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Placement in MFW for high schoolers

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I emailed this to MFW, but I'd love to hear other opinons.


My upcoming 9th grader is doing ancients this year with TOG. I don't want to have her redo ancients yet so I was thinking of having her use MFW's new WH and lit program, then the US history programs in 10th and 11th and use the Ancients in 12th. Any problems with doing this instead of the way they have it set up on their web site? The only thing I can think of is that she would read the bible out of chronolgical order.


MFW has suggested we start with ancients anyways but I am not so sure.

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No help here, since I have never used MFW. But, I am curious about why you are switching from TOG. TOG Yr 2 is challenging to get through, but it is a great year. We are doing yr 3 redesigned this year and I love it - yr 3 lit is somewhat less daunting because the works are more modern. What about your experience is leading you to do something different? Hopefully someone else can actually give you information that will help! :)




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Thank you. Well, honestly, price is a huge consideration for us. I have children in all levels and it's just too pricey. Using the library helps some, but it's still a huge out of pocket expense we just don't have right now.


In addition, I am finding TOG to be more than we really are looking for at this point. I am leaning towards MFW for my younger ones and either MFW for high school or text books such as Notgrass. Will we go back to TOG some day? Maybe, but for this season I am finding it is not working for us.

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I emailed this to MFW, but I'd love to hear other opinons.


My upcoming 9th grader is doing ancients this year with TOG. I don't want to have her redo ancients yet so I was thinking of having her use MFW's new WH and lit program, then the US history programs in 10th and 11th and use the Ancients in 12th. Any problems with doing this instead of the way they have it set up on their web site? The only thing I can think of is that she would read the bible out of chronolgical order.


MFW has suggested we start with ancients anyways but I am not so sure.


I have mixed feelings about your situation. My 2 red flags seem not to be an issue for your family. She's not your oldest, so you probably won't fall into the trap of having her do 10th grade work in 9th grade. She apparently will have a foundation of ancient history including Biblical history in TOG.


I'd think about things like:

- How strong are her writing skills?

- How solid is her Biblical footing, in terms of understanding the very origins of man's separation from God?

- Is she a natural reader?

- Is she mature enough to head towards almost-adult material in the next 2 years?


Generally, I feel the first year of each MFW cycle (K, ECC, AHL?) tends to lay a framework for students, and they are very valuable years. But I also am a person who thinks *anything* is do-able with some effort. And year 2 will no longer be in pilot stage, so there won't be those restrictions.


How's that for convoluted thinking :001_smile: I will say that I'm in my 5th year of using MFW and continue to be pleased.

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Thank you all. I am 99% sure we are going to have her do MFW's AHL package. I know she can use the writing work and figure she wll be learning ancients at the high school level and so it wont be exactly the same. I also would like to keep on MFW's schedule. Ii talked it over with my Dd and she is fine with this plan. So, unless something changes this is the plan. :D

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