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Does anyone know of a program...


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either for home or maybe in the community that teaches middle school aged children to do graphic arts on the computer?? You know like computer animation, Veggie Tales type of stuff? My daughter loves to play around on the computer and create things and she also loves to write short stories and draw comics and stuff and I just thought that maybe I can channel that into something that she can really grow and develop in and even have a career in if she likes it. I know absolutely nothing about graphic arts though or how to make computer animations or anything like that. I would appreciate any suggestions. I live in South Florida btw, if that is necessary to know. Thank you to all who reply. :)



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My son has autism and excels at logo design, graphics, power point presentations and animations. All self-taught. I would recommend getting something called ToonBoom or FlipBoom by Battat. It's made for kids and is a great introduction to animation, without a hefty price tag. It connects to your computer and has software and a drawing pad with stylus. We got ours from Costco for $40. There are other computer applications that you could get after that, if the interest is still there, but they are pricey. The programs graphic designers use are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and for desktop publishing Quark Express. These 3 "core" programs all have tutorials on them, and of course, they're best on a Mac! :001_smile:


Anxious to hear if there are any other programs out there that others may know of...

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My son has autism and excels at logo design, graphics, power point presentations and animations. All self-taught. I would recommend getting something called ToonBoom or FlipBoom by Battat. It's made for kids and is a great introduction to animation, without a hefty price tag. It connects to your computer and has software and a drawing pad with stylus. We got ours from Costco for $40. There are other computer applications that you could get after that, if the interest is still there, but they are pricey. The programs graphic designers use are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and for desktop publishing Quark Express. These 3 "core" programs all have tutorials on them, and of course, they're best on a Mac! :001_smile:


Anxious to hear if there are any other programs out there that others may know of...



Wow thank you so much for the wonderful reply. I have a mac, but I absolutely hate it! It crashes constantly and I always have to resist the urge to throw it out the window. Our Dell PC is much more user friendly and is the main computer that we use (since the mac is always crashing ;) ) Does that Battat one run on a PC??

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Ds9 has fun with Paint and posts his creations on iknowthat.com (I think you can design things without the Paint program, too). For beginning computer programming that involves animation there's scratch.mit.edu and alice.org.


He is absolutely loving scratch. I would like to know what the next step is. (I think alice is beyond scratch, but it doesn't appeal to him as much).

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Actually, Illustrator, Photoshop and Quark are used for print publishing. Illustrator creates graphics and Photoshop edits but neither are what you are looking for. Having worked as a graphic artist for years all of these as well as many other are installed on - yes my Mac computer :001_smile: We have 6 computers only two are PCs :lol:.


Anyway, our local cc offers kids classes on animation, video game design and more in the summer. You might check there. If you can't find a class then she can find software that is cheap or free to learn on her own. You do want a simple animation or 3D graphics studio type program. You don't want a professional program. You would be paying lots of money for something too complicated for your child to learn. Pick any of the myriad of applications out there, check the reviews on Amazon and get creative!

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Thank you ladies. :) I really want to get her into something. She's so creative and loves tinkering on the computer. She also doodles constantly and makes up her own comics all the time. Right now she has a whole notebook full of comics that she's written about Indiana Jones. hehehe She's fascinated with Indiana Jones for some reason. she's never seen the movie though so her comics that she writes are pretty interesting. hehehe :) Thanks for all the replies. Time to start researching. :) Have a great weekend ladies. :)

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