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Question about FLL 3.

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Hi! I haven't been here in a while - I have to stay away from the curriculum board because I am a curriculum junkie and sorely tempted by all the wonderful things mentioned over here.


I'm using FLL 3 with Emma this year, and it's going well, I think. I'm not exactly sure how much she's retaining, and I must confess, when we got to predicate nominatives, I was surprised that they were covered. Not because the concept is difficult, mind you, but because the words are so BIG! :lol:


My question is this: do I expect mastery at this age? I'm thinking not. Grammar stage grammar is an intro, right, and not intended to make her a grammar queen by the end of 3rd grade?


Just checking. You all know I'm completely paranoid. :D

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I'm doing FLL3 with my dd and I hope it's good enough to just do the work in the book. When I got to the lesson on direct objects I was so glad it was scripted. Watch me read from the book. word. for. word.(btw-blessing to Jessie Wise for scripted lessons) My own grammar education was sorely lacking and I was ecstatic last year when I figured out all the parts of speech.:D Grammar is not emphasized in Canadian schools, so I have no pressure to keep up with ps. My dd has surpassed the grammar knowledge required to graduate high school by this time.:lol: So, given that I would say that it's fine if they just have an introduction.

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Thanks ladies! I needed the reassurance. Anyone want to tell me how to get my sleep-resistant toddler to stop screaming about every single bedtime, whether nap or night?


Strawberry, don't feel badly - I LOVE grammar and am still reading the book word for word. I like being told exactly what to do. :D It's working pretty well for us.

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