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CW- or WWE/Latin ????

Jenn Robinson

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Hello! I posted last week and asked about doing Latin and WWE and no other grammar. Then I picked back up LCC and thought that I should do CW instead of WWE since I wouldn't be doing any other grammar or spelling for dd(4th next year). But then I heard that Aesop takes an hour to do everyday. Is that true? How overwhelming is it compared to WWE. I feel way out of my comfort zone with the progym.... I think I might like to try it but wanted to hear from others b4 I bought it. I guess I don't have a specific question:001_huh: but would appreciate any thoughts! :)

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We used Writing Tales II and loved it, so the next step was CW. I ordered just the workbook and browsed it. While it's layed out similar to WT, the Core book seemed like it loomed over me...so I gave it up. She's using IEW SWI-B now and it's a good fit. I didn't go for the TWSS b/c of cost, but figured we would get a lot out of the SWI and we are/she is.


I'm using WWE for my 3rd grade son and it's ok. I'm not greatly impressed with it, but it is an easy program to use. But, I'll probably go back to WT II for him next year. WT is a very easy program to put into action with a definite classical feel and has a good amount of grammer included.


As far as grammar content goes, WWE doesn't have much from what I can tell. Now, I'm IN LOVE with FLL 3 and 4, and would even forego everything to see that these are accomplished.


Regarding Latin, we're using Lively Latin and it's another program that is a FAVORITE around here. It has plenty of grammar and I've heard some people on here use it as their primary grammar source. I don't...simply because we spend only about 15 min a day doing Latin (per the Magistra suggestion).


Anyways, I just wanted to share what I've experienced. Hope it helps...

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Nope it doesn't take an hour around here. :blink: But I must admit we are doing a separate grammar program, but we do that daily (more time) vs. once a week in Aesop and it still doesn't take an hour. I also have my kids type up their stories where I know other people have their kids hand write it. I could see where hand writing the story out daily might add up to an hour with the other work, especially with the longer models at the end, but not the short ones at the beginning.


WWE you can open and go. The skills covered in WWE are ones that will be used in CW, so if they don't do narration well, or dictation then it would be a good idea to plan on WWE. But if your child has those skills down you would just have to leave yourself the time to read the core book ahead of time (I thought it was an easy read). The student and teacher books lay everything out for you, even picking vocab words, so after that is pretty easy.


Homer core books is very intimidating, but in the end there is a lot of repeat. The way the book is organized is by day, so they introduce a skill on day 2 working with words, say looking up synonyms. Then later on after that skill has been mastered with words they have the child do it on day 3 with a while sentence, so the core book repeats all the information as to how to teach the skill. This same thing happens with several skills, so the reading starts out tough, but then you hit this down hill slope where you recognize everything as a skill that has been implemented earlier, just now being applied differently. Though I will say that with all the repeat of the core book I was a little lost when I finished. Not as to what skill were used, but as to which skills where applied when. I had to go back to the student work book and see how it was laid out to straighten myself out. Luckily it is nicely laid out, so I was quickly set straight. You could probably eliminate about half of the Homer core book if you took out all the repeat.



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Thank you both for your responses. They were very helpful! :)

Siloam, I think I've read on your posts to others that one should always start with Aesop A and not B b/c they need the skills in A. My dd is great at narration and dictation and she is finishing FLL 3 this week. Could she start with B? The more I read about CW the more I think it would be a good fit for us (especially if it doesn't take an hour!;)) I just wonder if some of it might be too easy for her after FLL3 and WWE? And at the same time I wonder if it would be too complicated for me to teach?:confused:


I guess I need to just order the book and figure it all out- but these suggestions are always helpful!:001_smile: I figure that I always have my WWE book on the shelf it I decide we can't live without it- but I'm looking forward to the idea of having grammar, writing, spelling, etc all together!

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Thank you both for your responses. They were very helpful! :)

Siloam, I think I've read on your posts to others that one should always start with Aesop A and not B b/c they need the skills in A. My dd is great at narration and dictation and she is finishing FLL 3 this week. Could she start with B? The more I read about CW the more I think it would be a good fit for us (especially if it doesn't take an hour!;)) I just wonder if some of it might be too easy for her after FLL3 and WWE? And at the same time I wonder if it would be too complicated for me to teach?:confused:


I guess I need to just order the book and figure it all out- but these suggestions are always helpful!:001_smile: I figure that I always have my WWE book on the shelf it I decide we can't live without it- but I'm looking forward to the idea of having grammar, writing, spelling, etc all together!


Yes I do think you can skip ahead, you will just have to play catch up on a few skills. The other skills taught in A are looking up vocab in the dictionary, using quotations, and outlining...through outlining isn't really taught it is just done.


Looking up works in the dictionary isn't that tough to teach, so I think your dd would be fine. Outlining can be taught later. I know because I started out CW pretty relaxed and didn't do the outlining. After getting multiple one page paragraph stories I decided it would be easier to teach outlining so she could mark the paragraphs then continue to expect it to just magically click. ;) I like Beginning Outlining by Remedia Publications. Though I also used How to Write a Paragraph by Teacher Created Resources, but didn't finish it because she took off and did fine without it. I think quotations would be the toughest aspect to play catch up on, if she isn't familiar with them yet. And that could be covered with just level B, it is just going to be...more painful that it might be with level A, KWIM? If the rest of the program is easy through having one or two areas that stretch you isn't so bad.


Does that help?




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Yes! That does help! Thank you!!!!


So if I have the Aesop book could I just teach her the sections on outlining, dictionary, etc this summer and start B in the fall?


Yep, that would work. They have you outline the model each week, dictionary is just looking up words they aren't likely to be able to spell or know the definition of, and quotation work is done with grammar. They work on changing the attribution from the beginning to the middle to the end of the sentence, and adding new quotations to the rewrite. I think the biggest key here is to understand what a quote is, and how to properly punctuate it. SL LA does a lot of work with quotations in their dictation and this part of CW didn't phase my oldest one bit.


All that to say you probably could just read any Aesop fables, or other fables and do the outlining, vocab and quotation work. Even without retelling you could have them do the quotations as copywork or dictation, so they are familiar with the way they are punctuated. You don't need to buy the level A workbook and teacher guide.




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Heather, I hope CW knows what a good spokesperson they have in you! I;ve been following your thread with quiverfull and think that they should be paying you for all the wonderful info you are giving us!:001_smile: Thank you!!!!


I think that we will do what you recommended. She used to use the Old SL LA and did that kind of thing there so it should not be new to her. I'm hoping CW will be similar to the old SL b/c that worked for us.


Thank you again so much! I am very much looking forward to trying CW now! :D

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Heather, I hope CW knows what a good spokesperson they have in you! I;ve been following your thread with quiverfull and think that they should be paying you for all the wonderful info you are giving us!:001_smile: Thank you!!!!


I think that we will do what you recommended. She used to use the Old SL LA and did that kind of thing there so it should not be new to her. I'm hoping CW will be similar to the old SL b/c that worked for us.


Thank you again so much! I am very much looking forward to trying CW now! :D


Awww thanks! :blushing:


I am glad to be able to help.




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