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Yesterday morning I decided to fast and I have now been fasting for 30 hours. I felt bloated, achy, exhausted and decided to "cleanse" with a lemon juice/cayenne pepper drink. I am cheating on one thing: I allowed myself a cup of coffee in the morning as I do not want to combat a migraine at the same time. My goal is to fast this way for three days and then go vegetarian.


Anyone want to share experiences with this sort of thing? Encouragement?


I am not really hungry, I just like eating so that's a little hard :tongue_smilie:

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Yesterday morning I decided to fast and I have now been fasting for 30 hours. I felt bloated, achy, exhausted and decided to "cleanse" with a lemon juice/cayenne pepper drink. I am cheating on one thing: I allowed myself a cup of coffee in the morning as I do not want to combat a migraine at the same time. My goal is to fast this way for three days and then go vegetarian.


Anyone want to share experiences with this sort of thing? Encouragement?


I am not really hungry, I just like eating so that's a little hard :tongue_smilie:


Humm.. I'll start w/ experiences. I've sort of been there. I did not fast but ate ONLY fruits, veggies & lean protien for 3 days (w/ water ONLY). I needed to kick a diet soda/carb addiction. I wanted/needed the veggies & water as roughage to clean out my system. For 3 days I was WIPED out w/ NO energy & yet wasn't the least bit hungry (mentally hungry & wanted to munch but stomach was full!) I took naps & made sure to sleep well at night. Around the end of day 4, I was feeling much better & over the following days I was amazed at my engery & ability to concentrate.


I actually ended up eating like this for 5 months & added exercise on a regular basis. I lost 40lbs. When I started eating carbs again (read as bread & pasta, I always ate complex carbs), I felt bloated & fuzzy brained. After this, I was able to actually feel "hungry" and not just give into the mental desire to munch. It has been a year and the weight has stayed off. I now drink a soda everyonce in a while & will enjoy pasta now & then. I have another 20 to lose so I know I have to kick up my exercise program again soon.


Luck to you~! You can do it!! Pick up a good book you can't put down. For me when I was getting a food craving, I went for a fast walk around the block then ate an apple & a large glass of ice water. :)


What is the reason you want to go vegetarian, a reminder of this (pictures, or statement written out on the fridge) may remind you why you are doing this when you feel like caving....



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