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Sissy girl (me) is having her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow at 11am. I just had my

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last meal for a while...blueberry pancakes and a big ol' glass of moo-juice. I dunno. I'm hungry already, and I'm thirsty, just because I know I CAN'T eat or drink after midnight.


Prayers are most appreciated, as I usually wake from my sedation crying and pretty emotional. I really don't want to make a donkey of myself.




Eeyore. :)

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Ins only paid for a local for me, but laughing gas was cheap. At the point that I was convinced that I was there to perform eyebrow ballet for my dentist, I knew the stuff was working, was embarrassed, & couldn't stop. :lol: So I think the crying might be easier for the dentist to handle. ;)



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At the point that I was convinced that I was there to perform eyebrow ballet for my dentist, I knew the stuff was working, was embarrassed, & couldn't stop. :lol: GL!


that you made me laugh out loud to the point of needing the potty. Thank you! I'll remember this tomorrow.


BTW, what exactly *is* eyebrow ballet? :D

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that you made me laugh out loud to the point of needing the potty. Thank you! I'll remember this tomorrow.


BTW, what exactly *is* eyebrow ballet? :D


You raise your eyebrows at intervals. Sometimes really high, sometimes not so much. Sometimes low, like someone's in trouble. It was sort-of a laughing-gas-induced invention.




And I can't believe I just admitted *any* of that. Must go check meds. May need changing.

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