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What do you think about the new Singapore Math book for teachers coming out?


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Here's the link:



It's coming out in May '09. I haven't read Liping Ma's book, but this looks like it may be kind of similar but specific to Sing. Math? It looks like a really good look at their methods for teachers (and non-mathy moms!)


I'm just starting Singapore in the fall, so it may be helpful. I'm not sure though, and maybe experienced users can tell by looking at the samples: is this the type of information they already give in the Home Instructor's Guides?


And I wonder how similar it is to this book that they have:



Maybe I'll ask on the forum which one would be best for moms teaching at home wanting to have a good handle on Singapore techniques! Has anyone used any of the teaching resources that are already out? How did you like them-were they a practical help?

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The liping ma book is a keeper! A definite must read if you are having any trouble understanding Singapore's method. In fact that book did more than the teacher's guide for me but the teacher's guide has been great for those problems we just couldn't get past. This new one doesn't look like it has the same info as the teacher's guides. It looks like it goes more in depth with how to get that model method across and fully understand it. That would be great help if that is what it does. I'll have to keep an eye on it and order it when it comes out.

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