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Question about progressing through KISS grammar...


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I'm starting this as a new thread since the thread about KISS was getting long and I didn't want this to get lost.


I looked at the workbooks and I think I understand how to work my way through, but I have a question...


When you have completed the Grade 2 workbook, do you start grade 3 with the level one material that is listed under grade 3 workbook, or skip directly to the KISS level 2 workbook? Hope I'm making sense.


I suppose I'm wondering: are the level one concepts meant to be studied in each workbook but with different materials?


Anyone know the answer to my question?



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I'm starting this as a new thread since the thread about KISS was getting long and I didn't want this to get lost.


I looked at the workbooks and I think I understand how to work my way through, but I have a question...


When you have completed the Grade 2 workbook, do you start grade 3 with the level one material that is listed under grade 3 workbook, or skip directly to the KISS level 2 workbook? Hope I'm making sense.


I suppose I'm wondering: are the level one concepts meant to be studied in each workbook but with different materials?


Anyone know the answer to my question?




The grade 3 workbook starts with a very short review of level one material and then proceeds to level 2 material.


You basically have 2 options. You can proceed through the levels at your own pace using your own models--that's the Independent Levels section. Or the author had made it easy for you by providing grade level workbooks with real literature written at that grade level. Right now he is not finished. Ultimately he wants to have each level available for each grade. So if you were starting in 5th grade, he would have a 5th grade level one book. That hasn't happened yet, so most people are starting their elementary children in grade level 2. The instruction and concepts for grade level 2 (independent level 1) are the same no matter what grade you are in. The difference is that the models are lower elementary--Beatrix Potter and such. Does that make sense?


So, in answer to your question. Master level one, then move to level 2. It is incremental. There is a short review at the beginning of each book, but it is very short, it is primarily new material. Just download the level 2 workbook.

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