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CLE LA questions

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In grades 3 and up there are 15 lessons per light units including test and quizzes. It is recommended that you add 2 more days per lightunit to work on writing, but this could be done in other ways. We take one lesson per day.


It takes my children 3 weeks to complete a lightunit. We do find that we end early. My 7th grader finished all her lightunits about 8 days ago, and we still have 20 days left of school.


You can order the CLE reading at Rainbow Resource Center for a slight discount, but that is all they carry. At least that was all they carried as of last month. I haven't looked recently.


I do not find the TM to be necessary for some of my children, but I have had to take advantage of the alternate lightunit tests with my children who struggle. Also, the TM contains a skill index that helps you find the lightunit where a skill was introduced. This is helpful if you have to go back to look at a concept again.



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My son is in CLE LA 300 and he does one lesson a day and finishes in 15 days. I do not need the TG just yet, but I assume that when we get back into the harder grammar concepts, I may be able to find some "help" for him in the TM. ( I have an English degree and sometimes it is hard for me to explain to him what came naturally to me.)

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We do the grammar and penmanship portions and not the spelling. In the 200 level it takes my dd about 15 minutes we skip most of the creative writing as well. At the 300 level it takes my other dd about the same amount of time UNLESS she is writing a report or doing research. Then it can take her much, much longer. On those days I have her do the We Remember section and penmanship first so I can check that and so that we don't forget to do it. Then she can go about the writing or research.



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