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When, in a typing program, do you let your kids start typing their school papers?

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When, in the process of using a typing program, do you let your kids start typing their school papers? Do you wait until they've gone through all the exercises of the typing program? Or do you let them start using the keyboard when they have some idea of where the keys are?


My ds is getting better at knowing where the keys are, and what fingers to use. And I remind him to not look at the keyboard, so his brain is forced to tell his fingers, instead of his eyes telling his fingers where to go. He has been using Mavis Beacon to learn to type, and to be honest, I haven't even looked at the program. I went on recommendations, handed it to him, and told him to figure it out (he loves figuring out anything computer related).


I just wonder if it's a mistake for some reason, to let him start trying out typing his school papers on the computer, before he has finished the typing program and gotten REALLY good at typing without looking. And fast. But, he loves being able to type his papers, and he has a much easier time getting his thoughts on paper. What do you think? I won't let him quit the typing program, but will it produce negative consequences somehow to let him start typing his papers, mid-program?

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When, in the process of using a typing program, do you let your kids start typing their school papers? Do you wait until they've gone through all the exercises of the typing program? Or do you let them start using the keyboard when they have some idea of where the keys are?


My ds is getting better at knowing where the keys are, and what fingers to use. And I remind him to not look at the keyboard, so his brain is forced to tell his fingers, instead of his eyes telling his fingers where to go. He has been using Mavis Beacon to learn to type, and to be honest, I haven't even looked at the program. I went on recommendations, handed it to him, and told him to figure it out (he loves figuring out anything computer related).


I just wonder if it's a mistake for some reason, to let him start trying out typing his school papers on the computer, before he has finished the typing program and gotten REALLY good at typing without looking. And fast. But, he loves being able to type his papers, and he has a much easier time getting his thoughts on paper. What do you think? I won't let him quit the typing program, but will it produce negative consequences somehow to let him start typing his papers, mid-program?


Have him do his papers on the computer unless you catch him doing 1-2 finger typing, hunt & peck style. :tongue_smilie:

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Have him do his papers on the computer unless you catch him doing 1-2 finger typing, hunt & peck style. :tongue_smilie:




That's what I DON'T want to happen!! I want him to get so adept at typing that he doesn't fall into that again (he does sometimes, which is why I'm wondering if I should allow him to type his papers yet before he feels really comfy with typing without looking). I'm also thinking back to my 11th grade typing class (long before 8 year olds started learning to type, we did it at age 16), when we drilled and drilled until we KNEW the keyboard - then we went for speed, then we learned how to create various documents. But not until we mastered the keyboard and gained speed. Oh the dilemma. I want him to be able to get his thoughts onto paper easily (handwriting is a chore), and yet I want him to get his skill and speed up so he doesn't hit a roadblock later on. What to do, what to do.

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I let dd type her papers as soon as she knew proper finger placement. I told her if I caught her using the "hunt and peck" method, she would have to go back to writing. I think that it just further cements the typing education and it gives them a good reason to increase their speed.

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I let dd type her papers as soon as she knew proper finger placement. I told her if I caught her using the "hunt and peck" method, she would have to go back to writing. I think that it just further cements the typing education and it gives them a good reason to increase their speed.


Ooooo, that's a good idea! That would work for ds. :) Thanks for mentioning that!


EDIT: And MIch elle, I just realized that you pretty much said the same thing: if he hunts and pecks, send him back to writing.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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I'm looking forward to my dd being able to type her papers, for her own sake, since editing it so easy. But, I worry about her losing her writing stamina. I'm mainly thinking about the essay for the SAT. What do you do about this?


I'm planning to have my dd start typing instruction this summer, so I'm just thinking ahead.

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But, I worry about her losing her writing stamina. I'm mainly thinking about the essay for the SAT. What do you do about this?


I'm continuing to have ds do dictation to keep up handwriting. Maybe doing longer dictations? I'm not really sure, either. And, I know people talk about writing for the SAT, but I don't know how long that writing is, mostly because I don't remember writing an essay for my SAT.

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