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Is SWI level C designed for the student to do independently? Would you recommend I get TWSS with SWI C or with something else, like the theme based writing lessons?


If I am reasonably comfortable with writing and my son does reasonably well when prodded, do you think we will still reap some benefits from IEW or would it be unnecessary?

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Is SWI level C designed for the student to do independently? Would you recommend I get TWSS with SWI C or with something else, like the theme based writing lessons?


If I am reasonably comfortable with writing and my son does reasonably well when prodded, do you think we will still reap some benefits from IEW or would it be unnecessary?


Yes, the SWI C can be done by the student independently. However, I would suggest you watch the lesson along with him so that you understand what will be required and so that you can correct his papers. He will be required to implement a certain number of dressups and decorations and you will need to know what they are.


The TWSS is great for you, the teacher, teaching you the methodology of the IEW approach. But, I wouldn't say it is necessary for you to have it if you will be using the SWI lessons. After SWI C you may want to continue with SICC C (student intensive continuation course ~level C).


As for the theme based writing lessons, I haven't used them mostly because I was content with the SWI and SICC courses.



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What Sue said. I could stop there . . . but I'd emphasize that SWI-C is not independent in the sense that you'd hand it to your child with a syllabus and deadlines. :D Independent in the sense that you won't have to teach it, as Pudewa does that for you on the DVDs. But you will definitely want to sit in on the DVDs and edit/correct papers with your ds.




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We bought SWI-B when my sons were in middle school and I like it because it teaches them how to write by using the dress-ups, sentence openers, banned words etc. My only complaint is that you will need to come up with your own report ideas or use the theme books to further implement the program. It does come with Daily Lesson Suggestions to do three times a week to get you started. The program is considered a twelve-week course and the information received is worth the money. My son's writing definitely improved with this program.


I'm considering purchasing SICC-C program. If anyone is using this program, was it worth the money? How does it compare to Elegant Essay?


Good Luck to you!



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I'm considering purchasing SICC-C program. If anyone is using this program, was it worth the money? How does it compare to Elegant Essay?


My older dc used the Contination Course in a co-op after starting with SWI-C. I didn't buy it, but it was a great semester of writing for my dc. I have a couple of issues with IEW, but it kept my dc writing that semester and allowed us plenty of papers to edit and work through. If you liked the SWI-B, then I think you'll also be happy with the continuation course.





ETA: When considering the cost, keep in mind that IEW has an excellent resell value. COLOR]

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I have been following the thread on the IEW yahoo group and Jill (one of the moderators) said that SWI C to Elegant Essay before going to SICC C is also a good sequence. Or you can go directly from SWI C to SICC C.


I'm planning to use SWI C with ds this summer and then go to Elegant Essay. If he is not ready to go to SICC C then I ds will go through SICC B instead.

Here's a quote from Jill's reply:


[The main thing to succeed with the SICC C is that you are a high school age

student (meaning you have a mature, abstract-thinking brain) and you have

the essay down solid (you can write a 5 paragraph essay without too much

difficulty) and can face research from 3-5 sources without too much fear and

trembling. If that is not the case, a trip through the SICC B (or more

practice using the TWSS) would be wise before tackling the SICC C.


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