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Bible Study Guide for All Ages, how long does this take each day?


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If you use this program can you tell me about how long your daily lessons are? Thanks!


You know I have never watched the clock. My guess is about 10-15 mins. We both have the reading done when we sit down though, so it is just covering the drill, review and new questions.



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We can take anywhere from 15 minutes, to a full 45 because we pray after the application and sometimes we reread the passage in the actual bible. If I'm pressed for time, the worksheets is all we do, but most of the time, I have the NIRV bible next to me and we will read it directly from the Word. :)






ps I considered doing something else for bible next year, but my son has gained so much bible knowledge that I know deep down that this is the right thing to continue using. :)

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