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What is the name of the program that bids on ebay for you?

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Just a warning concerning using Just Snipe with Ebay...


I have used Just Snipe for a few years...but, hadn't used it in a while. Recenlty, I wanted to bid on a few items...so, I used the Just Snipe service as I had in the past. However, twice within a ten-day period...I received a "warning" from Ebay stating my account had been compromised...they had deleted any fees associated with the offender...and, that I needed to reset my password. It was a pain in the rear to get my password reset because they had deleted my current password...and, I had to jump through a few hoops before I could figure out how to reset it. I couldn't just sign in and say I had forgotten my password...I couldn't sign in!


I was quite concerned when this happened the first time...but, when it happened a second time within five days ...I started doing some research.


Below is a link to a post I found regarding Ebay not approving of Just Snipe because it's not an "Ebay sanctioned" service. The conversation between this particular person and Ebay described very closely what had happened to me.


Since then, I deleted my Just Snipe account and have bid on a number of other things the "normal" way. I haven't had any other issues...so, I'm assuming this conversation I found on-line is possibly true. Ebay doesn't want anyone using Just Snipe! The reasoning they gave regarding them not approving Just Snipe is that they cannot verify that it is a safe service.


I tried numerous times to get a hold of Ebay on the phone...and, through e-mail. When someone finally did answer my e-mail...I could not get a straight answer from them as to "how this violation of my account" could have happened twice within a ten-day period.


Just my two cents! Maybe my experience has nothing to do with Just Snipe...and, it's just a coincidence.







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