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An unsual handwriting problem

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Something my girls came away with from their years at public school: horrible handwriting.


So, we are starting the Getty-Dubay program. (yes, even my 12 year old, whose is the WORST!)


So I have two problems.


DD 8: She writes just like a lefty...only she's right handed. Curved hand, paper turned odd, pencil sticking straight up. We have an issue with me trying to correct her grip/position. She has a small cyst on her wrist, and some scar tissue, from where she's had a previous one removed. She CLAIMS that it hurts her wrist to write normally. I think she's just babied it for so long that it feels unnatural to her to hold it differently. I tend to doubt that it hurts as bad as she lets on, because she has NO problems doing anything else with it. Any suggestions? I've told her to practice the correct grip for short periods of time, rest, then try again.


DD12: This child has had grip issues from day one, and I think it's too late to fix now. She's had 3 different teacher try to correct her since kindergarten, with no success. I can't even describe how she holds her pencil...other than it looks painful! :001_huh: Is there ANY chance of correcting this, or is she doomed. Does it really matter if we can get her writing improved with that grip? (same for above child)

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