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SOTW vs. History Odyssey


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Hi everyone!


I'm new here, but I'm loving all the information I've garnered so far!


I'm trying to decide if I should do SOTW or History Odyssey for my son who'll be in 1st grade? He loves to read/listening to others read, and he enjoys hands-on activities. He is a typical almost 6 year old boy though, and sitting still remains a problem.


I noticed HO uses SOTW in some of its lessons; however, it seems to offer more. I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially if you are a user of HO since I know less about that curriculum.


Thanks so much!

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SOTW with the activity guide is a *perfect* curriculum for that age! I use HO with my 5th grader, but my K and 1st use SOTW.


It works really well for us. The only other thing we do is the Evan-Moor Ancient Civilization History Pockets, because my 6 year old son loves hands on crafty stuff.

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Save your money!


Use SOTW and the FREE ancient history curriculum at Bringing Up Learners (.com). It's called Mosaic. It incorporates History pockets, website activities, and tons of supplemental books (which you can either buy or borrow from your library ... if the library didn't have the exact book I was looking for, I substituted).


We are just finishing up Mosaic, and, while I have modified it to fit our needs, we have been very happy with it and I have used their Middle Ages guide as I planned next year.


Its' FREE!



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I tried History Odyssey with my son and it made things too complicated for me. I had wanted to support a secular company but I don't personally find SOTW religious. I didn't like having SOTW rearranged, and there were tons of activities for the middle east and Egypt portions but none for anything else except for history pockets and ancient china treasure chest. I bailed and bought the SOTW activity guide and it was much easier. Not that History Odyssey was hard exactly, but I preferred having a set of projects to choose from for each chapter, coloring pages, and I really like doing narration questions from the AG instead of copying dictionary definitions recommended in HO. It was just nice going forward in order in SOTW.


If you really want to do HO, I would recommend getting the Classical Kids: An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece and Rome (A Kid's Guide series): Laurie Carlson in addition to the other activity books recommended if you like hands on projects. My son also likes the History Pockets, they are kind of the lazy mom's projects - just cutting and pasting.

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Save your money!


Use SOTW and the FREE ancient history curriculum at Bringing Up Learners (.com). It's called Mosaic. It incorporates History pockets, website activities, and tons of supplemental books (which you can either buy or borrow from your library ... if the library didn't have the exact book I was looking for, I substituted).


We are just finishing up Mosaic, and, while I have modified it to fit our needs, we have been very happy with it and I have used their Middle Ages guide as I planned next year.


Its' FREE!




Thank you to everyone! But especially Tara! FREE is always welcome in this house! I'll be taking a close look at this site.


Everyone's comments are greatly appreciated! :D

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