minutes covered, and it's delicious. You could definitely do this with olive oil and vegetable broth rather than butter and chicken broth. Just add lots of salt and pepper. It looks beautiful, too.

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How about a large veggie platter or green salad? You could leave that out all day and leave the dip/dressing in a cooler in your car until the reception.


Maybe you could bring something is a crock pot. You can plug it in some somewhere and let it cook during the day and then set it out on the table before the reception. I use to do that when I worked full time. I would load up a crock pot with meatball and sauce and plug it in the corner of the kitchen. By the time our work party began they were ready to eat.


That is all I can think of besides baked goods.

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