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Is Exploration Eductation science YE creation based?

Annie Laurie

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I can't tell from the website. It says it's a Christian curriculum and we're Christian so that's fine- I'm good with references to God or statements that say God created everything. But I'm not good with YE creation theories or Intelligent Design theories- does anyone know the view of this curriculum?


And aside from that, has anyone used this?

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I can't tell from the website. It says it's a Christian curriculum and we're Christian so that's fine- I'm good with references to God or statements that say God created everything. But I'm not good with YE creation theories or Intelligent Design theories- does anyone know the view of this curriculum?


And aside from that, has anyone used this?



So, you are Christian that rejects the holy book that your religion is founded on and is divinely inspired? Doesn't the scriptures say something about "lukewarmness"? Just an obseervation. No offense intended, I needed a nudge like that a few years ago. GOt me thinking. Best of luck to you finding the right thing for your family.

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So, you are Christian that rejects the holy book that your religion is founded on and is divinely inspired? Doesn't the scriptures say something about "lukewarmness"? Just an obseervation. No offense intended, I needed a nudge like that a few years ago. GOt me thinking. Best of luck to you finding the right thing for your family.


Thank you for your concern. While I'm sure your intentions were good, your logic is faulty.


Young Earth Creationism is just one interpretation of scripture. In the future, you might remember that telling someone they are a lukewarm Christian because they don't follow your interpretation of scripture can indeed come across as offensive.


Oh, and I don't believe that the age of the earth is a salvation issue or that God cares at all what we believe about it.

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